
Comments by casualguy (page 27)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Going to Strip Clubs, Wast of time??
    I usually have fun at strip clubs so I don't believe having fun is a waste of time. Besides where else can you go and only spend a few dollars and see young naked women walking around while you sit back and drink a beer?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancers moving between clubs
    I sometimes have dancers asking me about different clubs I visit. One dancer alternates between one club for a few months then dances at another club at the beach over 200 miles away for a few months. I keep running into dancers at one club that did not realize I club hop and then they see me at one of the other clubs after they changed jobs or are checking out that particular club. They often seem to catch me by surprise because some of the time they'll look like female customers and I'm not expecting female customers to suddenly hug me or want to talk to me. Some dancers job hop a lot more than I club hop. Of course some may be only temporary for a week or two.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Customers with rules.
    I should have another rule. If she wants to suck on part of my body, she needs to suck on an appendage rather than stick her wet tongue in my ear. :) I believe some dancers like to break rules though.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Customers with rules.
    I don't mind a gentle bite. However I don't want teeth marks or anything painful.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Customers with rules.
    I have certain things I don't like dancers to do as well. Different dancers will try different things on you though and it can get tiring to tell everyone want you like or don't like. I don't care for dancers pinching or biting on my nipples. I might not mind some gentle biting in other places though. I don't care for a dancer rubbing her fingers on her wet pussy and then rubbing her finger on me to prove she's wet. If I wanted to feel her wet vaginal, she could have just invited me to put my finger there. Some dancers like to take off my belt before a lap dance. I don't mind that. If I ever go to a club where there are no rules and I'm not fond of all the dancers, I definitely would want some of my own rules.
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    16 years ago
    Off Topic - What are your favorite PENNY STOCKS?
    I may need to move my money out of Fidelity. They rip you off if you trade more than 1K shares and so many stocks are penny stocks now.
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    16 years ago
    Off Topic - What are your favorite PENNY STOCKS?
    I've been playing around with FAS and FAZ. Lol, I heard Jim Cramer condemning SKF the other day. That guy is a clown. One day he calls the bottom. Then after it drops some more he says it was only a bottom. I read the best way to make money from his recommendations is to short the stocks he recommends. You may have to wait 2 to 4 days to get the maximum gain but I believe I read you could make about 25 percent a month by shorting his recomendations. I going long right now hoping for a short term bounce up in the market. The SP500 hit a number at the bottom I thought it might bounce up from and it did.
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    16 years ago
    Stripper girlfriends
    Good luck while it lasts. My luck seems so strange at times I don't know if it's good or bad. With my luck if I had a lot of fun with a girl I just met, the next thing you know she's giving away hints that she wants to spend the rest of her life with you.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Platinum Plus in Columbia lap dance prices?
    I remember one dancer told me I was a good businessman. I guess I'm like shadowcat in that I try to get the best value for my money. I suddenly started thinking about changing a brokerage account. One brokerage account only charged me $7 for a stock trade but another charged me over $70 for a similar trade. Stupid little adder in there commissions for buying more than 1K shares of a stock. It was a penny stock. Feeling like you're getting overcharged annoys me. I see the effect immediately in a strip club but when trading stocks it seems less noticeable since it's just another number.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hooking up with a dancer
    The dancers I did end up going out with without spending money on except possibly like a regular girlfriend were the ones that came up to me and made suggestions to me. I really just called it hanging out with a dancer since the first dancer I did this with was actually 2 years older than me and she suggested we go get a bite to eat the first time I saw her away from the club. She paid for her own meal too that night. Some clubs I knew were very strict on no dancer leaving with any customer. A dancer could get fired for doing that at one club I knew of. Another club didn't seem to care.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hooking up with a dancer
    There are some dancers in some clubs that are willing to do something called private parties. They may be willing for money act like an escort (not necessarily have sex though) and/or do private dances away from a club. I heard they like to get paid by the hour. This isn't something I'm interested in because why pay a dancer a lot of money away from the club if you're not getting much more out of it than when you're in a club? Dancers are after money so many will think of schemes to get more and be willing to lead novices on thinking they'll either go out with you if you keep buying dances or if they do go out, they may want money by the hour. Be careful what you ask for.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    As far as the original question goes, I would say a neutral site is good. If you trust her somewhat and she offers, her place is ok.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If a strange dancer out of the blue said she wanted to take you to her apartment and let you do whatever you wanted to her, would you drop everything and go or be very suspicious? I was suspicious.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Platinum Plus in Columbia lap dance prices?
