Comments by casualguy (page 172)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How many dances do you typically get?
    Some clubs I may get no dances or only somewhere like 1 to 4 table dances. In a club where lap dances are much better I may get 2 dances from a few girls or up to 6 or so from a single girl if I'm horny, the dance prices are good, and I'm having a good time. I don't usually like to spend beyond a certain amount but I do exceed that when I'm having a fun time. It also helps when a dancer lowers lap dance prices from like 2 for $30 to 2 for $20 to keep me going longer. $10 lap dances doesn't sound too bad.
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    18 years ago
    Ever thought what exactly it is that makes one girl a lot more attractive?
    Lol, hmmm, I think that might work. If a guy is aroused, suddenly the girls look better. I've thought that some of the features many females do to make themselves look better may actually slightly arouse guys and that is why they look better to us. For instance red lipstick looks a lot better and makes a female look better than say green lipstick. I think red glossy lipstick looks even sexier. It looks sexy but I just don't want it all over my clothes.
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    18 years ago
    Feature entertainer acts that really sucked
    I'll add some more. Any time a feature decides to rip your shirt apart or she decides it would be fun to splash the crowd with some strange liquid.
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    18 years ago
    An Addiction to Clubs
    I wouldn't call visiting strip clubs an addiction. It's enjoying the fun moments while they last.
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    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    Another OTC Question
    I wouldn't want to go anywhere near a dancer who wanted money outside the club. Guess I'm not much help. Going out with some dancers is enough of an ordeal all by itself.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    So young. So Nasty. How could she?
    I'm picturing a young girl going slurp, slurp, then she says hi. What's your name? Where are you from? I missed out on that greeting when I was in High School.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Getting robbed in a club
    I actually got talked into getting dances from two dancers at the same time. Well, one dancer said two for $30 so I started asking is that one girl dances 2 songs for $30 or both dancers dance one song for $30? She said she would dance 2 for $30 then the other dancer could do the same. However this must not have registered with the other dancer because they both started dancing at the same time. I was ok. I could pay them both $30. Anyway after the first song, the DJ started talking and he talked for probably 2 whole minutes. Then the next song started. The girls just kept going at it saying they were horny. Yeah right. Anyway the song ended and the girls didn't ask anything about the number of songs so I said that's the end of the 2 songs isn't it? Then one girl started saying that was 6 songs. That got me a bit upset. I said 2 songs and 2 minutes of nothing but the DJ talking. Then they both started saying that was 3 songs. I was probably getting a bit more upset. I told one dancer whom I've gotten dances from in the past that if I paid her that amount, I would never get dances from her again. She said she didn't want me angry at her so they agreed to me just paying them both $30 each. Needless to say they turned me off of getting any more dances from two girls at the same time. On the other shoe, I know of a guy who ripped off a dancer. He got 8 dances but only paid her for 4. She kept asking after each song if he wanted another and she tells the price. Anyway the bouncer got an extra $10 from him and he said that was all he had before he was escorted out of the club. He was back the next day and the dancer who got ripped off wasn't happy about that. I once had a dancer pick my pocket in a strip club. I informed the management. I believe 8 dancers and one bouncer were put on a 2 week suspension during an investigation. The manager gave me back the tip change I had stolen and I identified the culprit. She was working at another club within a few weeks. That has to be one of the most stupid things for a dancer to do. If she doesn't get jail time, she may lose her job or be suspected in all other strip clubs in the area as she keeps getting fired. I did inform a bouncer about her that they might want to watch her. I didn't say anything at the third club I saw her working at. She was very friendly to me. I never told her that I identified her to the first manager at the first club she worked at for 2 years.
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do big stage tips get results?
    I believe big stage tips might get attention but not a whole lot more than the attention I get for a dollar. Of course there are always a few dancers who do spend more time in front of a guy/gal who keeps dropping dollars on her. It seems like a nice looking female tipper gets more attention regardless of the size of the stage tip. I've having flashbacks of females tipping females. :) and seeing her buttcheeks pop out nicely. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Getting robbed in a club
    I forgot to add many dancers ask me if I have everything after I get a lap dance from them. If your wallet, keys, cell phone or something slips out of your pocket and you don't check before you leave the dance room, it may not be there when you go looking for it I've been told. Some dancers are honest but some are not.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    ATM in a club? Yes or no?
