Comments by casualguy (page 174)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Memphis charity "rescues" strippers
    So there are people out there who believe there are parts of the body that their faith teaches that no one should be able to touch, not even themselves. These people don't seem to be questioning their faith and instead are out to save all those poor strippers who don't share their faith. That's a really bright group of people, NOT. Too bad their husbands are violating the female's faith or else this group would eventually become extinct. I don't know though, there always seems to be a certain percentage of the population that is really crazy and not just acting. Perhaps a new group needs to save the "rescuers" from believing in superstitions and feeling a need that others must share in their beliefs or else they are all unclean prostitutes. This reminds me of stories of whole primitive villages believing the voodoo witch doctors have magical powers. I guess some people's faith is misguiding them like this.
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    18 years ago
    Wearing condoms
    I may see if I spot that brand. I have yet to see a condom that isn't tight or super tight.
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    18 years ago
    Do any of you older guys get carded every time you enter a club?
    I thought I read somewhere that seeing lots of female breasts helps to keep you healthy and slows down the aging process. If that's true, I'll probably be carded forever or until they ban those stupid cards in the year 3000 something. Actually holographic technology may make the cards useless before then but I digress.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    When a stripper you don't recognize says she knows you, what do you do?
    It may sound funny but I had something similiar happen to me before. A dancer said she knew me. We met up outside the club and I was wondering if she really knew me or not but she knew about strip clubs and towns I had been in years ago so I considered the possibility. Of course while I was wondering, she proceeded to give me some sucking lessons without even mentioning what she was going to do. After that I just said, oh yeah, I remember you. The only thing I remember about her now was that she seemed really horny all the time. Not necessarily a bad trait in a female. I admit at times I might have gotten a strange feeling I was being stalked by a dancer but it was kind of fun while it lasted. When a dancer describes the very first time she saw you and it was over a decade ago, that is impressive if not slightly spooky.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    When a stripper you don't recognize says she knows you, what do you do?
    What does it mean when a dancer sneaks up behind you in a strip club and puts her hands over your eyes and says "guess who?" Haven't had this happen in years so I would say that she is behind the times.
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    18 years ago
    Realm Of The Rimshot G-String
    Those are good ones.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    The Complaints Dept. Is Next Door
    Actually one of my favorites did tell me business was real good when she was at the beach. She told me she made $4000 in a single week. It almost made me wonder why she didn't keep working there longer. The only thing I figured was that she got tired of the wall to wall people at that particular club. I know she told me she wanted to go back when the hotel rates were cheaper. Thinking about dancer accomodations and prices of places to stay at never really crossed my mind until she mentioned it to me. Since she was there for a few weeks, I gathered that business was not quite as good the other weeks she worked.
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    18 years ago
    North Carolina
    It is also nice to get lap dances without a crowd of other customers sitting right next to you.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    North Carolina
    Sundays and ordinary slower times I believe are the best time to visit a typically too crowded small club like Platinum Plus in Columbia. I don't like visiting a club too much when it's standing room only and you can't sit down unless you buy a lap dance. It wasn't like that the last time I visited but I remember several times a couple of years ago it was like that. Many clubs are almost dead on Sundays compared to a weekend night. However if you like it slow and lots of dancers work at a normally very busy club, it might be a great time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do any of you older guys get carded every time you enter a club?
    I wonder if that's why Hugh Hefner is living to a ripe old age. Attractive females showing their breasts make us guys live longer. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do any of you older guys get carded every time you enter a club?
    I believe I did read that somewhere. However I'm not sure if they were joking or serious. It might depend on the source and I forgot what the source was. I can imagine it would be an interesting study and I'm sure some guys would be willing to get a government grant to see if watching breasts every day can help slow down the aging process. :) Actually you made me curious. I did a google search and found it to be true. Watching breasts can slow down the aging process. The article (scroll down almost all the way to the bottom) states that sexual activity and similiar processes can release hormones that slow down the aging process. So using that logic, it is healthy for all of us guys to be watching a hot girls breasts.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Unusual strip clubs
    I'm having trouble remembering but I do remember one club had an area where you could watch the dancers take a shower. That seems unusual to me now.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Lesbian customers in clubs
    I've seen several female customers tip the dancers and seem to enjoy it. However they look like ordinary females and sometimes very nice looking females. It's like an extra stage show on occasion so it doesn't bother me. I like it when the female customer looks hot and goes topless while tipping.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Common dancer tactics to figure out how much money you have?
    One of my favorite dancers after I asked a question similiar to what she asked me told me she was a bit tired due to a car accident. She was backing up in a parking lot and another guy came speeding through the lot and knocked off her entire rear bumper. The police wrote it up as no one's fault but apparently he was trying to get her insurance company to pay for at least half of his repairs. Then she has a 500 deductible and she said her insurance rates would probably go up. I believe she already had the money to pay for it but was a bit depressed about the $500 out of pocket and all the hassle and having to get up early to deal with all of it. She said she only had 1 hr of sleep one night. Me, I'm wondering who would really be at fault if the guy was speeding through the parking lot and the policeman agreed to that. It doesn't seem her insurance should have to pay but I don't know about that kind of situation. I didn't spend any more money than I normally do. I did get her laughing at some funny stories I told her.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    VIP membership cards?
