
Comments by casualguy (page 138)

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    20 years ago
    If a stripper who you are spending money on refuses to tell you her real name
    Actually I like the no real name deal in strip clubs. I seem to have trouble remembering so many dancer names and since they aren't telling me their real name at least 99% of the time, I don't have to worry about not remembering. I'm glad the dancers don't know who I am too because if they all started telling me their real name and expected me to remember, they might get upset if I never did or only for a week or two. I'd probably think I was in the twilight zone if I went to a club and every dancer told me her real name, her address, and any other job occupation.
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    20 years ago
    It's Simple Really (My Final Post)
    That's kind of funny. One of my relatives made about 4 trips to Florida this past late summer. All of the hurricanes hit within about one week of where he had been. The last time I went to southern Florida was years ago in July I think. It rained almost all day long and the temps dropped into the 50's by the afternoon. Guess you need to pay attention to the weather forecast before planning a trip to a sub tropical area. I don't really like visiting places where the road is the only place above water but I suppose it's not normally like that. Anyway just before the monsoon started, our tour guide the bus driver took us on a little walk on some boards going out into a swamp. It started raining cats and dogs right in the middle of the scenic swamp and all 30 of us on the tour bus got to see about 100 alligator eyeballs appear just above the surface of the swamp water. It didn't feel very safe. One slip off of those boards and you were toast. I don't think anyone was happy after that tour. I got to see a tornado form while I was on a tour bus at Cape Kennedy. No one seemed especially concerned. I forget which shuttle was on the pad at that time. Travelling can be a hassle.
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    20 years ago
    It's Simple Really (My Final Post)
    I should mention if you like excitement, it can be fun to travel.
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    20 years ago
    Customers who will only spend MONEY on a stripper who is "real" and/or in school
    That's a good one. I broke out laughing. RL is all concerned that some strippers may be getting fucked in the ass. While it's very amusing that RL is so concerned, I couldn't care less what strippers do in their spare time outside of the club. I guess RL likes to think about those things though. Have fun fantasizing RL. I don't really care what a stripper's favorite sexual position is. I'm sure there are probably a few other guys who are concerned though.
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    20 years ago
    Customers LOOKING FOR FRIENDSHIP in strip clubs and in DENIAL about it
    I think RL's posts are pathetic. However like a crowd at a train wreck, I keep watching the disaster unfold.
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    20 years ago
    BEWARE of strippers STEALING MONEY from your WALLET
    RL actually has a valid point. If a stripper has her hands in your pocket and is not grabbing mr happy, then she may be grabbing something else such as cash. Of course even a moron could figure this out I believe. Pay attention to dancers hands near your pockets if you're worried. Before, during, and after dances.
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    20 years ago
    Anyone Here Who Would Not Favour the Legalization of Prostitution?
    TGG that should be against the law for the police to keep innocent people's cars. I suppose the OC police don't believe in the law of the nation that you are innocent until proven guilty, they keep everything and make the law corrupt. Corrupt police departments probably believe only their way is the right way. I really don't believe they should have a right to confiscate cars in the first place though. Who are the real thieves? It seems obvious to me.
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    20 years ago
    Strippers who THROW AWAY customers' PHONE NUMBERS
    I remember seeing some guy or guys give strippers their business card. I found them by accident later in the urinal in the men's bathroom. I'll agree it seems foolish to give out phone numbers to someone who didn't ask for it. Unless of course you are female and giving your phone number to me. I might call or not call but I don't mind the females who do give me their phone number. I may wonder though why someone offers their number to me out of the blue. If a stripper won't give personal information to you for free, she sure isn't going to give it to you for a fee. I don't go around selling my phone number to anyone. If I don't feel safe giving out my personal info, I sure am not going to give it out for a fee. Looks like a few people apparently are clueless. If someone wants phone numbers, I suggest they try the local bar instead of a strip club. Who knows, you may run into a stripper there as well.
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    20 years ago
    Strippers and their promises
    It would be nice if the dancers who did the cons and scams were no longer working the business. They are the big reason so many other guys start always asking for prices and other info ahead of time before they even consider setting foot in the lap dance room. As a customer who is always on the look out for con artists, scams, pick pockets, deceit and lies, it is not necessarily a fun thing to do. However many other parts of society will try scams all the time in our everyday life. Unfortunately, it's not limited to strip clubs. That's why it's nice sometimes to stick to trustworthy people who don't scam whether it's the same dancers in a club or a friendly business that has honest people working at it. As bad as a few dancers appear to be, some bank officials telling senior citizens their life savings are safe right before they go belly up are some of the most corrupt people I believe. Some of those lawyers are in the same boat. I never heard of suing those who withdrew their own money before a company went bankrupt until now. These people have the dancers beat hands down in the corrupt department. It's nice to hear someone standing up for those who are innocent or are just too naive to know better.
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    20 years ago
    Strippers wanting customers follow rules - what about the CRIMINAL BOYFRIEND at
    hmmm, maybe the DJ at one club was a stripper's boyfriend. He played the song can't drive 55 right before closing and started talking. He said if we all leave here doing 90 mph (in the downtown streets), the cops can't possibly catch us all. RL might think this guy was a stripper's boyfriend but I thought he was just joking.
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    20 years ago
    There may be LOSERS posting on stripper oriented MODERATED websites
    Why don't you post the web site and how to locate the post RL instead of saying there may be. There may be all kinds of crap out there on the net as well but that doesn't tell me anything. Not all of us spend all our time reading about strippers and stripper web sites.