    ATM's in clubs don't bother me. I used one years ago but I didn't like how they usually charge a fee that amounts to 3 or 4 dollars or something extra. I've been using a free bank ATM to get money out of the bank for several years now.
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How would you like it if a strip club opened close to your home?
    If a strip club is already operating in a residential area and most residents don't have a problem with it, neither do I. However I'm not going to support a new strip club that wants to plant itself obnoxiously in the middle of a neighborhood especially when most residents don't want it there. If you're talking money that would make property values go down, I understand the fight against that. On the other hand if someone said my property values would skyrocket and they were right, put it next door. I think industrial areas or near other bars and clubs is fine.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I once had a very wild dancer hopping up and down on my lap and all over me during a dance. Apparently she must have had something a bit too sharp on her garter because I noticed the blood running down my leg and a cut on my leg. Another time a dancer came at me from down below raising her head up so fast she accidently hit me hard in the nose. That was the worse nose bleeding I've ever had. Didn't get any bruises from that though but I sure wasn't pleased. That one dancer probably made me bleed more than 8 kids did when I got in a fight with them as a kid. Of course I think that blood was from them not me. I once got ganged up on as a kid and they made me go berserk on them after someone hit me. Two got teeth knocked out (probably where the blood came from), I knocked down to the ground 2 or 3 others, and the rest escaped before I could get to them. Fortunately no one was seriously injured. I'm hoping no one ever triggers that berserk rage I used to have as a kid. I seem to be pretty care free now though.
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    18 years ago
    Would being unusually
    I've only had a total of 5 or 6 hours of sleep for the past two nights so I looked up the word brooding on google. I found "To sit on and cover eggs, as a fowl, for the purpose of warming them and hatching the young" I thought that was funny. I found the correct definition in there somewhere about dwelling on a subject. Everyone may have bad nights and may be depressed at times. Just wait for another stripper to come along and cheer you up. I could entertain a lot of people if I talked about all kinds of bizarre stories but sometimes you want to be ordinary and blend in with the crowd.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I just remembered I had a big head banging experience with a stripper. We both bumped heads really hard. Neither one of us forgot the other after that. So I guess to sum up, I've gotten bitten, banged heads, cut, and got a bloody nose and that was with me being friendly. The biting doesn't seem like any big deal to me but can feel good if you've been drinking and are feeling a bit numb all over. One of the strangest comments a stripper made to me was one that said "I like your two sharp fang like teeth." My eye teeth aren't that long but I did have the dentist desharpen one of them when it was cutting me. Lol, maybe if I see a stripper in a cheerleader outfit with dental fangs, she'll be a knockout. I enjoy seeing a good set of fangs.
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    18 years ago
    I just remembered, a dancer can bite me in most places and it won't bother me unless of course she bites too hard. However it irritates me and is a big turnoff if a stripper bites my chest. I keep wondering if the strippers do this to irritate the customers or like inflicting pain. I've had my dick bitten through my pants/shorts but with the extra clothing fabric down there, they have to bite hard before that bothers me. I've had my neck and even my nose bitten as well. Biting my nose was a slight turn off as well.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Eek! I'm on candid camera!
    I remember running into a dancer who claimed she knew me but I couldn't remember her. Then she told me there was a picture of me in a club I used to go to years ago sitting at the stage. I didn't know they had a picture of me in that particular club. I couldn't remember her either but she claimed she knew me. That wasn't all that bad since she was a bit more friendly than most strippers. I went to visit one popular club at the beach and it was very crowded. The dancers were doing special performances and it looked like they were being filmed. I didn't know what that was about. One dancer offered to find me a chair and took it to the stage and sat in my lap. A few months later I ran into a dancer who says she still works there and that I'm on their DVD. I don't know if she recognized me from the DVD or visa versa. I'm thinking either she has good eyes or perhaps they zoomed in on me when filming a dancer. I went to that club one time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Eek! I'm on candid camera!
