
Comments by casualguy (page 137)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    At the Risk of Sounding Like a Politician...
    .and to answer the original question. After going to several of the strip clubs in my area I wouldn't see a big problem with a daughter working at one of them. There is nothing that sexual going on in the clubs except for the extreme exceptions and bouncers and vice are constantly watching out for anything funny going on. I don't know about David's preconceived ideas of strip clubs where he lives at but in my part of the country most strip clubs are for dancing only. With that said, I would still try to talk a daugher out of it because I believe there are many higher paying jobs elsewhere with a girl with brains that knows how to work. Once someone starts a career, the pay only goes up. Stripping is just a tempory job and they get fired as soon as they age or their looks go downhill too much.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    At the Risk of Sounding Like a Politician...
    Obviously Davids has equated strip clubs and patrons with the lowest of low life other than criminals and drug users but probably not much higher. That's not the way I see things where I live at but some people are like RL and go on their crusades trying to change other people. I'm not sure if RL is on a crusade to change people but just trying to get them to limit spending on dances to $5 per dance.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Has a stripper ever LAUGHED at you when she didn't realize you could hear her?
    So RL, what exactly did you hear the strippers laughing about after they walked away from you? Was it something you said or did?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Does anyone go to strip clubs to look for a girlfriend?
    It appears obvious you guys know all about being a strippers boyfriend. It's tough for anyone else to question such expert opinion. So you will just have to inform all of us normal guys what it's like.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers who refuse to tell their (real) name - generally not friends!
    Really? I would have never guessed. That's amazing isn't it?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers who refuse to tell their (real) name - generally not friends!
    I'm curious. If strippers don't give their real name to you RL, does that mean they aren't as stupid as you think they are?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How would you treat a stripper who has STOLEN money out of your pocket?
    I actually had a stripper pick my pocket at a club one time. That was a very stupid thing to do. Anyway to cut a long story short, I reported this to the management of the strip club chain. I did the smart thing and didn't confront the dancer who did this. Anyway, several dancers and a bouncer were suspended for two weeks while an investigation commenced by management for the illegal activities. I came forth and identified the dancer. She was not working there anymore after that. The manager thanked me and gave me back an estimate of the money she took. A year or two later I am friendly with her again at a different club. I even have bought her a drink and got table dances from her. I was angry for awhile after the incident but got over it. I don't believe strippers make that much money in my area so it's probably not the easiest life. I could probably go inform management at every club I happen to see her at but I am not a guy out for revenge. I might be surprised at myself at being friendly with her again but I guess I feel she got her punishment and I got my money back. It's the ones that get away that annoy people. It takes some guts to go back to a run down strip club not knowing what the management is like and telling them you're the one that reported this. Apparently management doesn't like thieves working the clubs, business (ie customers) get upset and don't come back and tell others. They become like davids talking about the evils of strip clubs to everyone that will listen.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What Is Your Ideal Stripper Like?
    davids it sounds like you went to some of the worst possible strip clubs for a whole year. You probably met alot of bad strippers there too apparently. I just hope those clubs you frequented are just the worst of the worst strip clubs on the west coast area because that is far from my strip club experience. In fact many of the dancers I seem to meet nowadays seem to tell me they are only stripping part time and hold other jobs. You must have been scammed alot going to those clubs I bet. I understand your attitude a bit better now.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Welcome to the discussion board phoenixxxblaque. It's nice to have some females on here. I don't expect to get any mileage out of you while you chat on this discussion board so my expectations are already low, lol. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip clubs not the same anymore? ratio of female to male is almost equal
    Actually I heard that among the younger generation, strip clubs have become almost mainstream just as if they were nothing more than a dance club or a place to hang out late at night and party. I believe the worst (if you call it that :) ) was when I was surrounded by over 12 to 16 female customers and only a couple of guys with those females. My immediate area was almost all female. The night I usually go though there is a contest where amateurs can win some money after entering the contest. I suppose some of the females could bring female friends to cheer so that may explain some of what I've seen. I'm sure that some of those female customers must be bi or lesbian since I have seen some of the dancers dancing for the female customers on occasion. At a different club, I remember one time a female customer was having fun flirting with me. She was quite a surprise. A dancer even mistook this girl as my girlfriend asking if I wanted her to come back with us to the lapdance area.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If a stripper who you are spending money on refuses to tell you her real name
    :) Lol, RL sounds confused. He's actually talking some sense. Maybe he has indigestion or is temporary sick today.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    There may still be "men" out there who think that they have formed a FRIENDSHIP
    I believe RL is actually making some sense here. I can give some examples of some "men" who stick to the strippers like glue but they get tossed around like they are nothing serious. I believe one "man" Mr. George Washington seems to stick to all the girls and they act like he is their friend. Then on occasion you see another "man" who is friendly with even more girls. His name I believe is Mr. Lincoln. Some "men" like Mr. Jackson prefer to be seen hanging out with the girls in the lap dance area. I believe these "men" stick around dancers all the time and may be paying to get affection. I don't believe they are true friends. As soon as the dancers leave a club, they are ready to get rid of these guys and trade them off for something better. Just my two cents here.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If REASONABLE prices are charged for dances, there may be less problems with....
