Comments by casualguy (page 173)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What's the Worse Thing Anyone Did to Get Thrown Out of A club
    I've seen several guys get escorted outside. I even saw one girl take over a stage get topless and parade around the strip club with a whole flock of bouncers chasing after her. It was amusing because it looked like a scene with a chicken getting chased parading around quickly with a whole flock of bouncers in a quick walk pursuit. She got caught and kicked out. The stage dancer had been waiting for her to get off the stage and then things went back to normal. If the crazy girl had just gotten topless while tipping the dancer, no one would have cared.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I don't like strip clubs very much.
    A new club can be fun if you want a lot of attention. However having a dancer in your face every minute or two asking "wanna dance?" gets old pretty quick. I do remember in a nude club at the beach, it was a lot of fun having lots of nude girls want my attention.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Three questions
    I'll sum things up by saying it's your money to decide how you want to spend. If talking to a dancer for a few minutes saves you money and time, it might be a good idea to ask what her rules are and how much a dance costs to avoid the rip off. A different dancer could very well have different rules and costs which is also a bit dependent upon if a club charges per dance or if the dancers can set their own dance prices. I don't go to strip clubs looking for sexual services either so I never ask about that. I think asking is crossing the line into something else. Some dancers may occasionally tell me things after they trust me a bit but I avoid asking.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Multiple dancer & dance patrons: 'Cmon in here
    I am often somewhat familiar with the dancers when I do get dances. Since I don't pick any particular order, the quality of dances from first to last is pretty even for me. I believe the dancers who recognize you may try to get a quick dance from you soon after they see you. I was thinking one dancer didn't spot me and I kept moving around the club for a while to just enjoy the eye candy instead of getting dances for awhile. After a while she found me and then told me, "I saw you 2 1/2 hours ago and you keep disappearing". I guess she spotted me the second I walked into the club. I was thinking she never saw me the whole time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I don't like strip clubs very much.
    definition of strip club burnout: A chance to save money for your next few visits. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Three questions
    I don't see what goes on in strip clubs as prostitution. I believe I think of prostitution as engaging in intercourse. Of course lawyers and the legal system may always twist things around to suit whatever they can get away with in my opinion. As far as prostitution goes, I don't see a problem with it being legalized. It could then be regulated and everyone could get tested for sexual diseases and it might become safer for everyone if the spread of sexual diseases decreased. Instead of making things safer in this country, the public just wants everything hidden. I guess many might feel threatened if prostitutes were legally working in their home state. I believe senators, congressmen, and all the family and religious folks feel better letting people die or suffer rather than promote safer and legal alternatives. I guess it's like watching the situation in the middle east. In my opinion, most people in the US are not in a big uproar about the hundreds of people getting killed and injured. They may be innocent and the people in the US might be able to stop it by complaining to congress and the president but I don't see too many complaints.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Three questions
    In response by me not asking about sexual services, I don't ask or try to get extras as some refer here. I think that may be inviting trouble. That means I don't ask for or try to get things like hand jobs, BJ's or anything extra like that. That's not why I go to a strip club. Sometimes I enjoy just the eye candy in a club and other times I may enjoy getting a lap dance. The clubs I go to don't have any extras to my knowledge. I believe that may be why they have so many somewhat hidden cameras and bouncers all over the place.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What's the best time to visit a strip club?
    I dropped by one club about an hour or so before closing. I would say that is not the best time to visit unless you just want to watch. I remember one very attractive dancer came by asking for a dance but she didn't want to bother with a table dance. She said she needed to make some bigger money before the club closed. Another dancer who I didn't care for in the first place also asked me for a second and then changed her mind and just said "you're broke too" and then moved on. I was thinking she's a real bitch with her attitude. I actually had a lot of cash but I seriously overspent on that girl already by tipping her a dollar at the stage. (ok sarcasm off)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do stripclubs have recruiters??
    I've heard of some clubs requiring dancers to undergo auditions and they only pick the best. These clubs apparently do not need recruiters.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Strippers vs. Other Women: How do they compare on looks?
    Some of the dancers I see in at least one strip club, I seriously wonder how in the world they are making any money. I don't usually feel repulsed by the strippers in a club but one club has at least two dancers who will clear the stage. I was trying to think how fat the one dancer was. I think I remember a guy who weighed over 300 lbs but he could leg press over 1000 pounds. This dancer was huge. I would be happier with an occasional empty stage than have repulsive dancers working a club. I've seen a few very pretty strippers. However I've seen quite a number of very pretty girls not working in a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Strippers vs. Other Women: How do they compare on looks?
    I might add that I remember one club that had almost all very pretty strippers. The club was strictly no contact but enjoyed a lot of out of town visitors willing to spend some money on table dances. I went just to enjoy the eye candy.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How to stop a customer from being as nice to you thread.
    I just read something about waiting on a dancer. If a dancer says she needs to use the restroom, I'll wait a couple of minutes or maybe even a few minutes. However after that, I'll let her find me if something better comes along. Otherwise I wouldn't wait on a dancer at all. The main reason I sometimes wait is because I've had a few times when dancers were willing to wait on me while I used the restroom. The dancers always seem to be there when I get back. I don't usually have dancers waiting on me though. At least to my knowledge. I suppose it might be possible if one dancer after another keeps tying me up.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Time for college girls to move into new dwellings for college?