    I asked about the PP VIP card the other night. I was told it cost $500 but it's good for a lifetime and you get free admission to all of the Platinum Plus clubs 5 total and can sit in the VIP section free of charge without buying champagne (I believe I was told). I was thinking ok $8 cover charge so $500/8 equals 62.5 or 63 visits for the card to break even. If you made say 3 visits a month, that would be 36 visits a year or just under a 2 year pay back. Faster if you took a guest in for free (another perk) or if you made more visits. Then of course I started wondering about something else, do you think it would be harder to get good dance price deals on the 2 for one specials? I just got curious about the whole thing.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Lesbian customers in clubs
    I don't know if the girls were lesbians but I saw 3 girls sitting alone with 2 girls in skirts and then one girl with a baseball cap not looking very feminine at all. I could tell that the girl in the baseball cap didn't look that bad but she certainly wasn't dressed to attract any attention.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    VIP membership cards?
    That sounds great. I'm not able to make it to Memphis though. However if I'm not busy which is a big if on occasion, I'm less than a 2 hour drive from both PP clubs in south carolina.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Good thing she is not a stripper cause I'd be broke
    If I lived in Columbia, I think I'd be dating a hot massage therapist that seemed interested in me. :) I've noticed when you sleep with a girl on a regular basis, you don't seem as interested in buying too many lap dances when you go to visit strip clubs. Of course some girls still may manage to pursuade you. I still like looking at the eye candy regardless of what else is going on. Lol, I remember one time in a club where I used to be a regular and used to buy table dances without thinking about it too much, I sat at the bar for about 2 or 3 hours saying no to all the dancers. Finally one dancer came over and said they were discussing some rumor about a girlfriend of mine. That was funny. I just wanted to see a sports game on the tv or something else which I forgot.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Good thing she is not a stripper cause I'd be broke
    In case someone didn't pick up on my line of thinking, I was thinking about how someone could live in Columbia and not go broke.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    VIP membership cards?
    There is a champagne or vip area in the Greenville club. Admission is also $8 in the evening here and I thought the same in Columbia in the evening. I'm not sure if it's cheaper earlier in the day. I don't even know if I would want to go up the stairs and sit in a more secluded area unless the club got too crowded or I wanted to hide from some dancers for a while. I know nothing about the Memphis club so it sounds like it has no champagne area. I wouldn't be surprised if the Greenville club is the biggest in terms of square feet of all the PP clubs. It makes the Columbia club look a bit small.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Good thing she is not a stripper cause I'd be broke
    I didn't even know who Salma Hayek was until a second ago. Might have something to do with her being slightly older than me. I will agree Jessica Alba looks pretty good to me especially when she has blonde hair. I think blondes may look better to me because all my sisters are brunette. Seems a bit strange to me, the same girl just looks better to me with a different hair color.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Lesbian customers in clubs
    Lesbian customers in a strip club doesn't necessarily make me feel like I will get less attention. I still remember when a girl I didn't know back in High School called me up, confused the heck out of me by saying she was a lesbian, but then say she wanted to go out with me. I've also seen a few strippers where I overheard some guy say she was a lesbian and she was giving attention to female customers at the stage, but then she went to me when she saw me. The only time it might bother me is when female customers try tipping dancers at the wrong time at the expense of male customers who very much want to interact with the dancer but don't get a chance. I remember a couple of times like that many years ago. Other than that, I've actually had one of the female customers in a club sneak up behind me and flirt a bit. That was very unusual though. I think she was drunk and alone.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Lesbian customers in clubs
    I usually only see the feminine looking females in a club though. A few dancers have told me that they won't dance for or pay any attention to female customers except maybe a stage tip. I've noticed a few guys are turned off by female customers. It might be hard to tell in the clubs I go to with the DJ yelling over the speakers "alright look at that, some girl on girl action"
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How often are you able to get dances from your top choices?
    If I was in a new club and spotted a dancer I wanted to get a dance from, I suppose the biggest obstacle would be all of the other dancers who keep asking me "wanna dance?" I believe I'm almost always in a buyer's market.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How often are you able to get dances from your top choices?
    Actually when I visit a new club, I seem to have every girl in the place ask me for a dance at least once if not 2, 3 or more times. That's actually why I like being a regular where it's usually just the new girls who keep asking me all the time. There is one club where I used to be a regular but am no longer and most girls stay tied up with their regulars in the hour or so that I may visit. However I'm fine if I don't get a dance from any of the girls in that hour or so I'm there.