Comments by 99Intrepid
discussion comment
5 years ago
New York
You need to be a little more specific. What is an underground strip party, where is it, what's the cost, who will be there and what are the days and times?
discussion comment
14 years ago
Dude...I was at The Rolling Stones concert in Shea Stadium in NYC in 1989. We paid like $70 for each ticket. There was this one moron kid that got so toasted before the concert even started he passed out and missed the entire perfomance. I doubt the idiot (if he's still alive) realizes how stupid he looked till this day - buying a ticket, attending music history, and being in a coma the entire time. At least you can always go back to a strip club the following night!
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14 years ago
This is a no-brainer. If she's there do not make any eye-contact and if she comes over to you just say "No Thank You" and walk away. Odds are she doesn't remember you anyway.
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16 years ago
Atlanta suburb
I can't imagine going into one of these clubs and not getting off...I wear the softest lounge pants I can to make it easy and more pleasant for the girl as well. Why the hell else would anyone go to one of these places?
discussion comment
17 years ago
I heard about it on the news a few weeks ago. She was busted when a cop found some pot in a car she was driving. Her UNIQUE answer was that the pot wasn't hers LMAO.
Maryann was a cutie for sure, but the "Bend Her Over The Mattress Until She Screams For More" Award goes to Ginger..no contest.
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17 years ago
As usual Shadowcat cracks me up.
I agree with now_starring and quimby. If y're looking for a relationship a strip club isn't usually a great place to find one.
Remember this Showpan - If you let her move in you LEGALLY cannot throw her out once she finally gets on your nerves. Once she's in, the police themselves cannot remove her from your home unless she commits a crime (like stabbing you because she found that Penhouse between the mattresses).
Buena Suerte Hermano - Looks like you're going to need it ;)
discussion comment
17 years ago
At the tender young age of 48 I of course had no delusions about any of these broads. However I must also point out that no less than four of these women hae given me their home telephone numbers - even though I was very honest with them about being married. Of course all of them could have just been playing the game differently but can you imagine any dancer indiscriminitely giveng out her home number to a clubber? Granted all four women knew me and it was only after each had sseen me three or four times (it varied) that they wanted me to call them. Look I don'[t want to give any false hopes to anyone out there but many of you may have noticed that a decent, self-secure, somewhat successful guy who has his shit together isn't exactly the norm any more. when I ask the last dancer why she was giving me her phone number, she wsaid something like I was a good catch and she wanted to spend more time with me. Pity too - that last one was a perfect 10 in my book - it was just that this little minor detail about being MARRIED pprevented us from being able to connect outside of the club.
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17 years ago
Last time THAT happened was 1976. Then they invented all kinds of scary shit. Pity too.
discussion comment
18 years ago
Very difficult topic here. How do you get a broad to drop her laundry right there on the street so you can check "her" out. Chandler makes a very very good point of course - except if it really IS a broad then you're passing up on a pretty good deal. Most of the others I saw on the street that night were pretty skanky and I would never persue them. I'm teeling ya I wish I was born in the 30s rather than 1960!
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18 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Dude read my post, one up from yours. I think you are proabably best-versed as to how to handle my little conundrum
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18 years ago
Stacey Valentine (Think Anna Nicole Smith)
Tera/Tara Patrick
Jenna Jamison (The early years)
Amber Lynn
Chasey Lane (So Gorgeous It's Mind-Numbing)
discussion comment
18 years ago
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
This is an interesting thread in that it covers a lot of the dynamics as to why we hit strip clubs in the first place and how we feel about them in general.
1. We're all there to look at babes (obviously) - The hotter the better. 2. We're all loooking for as much action with said-bases as we can get (while acknowleging we all have different levels of how far we want to go - The redoubtable Shadowcat comes to mind - Shadowcat may be the modern-day version of Johnny Holmes) 3. For others it's the thrill of variety and seeing so many different types of women in one confined space, with the possibility of mixing it up with them (YEAH - THAT'S ME) and 4. For others it may be a search for a real-life partner in a make-believe world (which BG may subconsciously be doing).
Regardless of who we are and why we are there, generally speaking we all go to these clubs to fill in something we want and is probably missing from our lives.
Keep swinging away BG - My feeling is that eventually you'll find the right blend of looks and soul you seek - but probably not in the local tit-bar.
Last point - those KC State broads would ruin ANYONES night. So anyone who wants to take a shot at BG better just Back Off because I totally agree with him!!
discussion comment
18 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Dude - It appears that you're letting drug-addicts suck and possibly fuck your unprotected cock - PLEASE Say this isn't so. You're one of the more literate guys on these boards - I'd hate to hear about you getting The Bug from one of these broads...
On a totally different note - I wish I lived near a city like yours. NYC has pretty much become Disneyworld.