    I believe college classes start in 2 or 3 weeks in my area. Do they start in September in your area? I'm all for hot girls roaming my neighborhood though. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    If you could go to one club that you have not yet visited, which would it be?
    If I picked a club that I haven't been to in at least a year, I'd pick a popular nude beach club with lots of eye candy at Myrtle Beach. I'd just go to watch all the eye candy and flirt with the girls. I believe I spent between $40 and $60 in one dollar tips the last time I was there and loved every second of it. Those were all slow one dollar tips. I also avoided getting a lap dance since I didn't believe the quality would be up to par with what I usually get. I have a choice of Platinum Plus and other clubs in Greenville and Columbia any weekend I want to. At this moment, I don't have any great desire to visit brand new strip clubs unless it's convenient and has lots of eye candy.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do stripclubs have recruiters??
    Without reading this whole thread I would say some people may verbally promote a club to friends and others. Other than that, I hear radio ads for strip clubs alot of the time. Unless a club is struggling I believe strip clubs don't need recruiters or promoters. If patrons like the dancers at a club, they'll tell their friends and that's all a club needs to be successful unless it's out in the boondocks where no one lives. Now if I see a sign along the road for a strip club that says "Free Beer tonight", I might wonder why they are offering free beer.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strip clubs only offering change in two dollar bills. Does it tick you off?
    shadowcat, the PP club in Greenville at least later at night refuses to give change in ones unless you happen to buy something (such as food or drink) and you only need a single one in change and then some coins. I believe I've had trouble at PP in Columbia as well but I noticed they didn't seem to mind when the club wasn't as busy. Perhaps the Greenville club is the same but I have yet to notice that. Now I know of another club trying this stupid stunt. I think it will backfire on clubs in smaller clubs big time. That is if anyone in the club actually wants change to tip the dancers.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Regional differences in clubs
    I've been to a strip club or two on a business trip in the far north. I believe one or both clubs required dancers to wear pasties. That was quite dissapointing when I'm used to seeing more especially in the nude clubs. hmmm, I remember one trip I didn't go to any strip clubs but I spent the evenings at business social events with a nice single blonde girl. (someone from the same corporation as me but 1000 miles away) She looked better and was more enjoyable than most strippers. Best part was I didn't have to worry about hearing "wanna dance?" :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strip clubs only offering change in two dollar bills. Does it tick you off?
    What I don't like is I'm used to it at certain PP clubs. However when some not quite so popular club apparently starts doing it, I'm not too happy when the bartender girl says, "sorry we're out of ones. I have some twos." I don't believe they even used to have twos for change. I believe I did leave immediately after I heard that comment. The particular club I'm thinking about doesn't exactly have a whole lot of people tipping throughout the night. If they think the ones who tip are going to tip twice as much because they only offer change in two's, they'll have a surprise. I'm hoping this was a coincidence but it doesn't sound good. I have found it amusing to give a casual acquaintance a single two dollar bill in change and they act like its special and want to save it because they haven't seen one in a long time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Time for college girls to move into new dwellings for college?
    Closest college to me is about 2 or 3 miles away and I could walk to it if I wanted. It's a mostly female college or university so I just have to get used to a big influx of college age females. I'm certainly looking forward to cooler temps, I just don't feel like doing a lot of walking when the heat index is in the 100's.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    IF a stripper makes love to you, does that mean she LIKES YOU?
    RL, did you finally make out? If she wants to do it again and again, I think that's an indication she likes at least part of you.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Common dancer tactics to figure out how much money you have?
    I thought the same thing. That 20,000 something figure may have been a low number given to a dancer to not give the impression that he's rich and it would not be fair to stick it to him with the best dancer scams or sob stories. Willingness to spend and ability to spend I very much understand. I remember a time when I would have been willing to spend a lot of my discretionary income but now I'm not so willing to spend as much.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    When a stripper you don't recognize says she knows you, what do you do?
    Well if I see her again, I think I'll ask more questions. She never did ask me for a dance, she just sat with me and smiled. On the other hand though, I failed to mention that I did remember a couple of other dancers from different strip clubs who I hadn't seen in a long time. They remembered me as well. I do remember in college I ran into some girls who stopped me and said "don't you remember me?" You were at the party at xyz. I don't remember and may not care unless she's smoking hot and then I'll just play along. In college it was possible because I do remember going to a sorority party with an awful lot of females and they gave me a lot of beer.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do any of you older guys get carded every time you enter a club?
    Perhaps I always get carded at one club because there is a young girl working at the entrance. It might be her SOP, standard operating procedure no matter what.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Wearing condoms
    I don't know what kind of clubs other people go to but that's something I didn't think anybody did. I don't even know how a condom would stay on when you're not aroused and a girl starts grinding on you. Then, there's a problem with using the restroom if you're drinking beer, water, etc.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do any of you older guys get carded every time you enter a club?
    I guess we all get carded because of that one oddball guy that is young but looks much older than he is. Law enforcement probably doesn't care if someone looks old since some of those guys don't care about the intent of the law, just go by the numbers for the most part. They just look at the number on the id. I guess it might be her job on the line if the girl at the door or whomever didn't card everyone in that case. In spite of the fact that I've never been asked for ID after I was already in a club, I still get carded at the door in some clubs. It really helps if people know you though. One girl who I believe retired from dancing a few years ago is now working back at a club she used to dance at. She's running the cash register and she doesn't ask me for id. She remembers me. :)