
Comments by casualguy (page 139)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    RL a word of warning, some posters may not really be your FRIEND if they post messages about disobeying a NO SMOKING sign. They may really be trying to get you ARRESTED and out of the way. Obviously sending someone to jail is not a FRIENDLY jesture when they are only PRETENDING to be your FRIEND. :) If they don't give you their REAL NAME and PHONE NUMBER, then you know they are not really your FRIEND.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Maybe you should add some TV repairmen into that category as well. The TV repairman I had was worse than the cable guy in the movie. I just wanted my TV fixed right and he had me talking to some girl asking if I wanted to be hooked up. Maybe he was just PRETENDING to be my FRIEND while he took his time PRETENDING to fix my TV.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Just remember RL, you need a record to prove it. If you consider doing anything criminal, please call the police first to report it so that they can arrest you preparing for the criminal activity. Remember to leave your name and address so they know where to look as well. Afterall you can't prove you're a REAL criminal if you never got caught. hmmm, I wonder if the police would arrest you or send you to the loony farm instead? Maybe RL you can even get good at making up stories such as how the police have been calling your house saying their going to nail you one of these days.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    ...and RL you can even make up stories to make you sound more criminal by talking about your criminal brother and how he was just visiting Mexico for just a day and he got arrested that quick for no good reason at all. RL, you could have a stripper girlfriend sooner than you think. LOL, unless you can't afford more than $5 bail to get out of jail, then you will immediately have a FREE stripper girlfriend by the REAL NAME of BUBBA. lol. ... and I bet you will know her address, being that is your new cell mate, lol.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Has anyone been REJECTED by a stripper (in RELATIONSHIP) after his MONEY ran out
    Check back in 5 years, he'll probably still be posting the same ol same ol.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers on another website posting about their HATRED and RESENTMENT of custom
    Why don't you start this topic over again and then post a sample of the discussion you are talking about that is so negative for customers? I'm feeling almost evil for giving hints to you though, don't know why. It's like I keep getting an amusing picture of a tv show Married with Children where the female neighbor starts acting like a chicken pecking away annoyed at the man of the house. That was a funny episode.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Has anyone been REJECTED by a stripper (in RELATIONSHIP) after his MONEY ran out
    So now you're taking on the stripper's side RL? I'm just shocked. You running a temperature today or not feeling the same? I heard the flu was going around. The flu must affect thinking as well. I don't know how well you can portray strippers to be evil, diabolical creatures out to steal customers money and then also portray them as victims in another post. You may need a vacation from TUSCL. This is shocking news. RL must be sick.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Customers who want to PRETEND their favorite stripper is afraid of stalkers
    What if a stripper seems to be stalking the guy? What if a stripper shows up years later and says she knows you and there is a picture of you in the bar where she works at? What if you don't remember her at all but she seems to know personal details about your life? If you get alone with her and she says the words "I'm here for YOU!" what exactly does that mean? stalker?? I believe I could get her REAL PHONE NUMBER but I am cheap like you RL and not willing to pay an extra 8 BUCKS for caller ID. Of course she already gave me her phone number but I forgot what it was. hmmm, RL maybe you could get stripper's phone numbers too, all you have to do is pay 8 BUCKS for caller ID. Then when strippers call you, they fell into your trap and you got their REAL PHONE NUMBER.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Customers who want to PRETEND their favorite stripper is afraid of stalkers
    LOL, My number one fear: being stalked by good to decent looking strippers. Be afraid, be very afraid! That sounds really scary. Doesn't that thought just terrify you RL?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Has anyone been REJECTED by a stripper (in RELATIONSHIP) after his MONEY ran out
    RL's fever must have broken. He seems back to his normal self. Lol. I wonder if RL gets excited when someone starts off a post by well let me tell you something, rl. I keep thinking of an amusing episode of Married with Children, very funny episode.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Has anyone been REJECTED by a stripper (in RELATIONSHIP) after his MONEY ran out
    It's usually quite easy to see rejection when your money runs out. For instance one of the fastest ways to get rid of most strippers in a strip club when they ask for a dance is to tell them that you are out of money. However if you go get a bunch of dances, you just blew that lie and they may be watching. Of course some dancers will point to the ATM machine after you say you are out of money.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    PEOPLE who go ON AND ON about HATEFUL things on MESSAGE BOARDS
    I've seen RL posts so long he seems like a comedian to me now instead of a serious poster. Just recently I was thinking I never really understood why some people seem to enjoy pushing others buttons or getting a rise out of them. When I start to experience that feeling, I still don't understand it. Oh well. I've seen other people's bad karma directed at me come back to bite them several times over. I might be a believer in it. It works the other way too, I help you, then you might unexpectedly be helping me later. Good karma works for me. Seems like things get multiplied for better or worse though.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    MANIPULATIVE strippers taking comfort in the mindless drivel of anonymous intern