    Actually I believe you are wrong there RL. If dancers only charged $5 or $6 dollars for a lapdance, customers would be a lot hungrier for affection (ie. lapdances) and would buy a whole lot of dances since it wouldn't be a big decision to make. They wouldn't worry about another $5 but another $15 or $20 dollars would make them less hungry for affection. I suppose there is one good thing about places where dancers charge too much. They get to walk all around asking for dances so you get to watch them. If dance prices were low, some dancers might camp out in the lap dance room just constantly doing dances. You wouldn't ever see them.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    There may still be "men" out there who think that they have formed a FRIENDSHIP
    and just in case there is anyone that didn't get my sarcastic humor in the post above. Please look at the names on your money. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Are some strippers looking to CONTROL customers' EMOTIONS by not doing REASONABL
    If the dancer is performing a dance, I believe almost all of the strippers think the price is reasonable. It's the customers who aren't getting dances who think the prices are too high. I believe the only other thing the dancer is trying to control is your wallet. It annoys me when a dancer puts on a really fake act as if she is interested in me when I can easily see how fake it is. I remember one dancer doing that but only one so I'm not sure how common that is. Lol, maybe the other strippers put on better acts.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Any strippers out there who have STOLEN MONEY or other items from customers?
    The criminal strippers probably do not even have enough money to buy a computer to even use to post messages on. I would say that any stripper that has to resort to stealing money etc. from customers is extremely desperate and not very bright. They'll eventually get caught by customers and/or the management and get fired/ fined, and/or jailed. Any stripper that didn't get caught would kill the business at the club thus the management would start getting determined to let her have it after they found out who it was. Stealing is a very bad idea for a stripper. Maybe davids should start a stripper rehabilation program for those strippers who can't afford to pay their bills and don't have the job skills to work anywhere else.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Any strippers out there who have STOLEN MONEY or other items from customers?
    davids I would say if you told that to management and they said that, they definitely are not very good managers. I would hope that those stealing are successful enough to spread the word about the thieves in that club and kill that clubs business. The managers deserve an empty club with very little business. I'm actually on your side in this case when management has that attitude. I haven't encountered that so far when I speak to management at clubs.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    It's Simple Really (My Final Post)
    I can give one good answer why to go to a strip club. If you like looking at lots of pretty semi naked girls where else are you going to go? I don't exactly see a lot of topless beaches opening up anytime soon. For a few dollars admission and a few extra dollars in tips, I can have a fun evening. Apparently one person doesn't seem to understand this simple fact and may never because they already have their mind made up. I'm just looking at the girls and I don't care about their personal lives. Just because I don't care about their personal lives doesn't mean I'm bad. I'm not paying a few dollars admission and a few dollars in tips to be a guidance counselor or social worker. Apparently davids opinions are fixed with that being anything and anyone connected to a strip club is bad. I disagree and just wanted to state that.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    It's Simple Really (My Final Post)
    Sometimes I wonder if davids is considering running for a political office while trying to display how moral he is by attacking the strip club business. Of course he is also stating that in his opinion that the business is wrong and should be shut down even though I never saw that directly posted. I just saw where he was headed with his posts. I disagree with the assessment. Of course I am not considering running for any office so I am not trying to get any moral authority votes or anything of that sort. The only reason I may be defending strip clubs is because I'm afraid of too much ignorance will cause fun evenings to dissappear just to appease those who think it's evil and must be stopped. Kinda of like the days of prohibition of alcohol. The moral oppressive folks thought it was evil and shut it down or out. Please don't let one or two dissenters shut down everything.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    It's Simple Really (My Final Post)
    A simple breakdown of the top post a) Sex and friendship are not the business reason for strip clubs. It is an ENTERTAINMENT business only. Why don't some people understand that? b) Using poorly defined logic where where the first statement is incorrect doesn't make the next statement correct. Customers of strip clubs are not PL's because they are engaging in entertainment. Are you a PL just because you go see a movie you like? That's another form of entertainment some people engage in. c) Obviously wrong also since a and b are wrong. d) Poster must not see any benefit from watching pretty girls for a few dollars admission. Or poster believes it's all about sex and no entertainment.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers on another website posting about their HATRED and RESENTMENT of custom
    Are you saying that some strippers may be men hating feminists? You may be right. They should be avoided. Do not listen to any feminists. The feminists should not be working in the strip club business or anywhere else in the US as far as I'm concerned. Let them go live in the Middle East where they can't show their face or vote. Maybe then they might get a slight clue why men defend liberty and freedom with their own blood only to have some feminist back home condemn all men.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Any strippers out there who have STOLEN MONEY or other items from customers?
    The PP in Greenville refused to give change in $1 bills when I asked before unless of course that is the exact change you need. Therefore I always bring plenty of my own one dollar bills and never tip anyone a $2 bill as a result of the club attitude. I'd rather give two ones if I thought someone deserved it than use the club mandated money. I will use $2 bills for drinks or save it for admission back to the club at a later date. I do not like the $2 change. I know PP in Columbia doesn't act the same way.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Any strippers out there who have STOLEN MONEY or other items from customers?
    I have noticed that at clubs that only give change in $2 bills, I tip a whole lot less so maybe it's not all that bad for us customers. Probably bad for dancers and management but they just don't get it. They would rather get an occasional $2 tip rather than a whole lot of ones.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If a stripper who you are spending money on refuses to tell you her real name
    If a guy wants to pay a stripper for conversation there is nothing wrong with that. I mean it's his money and he can do with it as he pleases. The stripper has made some money so she can continue working in the strip club and I might get to enjoy looking at her without virtually any expense on my part. I may tip a dollar at the stage but will certainly not pay for any conversation. I see this as a win win situation. Customer with money to burn gets to spend money as he wishes, stripper gets paid, and I get a better entertainment value while I'm at a club too. However I don't know if any customers are paying strippers for conversation in my area. I'm assuming this occurs only in areas where there are a lot of high income people.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    It's Simple Really (My Final Post)
    I prefer lots of naked females not naked guys thrown in with them. Key West is a very long distance compared to the local strip club as well. I suppose if I lived at a warm almost tropical beach and lots of pretty girls were out sunbathing nude or semi nude almost every day, I wouldn't feel like going to strip clubs unless of course they offered something more.