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18 years ago
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
FONDL: I don't see that Hi-IQ arrogance you describe in our friend BG. I've read many of his posts over the past few days and his writings have seem well thought-out and well-organized. I sense the same feelings of dissatisfaction in his own that you do however (and that is HARDLY rare). But finding answers or finding yourself in a strip-club is simply ridiculous. Our friend should spend more time in other endeavors if he's looking for the perfect soulmate with a killer body.
BG: How's this for the ultimate irony: Most of us over the age of 30 soon realize that even if you meet a Pamela Anderson look-alike and you fall madly in love with each other - she better have a heart, a soul and a brain to go with that killer body - Or you will soon dump her anyway THEN where will you be?)
There's a great Internet photo that circulates once in a while - An incredible looking Penthouse Pet woman is kneeling on a blanket in a bikini - and the caption reads something like "Somehow, some way, some one, is already sick of her shit".
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18 years ago
I find the strippers response interesting, amusing and far-fetched - "You mean....I've had your hardon up my ass for the past 15 minutes, I've been massaging it to music, and Oh MY GOD you actually CAME??"
Really now...those are the real hookers in the room, just looking to squeeze out a few more drops....of extra money. And happily I've rarely come across any of them...
discussion comment
18 years ago
Joely Fisher (Till Death) - Always has her tits out. Makes me crazy.
Yvonne DeCarlo (The Munsters) - But ONLY if she were dressed up as Lilly Munster.
Lara Parker (Dark Shadows) - Angelique (She MAY have had a kid in one of the scenarios - I don't quite remember). I've been infatuated with her since 1968. I'd do her today, even at age 65, if she'd let me.
And I know she was never a TV mom, but if you stretch the envelope to include TV Sitcom ladies, Barbara Eden (I Dream Of Jeannie) would be renamed Barbara Eaten if she ever gets near me.
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18 years ago
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
BG: It's obvious to me by the quality of yor writing that you are certainly an educated man. You need to let that intellect do some work for you. You MUST have known that postings like the one that opened up this thread are bound to draw you some ire and contempt. Seems to me that you probably have a lot to offer a real girlfriend or wife, but these clubs are taking time away from that search.
I know I sound like a broken record but if ANYONE on these boards is looking for the perfect girlfriend or wife at a strip club, then that guy needs to get a good running start and slam their heads into a brick wall.
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18 years ago
Blue Ridge Foothills
Most of go to these clubs for the variety of dancers to see and experience. Going to see the same dancer over and over again will evolve into a "girlfriend" experience - and if it's a girlfriend you want, a strip club isn't the best place to look for one. Personally I hate it when one dancer hooks onto me as I walk in the door, no matter who she is. Since I'm the one who's shelling out the cash, I'd like to be able to select whomever I wish without someone sticking to me.
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18 years ago
Atlanta suburb
This whole site is based on guys sharing information. Us guys in the NYC area need as much help as we can get. Posting club names and the names of girls who go the extra inches are invaluable.
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18 years ago
Atlanta suburb
This whole site is based on guys sharing information. Us guys in the NYC area need as much help as we can get. Posting club names and the names of girls who go the extra inches are invaluable.
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18 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Dude - I am glad to hear it. You're certainly entitled to the "fun" aspect of it - This shit costs a lot of money. For me, I always try to keep it very friendly but not to the point where either of us will want more than the other can give. A couple of dancers have given me their home phone numbers but I'm very VERY careful about calling them at home and rarely do so. Us guys need to recognize that with only a very few exceptions, relationships between clients and dancers are usually pretty limited.
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18 years ago
Atlanta suburb
I knew this call-girl/hooker back in the early 1990s - Same shit. I even TOLD her (and I felt it was true) that she wasn't like the others prowling around the west side of Manhattan. She said she liked hearing it because it was so rare - Then she pulled the biggest sex rip-off on me I've had yet. After that I kept it real and have ever since. There is NO SHAME in this - These girls break their supple asses for the money - IT BE A BUSINESS Y'ALL!! And we either fill an intimacy void, or (in my case) get a rush only variety can give you.
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18 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Back in March, a dancer I thought was "Different" (i.e. Not a BS-Artist) told me another dancer was out for a month due to a mutilating tit-job performed on her by a Russian surgeon in Brooklyn. Not three weeks later, I saw the "victim" - her tits looked like they always did...She spent April in Russia with her family (showed me the pics too). Like I've said before, lying is as natural as breathing to these girls.
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18 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Ok SCAT - Your point is well-taken on ANYONE'S committment.
I'm just curious - What specifically do you want from this girl? In your mind, is what you want possible? Has she given you any indication she's ready to end her marriage to accomodate you? These are some very tough questions I know - but I hate seeing anyone set themselves up for a skewering...
discussion comment
18 years ago
First let me apologize to anyone who may have mis-read me - I was kidding when I said "What's Wrong With you?" (See the wink-smiley at the end of my post?).
The truth is - I think To Cum Forth or Not to Cum Forth is a decision each of us makes as an individual. Since inexpensive trim is no longer available in NYC SCs the next-best thing. For me personally, to drop $80 - $150 per night and go home with a painful hard-on is unthinkable.