
One-way contact or two?

Avatar for mreef

How do you determine if a dancer allows two way contact? Do you watch other private dances? Or do you just try it and see what her (or the bouncers) response is?

I never touch unless invited to, so I'm a perfect gentlemen when getting a LD. I went to a new club the other night and kept getting the side of the boob across my face. I don't move my head or stick out my tongue, but one time the girl grabbed the back of my head and pushed it onto her breast.

That was kind of nice, but I still didn't initiate any further contact myself. Am I an idiot? In retrospect, maybe that was an invitation?

Unfortunately, it was my last dance of the night, so I didn't get to test the waters any further. There wasn't a lot of privacy where I got the LD, but there was no one around at the time.

I used to get LDs many years ago at a club where there was massive two-way contact and it was obvious just by looking at the LD area. Of course, when the girls grab your hands and place them on their body -- well it's pretty obvious then too! :)


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Avatar for imnumnutz

with the right dancer, one that I have some raport with, I try the following approach: I'll say something like, "you know I'm really having a great time with you and I wanna do a bunch of dances. Now if I do something that you think is a bit outta line, just gimmee a smack upside the head and say 'you're such a bad boy!'" Usually, the dancer will respond with a laugh and say OK. And I cannot ever remember a dancer slapping me upside the head, although once as I was leaving the VIP after a really fun session, the dancer kissed me goodbye and said with a smile, "You really ARE a bad boy!" Just as I always suspected, most dancers like bad boys!

Avatar for stillmarried

I say something similar to imnumnutz. I say if I get out of line just let me know. Most dancers seem to appreciate that. It also gives you a chance to touch more until she stops you.

Avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy

If I can clip a look at the LD area, I will, but I just start grazing her legs, then holding onto her waist, then brush up against the boobies, then ... you know what I mean. If she takes your hands off of her, you have your answer. Simple as that.

Avatar for Slothrop

Simple answer to a simple question: ask her.

It often helps to have a large denomination bill in your hand plainly in her sight while you are just asking.

Avatar for rb93720

Whatever your method is do it in a way that will not offend and won't make her stiffen up (i.e. ruin the remaining sessions).

Avatar for giveitayank

I don't like asking if I can touch them. And I don't like asking them to get inside my pants and touch me. I look at it as a sense of adventure. I like to progress, pushing the envelope (if you know what I mean) by starting off by feeling thier legs just above the knees. Then the breasts. After that, the kitty. By the end of the first song or into the second song, it should be 'anything goes'.

Call it my fantasy, but I don't like asking. I just like it to happen naturally. And if it doesn't happen...well, that's just the way that one went.

Avatar for casualguy

I like to ask before agreeing to a dance. If I don't like the answer I haven't already agreed to get a dance. Of course I have noticed with one dancer she said something was off limits then one night after apparently drinking a little bit more than normal my hands slipped but she didn't seem to mind at all. Now I probably get more contact when no one is dancing for me than some guys get on their lap dances.

Avatar for mreef

Thanks guys. I decided to go to a new club tonight that I knew had two way contact. Wow! Not sure how I'm going to go back to any of the other clubs that don't offer a similar experience.

Avatar for SuperDude

In the VIP before the first LD I always ask a simple question: "What are your rules?" Half the time the response is "I have no rules?"

Avatar for Electronman

I'm not very interested in "air dances." So, if I'm in a new club, I usually ask the dancer something like "what kind of lapdances do you provide? Are you comfortable with some physical contact?" From my perspective, the more physical contact the better but I very seldom inquire as to the level of physical contact until the LD starts. My goal prior to agreeing to a LD is to rule out the "no touching, air dances"

Avatar for zorro

What imnumnutz said. Never had a problem with that approach.


Avatar for Clubber


It would seem a better idea to ask "What are your rules?", BEFORE the time, "In the VIP before the first LD...".

Avatar for jayray

Clubber's right. I usually just ask sincerely--"Hey, what are the rules here?" And sometimes, if things look promising I'll ask "What are 'your' rules?"

Avatar for ShortDuck

It never hurts to ask what the rules are. Some dancers have different rules. I have been to some clubs where my hands were all over one girl but the next one brushed my hand away when I lightly laid it on her thigh. If I get tits in the face, I take it as an open invitation to open my mouth and use my tongue but I still let her come to me.

Avatar for MisterGuy

"How do you determine if a dancer allows two way contact?"

More often than not, this has a lot to do with the "rules" of the strip club, which you should easily be able to find out by reading some reviews.

If I'm totally new to a club and don't know the rules (because they aren't posted anywhere in the club or on the Internet), then I just ask (usually before a LD has even been agreed to), "What's the deal with the dances here?" Dancers will always have a prepared line (prices, amount of contact & privacy, etc.) in response to that type of inquiry IMO.

"In retrospect, maybe that was an invitation?"


Avatar for Clubber

Asking before getting dances is not "perfect". As we all know, many dancers can do nothing but lie. That said, I ask.

Avatar for evilcyn

Just ask, or say let me know if I get out of line..

Avatar for 59

Depending on the girl or the locale asking the girl's rules may set off alarms in her mind - is this guy vice? I've had girls say that my asking scares them.

I generally recon the internet and check out the other dances if possible. If that info is lacking then maybe a more generic "what are the rules here?" or "how are the dances here?" rather than directly asking the girl her rules. Or just trial and error, slowly feel up the booty and see what happens.

Avatar for how

One question that may innocuously lead to some of the info you are seeking is this: when she asks you if you want a dance, ask, "What do you have in mind?" That's a very open-ended question, and you can gauge her reaction typically. If the answer is a curt "Just a dance," contact is likely minimal. If the answer is more like, "I might be up for lots of things..." then you can catch that drift I think.

Avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein

Best advice (can't believe Brother hasn't posted this):

Go to jack joints and you'll never have to worry.

Avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein

imnumnutz: And I cannot ever remember a dancer slapping me upside the head

That flat spot on your dome is where you've been repeatedly smacked. That flat spot, just under the skull is where the brain cells that use to remember these events use to be located. Brain damage by groping.

Avatar for Clubber

Phillip A. Stein,

Maybe you should suggest to founder he add a new heading for club reviews.

Jack Joint: yes or no

Avatar for MisterGuy

I'm sorry, but that's a stupid idea...as it relates to something that is likely illegal in the vast majority of states.

Avatar for Clubber


Get out your Funk & Wagnalls and look up sarchsam!

Avatar for MisterGuy

clubber...learn how to spell...you pathetic, racist moron...

Avatar for Clubber

Trying to reach down to your level so you might grasp what is said!

Avatar for MisterGuy

It's pretty much over for you on this board at this point clubber...give it up racist...you're a confirmed fool...

Avatar for steve229

ok, getting back on topic ... I visit a club while traveling, dancer I'm getting a lap dance from comments on how grabby guys from out of state usually are. I figure this is her way of telling me hands off, so I just sit back and enjoy the first dance, which features a nice one way grind. After the dance she smiles and thanks me for being, quote "a perfect gentlemen" unquote. Soon as the second dance starts she straddles me, grabs my hands, puts them on her breasts and tells me her nipples need attention! I guess the point, mkreef, is that there's just no telling.

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