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    20 years ago
    "Men" whose only reason for buying dances is to get a stripper's PHONE NUMBER
    RL you have to remember exactly what type of person you are asking to act reasonable. You are asking a guy with apparently money to burn in a strip club with tits in his face who is enjoying a fantasy to spoil it by acting reasonable. I guess if the girls kept their clothes on, then the guys might act more reasonable. There have been studies done to confirm that men act irrational when exposed to objects or people that appear to excite them.
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    20 years ago
    What's wrong with this web site? Are you getting locked screens?
    I actually thought this post didn't post because I didn't see it yesterday. Just a bunch of error messages. Apparently there was a problem but hopefully all is well now. I'm still surprised to see this post. It must have been in limbo somewhere because I didn't see it until today.
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    20 years ago
    Example of a driver high of drugs?
    Note: The "drugged driver" in question wouldn't pass even if the car in front slowed down a whole 10 or 15 mph. He would just tail the other driver about 2 ft behind their vehicle and then pull up within a foot or so in the other lane but not pass before returning to a prior position. One car would speed up to get away and then this "drugged driver" would do the same but not pass but get back within 2 feet. I'm just wondering what would cause someone to do this.
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    20 years ago
    Example of a driver high of drugs?
    Thanks for the answer. It's situations like that (although extremely rare for me to see), that makes me wish I wasn't behind the times and had a cell phone to alert the police to a drunk or high driver. Following that closely is dangerous and apparently makes all the other drivers nervous late at night. I could easily imagine a female driver getting extremely nervous that the guy could be a stalker driving like that too. I know of a few people who would probably floor the accelerator to get away from people like that. He must have been too drunk to even be concerned that someone might call the police on him. Of course if the police wanted me to stop as well in that guy's presence, I wouldn't want to. I started to believe this guy wasn't drunk but psycho or high on drugs or something. Hope I never see him again.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What customer does she choose?
    I've heard this before, your situation may have nothing to do with skin color at all. It may be that the dancer knows you will be waiting on her so she is taking you for granted. She may not know how long the other guy will be around. I guess you'll show her though.
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    20 years ago
    Example of a driver high of drugs?
    It's nice to hear of some nice folks out there helping people in spite of all the dangerous people out there. That was nice helping the old lady and her family would probably like to thank you if they knew. Many older folks have trouble seeing at night and may be on medication for arthritis etc. so being out at night is probably dangerous for them without any other trouble. I'm glad to hear your stories turned out all right. Did someone pull a gun on the police? If that happened the police must have been nice to let everything go.
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    20 years ago
    Defining prostitutes
    Isn't it terrible how women seem to control sex in general? They always seem to want something in exchange for getting it. If they do get something whether it's your wife, girlfriend etc. aren't they all prostitutes? In spite of all that, females almost always seem to expect something in exchange for putting out. Unless you get lucky and find one of those horny females.
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    20 years ago
    Which would you prefer...
    If I was trying to get a new law changed or passed I suppose the queen. If I was trying to improve romantic relations, then the single princess would be the best choice. Of course being a queen or princess doesn't really mean that much to me except they probably have some extra baggage and may feel superior to all the other people without royalty in their blood or something along those lines. I would rather spend time with more humble people rather than arrogant people. Of course you don't really know until you watch or talk to them.
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    20 years ago
    Mental Stability
    I think RL stated number 3 a couple of years ago. Maybe he's too embarassed to talk about it though, lol. As far as mental stability goes, he has mentioned that already too. He stated that he has noticed mental instability while at strip clubs. The only thing I could think of when he posted that was to keep wondering if he was referring to what he saw in the mirror. I doubt our words are going to stop the man on the crusade to warn everyone here about the dangers of strip club dancers and their boyfriends. Hmmm, maybe there is a bit of truth in what he says. When a stripper approaches, sometimes I become hypnotized by those two big round tits as they approach my face and then they attempt to suffocate me. Strippers are truly dangerous. :) I must be crazy because I keep going back for more attempts at suffocation. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Any strippers out there who would BETRAY their "FRIENDS" for their BOYFRIEND?
    Answering RL's posts is probably useless as far as logic or reason goes. It's kind of like talking to a wall with a programmed insult machine for strippers.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If a stripper wants to "get lunch"?
    Sounds simple to me if you like her and she's single and you're single. I'd go out to lunch. Of course with strippers you have to always be wary of attempts to get cash or hear of some story if she's trying to pull one over on you. It might help to let her know you're on a budget and can't afford to go to strip clubs very much but decided to splurge with lunch. That way if she's only after money, she might decide there are easier targets elsewhere.
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    20 years ago
    If a stripper wants to "get lunch"?
    A little side note here. If a dancer is in her 30's she is already almost out of the strip club business. It's just a matter of time before the 20 something competition forces her out of a job. I personally like some of the 30 something dancers but that seems to be the reality. Some clubs may employ older dancers but I don't think that many do.
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    20 years ago
    If a stripper wants to "get lunch"?
    There may be a few dancers still dancing in their 40's, but I didn't ask how old they were. I don't think females like that.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Then RL can be real bad ass by just telling the strippers about his adventures on his bike and the cops don't even bother him because they know better than to stop RL because he is mr bad ass. When a stripper starts asking what kind of motorcycle you ride, change the subject quickly though. Your bicycle may not seem so bad ass, lol. Especially if you go into details like you got so fast that you passed grandma riding down the road on her bike, lol.