    I'm glad you finally found someone that takes some comfort in your posts rl.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Customers in DENIAL who TELL strippers to worry about STALKERS
    Another clue to watch out RL, if the stripper happens to be wearing combat boots instead of high heels while on stage, that might be another clue that she can kick your ass. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Customers in DENIAL who TELL strippers to worry about STALKERS
    Are you saying the strippers with the criminal boyfriend don't need to worry about giving out their real name because their boyfriend will kick your ass if go over there and try anything? You might have a point there. Of course I've met more than one stripper that told me she had a black belt in martial arts and could kick ass herself. You might want to be careful about ticking off some strippers RL for your own safety. Of course if they passed certain tests, they will have to legally state that their hands or feet are lethal weapons before they kick your ass. That should give you a second or two to start running, lol. On the other hand though RL, you have to have some trust in the stripper that she will follow the law and make the statement before she kicks your ass. Besides if a stripper gives you her REAL NAME and phone number, she may be emotionally unstable. If she also know martial arts combat, run for cover RL. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Customers in DENIAL who TELL strippers to worry about STALKERS
    RL if you think it's safe to give out your REAL NAME and PHONE NUMBER to total strangers, then no one is stopping you from posting it online for everyone to see. Knock, knock, knock on your head RL. Time to wake up and realize that there are other people out there as dangerous as you. I don't know why you are in denial.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Some "men" have actually succeeded in BUYING a GIRLFRIEND in a strip club
    RL I will simplify things for you since you seem to be imagining things again. I will keep it simple so you understand. In a strip club men spend money. The dancers dance and get money from the men who spent it. Please go write a fantasy romance novel if you want to make up some story. I don't care to read about your fantasies.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers claim they have to "get to know you better" before telling personal
    You may have caught onto to something big there kitana, could RL stand for no R eal L ife? Oh wait, I think stripper boards is his real life.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    MANIPULATIVE strippers taking comfort in the mindless drivel of anonymous intern
    Oh by the way, if someone is taking comfort in your posts, I don't know why you want to say that they have emotional problems. That just makes too much sense for your posts.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Just so I don't see trouble at other clubs in the Southeast, the general policy at many clubs is you touch and you go. I remember recently seeing some immigrant workers try touching a dancer on stage. A bouncer came over and said something to them and they left shortly afterwards. I suppose it wasn't serious touching or they would have been escorted out immediately which I have seen. Of course if you know the girls and it's ok with the club and your a big time VIP (shadowcat), the club might be more lenient.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Here is a quote (apparently by a stripper) that you might be interested in
    I may have struck a nerve with RL after I posted that I didn't care for his fucking in the ass fantasies he kept posting. I haven't seen any since then but it's probably just a matter of time since RL seems to have all kinds of fantasies. I believe this same thread keeps getting reposted by RL every 2 or 3 months. Maybe he's a prison inmate with nothing better to do than ask his girlfriend Bubba. I bet all of his fellow inmates are telling about how they fucked strippers or some bs like that and RL believes it all.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    OTC lap dancing
    Over the years I've heard of dancers trying to give lap dances OTC but I tend to think of that as being a rip off. Why waste my time and money driving far away to some stripper's house just for a lap dance? Alot of the stripper's I see nowadays I wouldn't want to go home with anyway.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Customers who use TRICKS to get a stripper's PHONE NUMBER: clever or PATHETIC?
    Something about RL's post doesn't make sense like how did he get a phone number by making the call? We know he's too cheap to pay $8 a month to have caller ID. It also doesn't make sense to call his own house collect since he would have to pay for that call. I give up on this one.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    lap dance tipping etiquette
    I thought Tippin was a city in China but after a search, I did not find it there. It must be there somewhere. Maybe RL can go to China and find it for us. Lol.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do you have a friend like This?
    The other brother may be angry unless he's as understanding or as giving as the guy who gave away the jacket. (Might be a good time to think of a good story.) I didn't even give my CD to this one dancer who said she liked it while we riding somewhere in my car. I was glad I still had it later (because she talked about borrowing it for awhile) after I got into a disagreement with her. Actually I broke things off with her and since she didn't have anything of mine, that made it simple. I imagine most dancers would think of someone as either rich or gullible if they freely give that easily. I imagine they'll call him the sweetest thing and being very nice and all but still think of him as gullible or naive.