    Years ago on a hot summer day after I was thirsty and drank and bought some beers rather quickly at Myrtle Beach, a bartender was going off saying I was the fastest beer drinker at the beach. I thought surely he was joking but he seemed somewhat serious. I drank the beer like water since I was thirsty. He said he was going to take my picture and put it up on his bulletin board. I thought that was amusing at the time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Growing tired of a particular dancer
    If I'm in a club where I usually buy dances, I usually don't limit myself to just one or two dancers unless it's a bad night in terms of choices. With more choices, if you lose interest in one, you can pick up your interest with the others. I actually once had a dancer who I was seeing outside of the club seem to be a bit upset that I was spending a bit of time with another dancer. However I thought that was really unusual. She got over it rather fast. If you're not sleeping with multiple dancers and you're just getting dances from them in a club, I don't believe they have any good reason to be upset. Of course some girls are drama queens.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Eek! I'm on candid camera!
    I saw myself in the background on the news a few times when I was going to college. It wasn't anything I did, I just happened to be where the news was happening. I believe I was in a Calculus II class with a meteorologist from the local tv station. He probably didn't think it was any big deal to be on tv since he was doing the noon weather broadcast when he wasn't in class. As far as possible filming goes, one thing many years ago I thought was really suspicious was a wire going down to one of the men's urinal. I was thinking why is there a wire going down there? It made me wonder. I don't know if that would be legal or not. If it is legal, it's certainly not ethical.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever Had a Dancer /Escort Turn Psycho On Your??
    I often encountered some kind of drama event with many of the strippers I saw outside of the club at one time or another. One stripper got mad at me one time because she actually thought I would buy her something for no particular reason at all. I had no idea where she got that idea from. She was really ticked and even quit that club for 2 or 3 months so I didn't see or talk to her until she returned. Same particular dancer got slightly mad at me another time (can't remember what reason it was that time) and threatened to call or stop by and tell my parents, friends, coworkers etc that we were friends and she was a stripper. I don't know if I laughed but she got the message and didn't bother. Another dancer who I had slept with got upset at me talking to another dancer for apparently too long while in the strip club. Another little drama event.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Are any of you...
    I've been out with a few strippers in the past and if you like life on the wild side, feel free to have fun and be prepared for all the drama, etc with it. As far as actually dating goes, I would like someone to be drug free, non smoking, and a number of other qualities. Therefore if I hook up with a stripper, I probably was drinking a lot more than normal that night or the dancer did a good persuasion job and wanted me. However if I think I see a good opportunity in the qualities I'm looking for, I will go for it. Everyone has their weak moments as well.
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    18 years ago
    Wondering, do you...
    Shadowcat's list makes me think he going to vacation at Disney World (the adult version). :) I remember hearing some Disney music in a strip club before. As far as myself goes, I just put on some comfortable clothes and bring some cash, and beer if I'm going to a byob club. Of course I'm only staying for a few hours tops.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever Had a Dancer /Escort Turn Psycho On Your??
    If the psycho girl asked about works in a club you don't mind being absent from for 2 to 4 weeks, it might be a good idea. I can't imagine routinely visiting someone who works 3 or 6 hours away in the first place. However I know of one stripper who was doing that.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What's the Worse Thing Anyone Did to Get Thrown Out of A club
    I don't really have any personal stories to tell about myself. However I have seen a few dancers get shown the door. I believe I've seen 2 or 3 dancers leave home early after they suddenly pulled their g-string aside and get a bit nude on stage in a topless club. I happened to be at the stage tipping the girls when they did this but I don't believe I was the first person to tip them. One girl kept on going for a little bit longer after I tipped her. They were in street clothes leaving early within minutes afterwards.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Are any of you...
    "What I like to date are girls who look too good to be strippers. And aren't strippers." I'm flashing back and seeing all kinds of images of hot girls when I was in college. So many that I thought that it was normal at that time. I was friends to some of the hottest looking ones as well. :)