    Thanks for the answers shadowcat and everyone. I'll try to remember to ask where the dancers are from and how long they've worked at the club if I don't already recognize them and if I'm interested in them. Usually it seems like they are more interested in me which may be why I seem to get reasonable prices most of the time. Of course if they all started demanding $20 or $30 per dance, I might not get any dances and end up leaving the club with a lot of cash still in my wallet. I've done that at clubs that charged high prices but have always known the dancers here to suddenly drop their prices to try to get a dance.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the ethnicity of your favorite dancer(s)?
    My favorite dancers are all caucasian at the time. I believe I met a hot looking Puerto Rican dancer who was temporarily my favorite for a little while. There was another dancer who was one of my favorites for a while and I wondered what her ethnicity was but never asked. I didn't think it really mattered too much. I am more concerned with how pretty she looks to me and how she makes me feel. I've met a number of spanish speaking dancers who looked pretty good over the years. I don't remember where they were from but some of them could have become favorites if they had stuck around long enough.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Platinum Plus in Columbia lap dance prices?
    Well since I live in South Carolina there is always the possibility of a visit but I won't be buying very many lap dances if the prices are that high.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I haven't visited here too much in the last two weeks. Welcome back shadowcat.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Research: Men see bikini-clad women as objects, psychologists say
    Meanwhile I'll be wondering why the spam filter isn't blocking the strange email. On the other hand the other day there was a financial article on finding the bottom. One guy had his pic showing a rather nice looking bottom with shorts on. As far as thinking a financial bottom matched up with a girl's bottom, I could see the connection and was easily able to think of her bottom as an object. However I had no urge to suddenly use power tools. I think the study is flawed.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Research: Men see bikini-clad women as objects, psychologists say
    Well if they did another study on guys who use power tools versus some ivy league people who probably only see pictures of power tools and rarely use them, I think you'd get a different result. Now if I'm wrong, then I suggest my workplace implement a new policy to get to work on power tool problems. Anytime I need to work on a power tool, they should send me an email with pics of girls in bikinis that I need to look at. They'll be activiting my urge to work with power tools without me even knowing. Productivity should increase thanks to this study and a few pics that pop up on my computer screen at work.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The Christian's Guide to Stripping
    I've met all kinds of dancers. Some dancers probably have the same view as one guy who told me "heaven doesn't want me and hell is afraid I'll take over!" I don't remember who told me that. Meanwhile other dancers occasionally will say something like, uhh, I have to get up early for Easter services.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If a dancer says she wants to take you home and let you have your way, do you assume she wants money or not?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The dancer who asked me to go home with her had a friend that was wondering why I blew her off. I had 3 good reasons. 1. I just drank a bunch of beer and didn't want to suddenly go drive somewhere when I was slightly intoxicated. 2. I didn't know if she was serious or wanted money for sex. I wasn't interested in paying any money. 3. I had no idea who she was or any clue to her sexual history and I didn't have a condom so it wasn't safe either. 4. All the beer I just drank doesn't go well with sex either. 5. After two minutes, I couldn't even remember who asked me. I was slightly intoxicated and she shouted the question to me while I was focusing on going to tip another dancer. Crazy dancers.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    and some girls give you freebies just to let you know they aren't kidding around. I thought one dancer was a nymphomaniac. I actually slept with her because she kept asking and I thought it would be good exercise. After that it seemed to be the only thing she wanted to do. I wasn't at one strip club for very long and while walking around out of the blue one dancer shouted at me that she wanted to take me to her apartment and let me do whatever I wanted. Not even a hi, my name is so and so. Weirdest intro I've ever had other than one time a dancer joked instead of "wanna dance" she asked me, "you want a BJ or just sex?, I don't do dances." Where did all the nympho dancers go to? I haven't met any in quite a long time now.
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    16 years ago
    off topic, slightly re: Playboy
    I actually like the looks of most of the playmates.
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    16 years ago
    off topic, slightly re: Playboy
    I remember I had the subscription for a while and was so excited about it that I noticed I had issues from months ago that I never even took out of the plastic they came in. Someone once gave me a free subscription to something I think it was called Stuff. I found some articles in that to be somewhat entertaining. I let the subscription run out since that had some pretty girls but they weren't topless and I didn't want to waste the 5 or 10 dollars for a yearly subscription.