
Comments by 99Intrepid (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Trying to avoid 1 dancer but want to see another 1 at the club
    Like I said in my earlier post I have the same problem with a Russain dancer at Tender Trap. My answer remains the same. If our friend is approached, he can simply say "No Thank You" and if necessary he can say "Look - I'll find YOU if I'm interested, Ok?" No need to be impolite or aggresive - but if "No" really is "No" he needs to make it very clear and not be firm about it. Eventually she'll stop bothering.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Wet pants
    Not Once In A While - Every time. I take precautions to make sure it doesn't mess up my clothes. I'm there to get off, not get Blue-Balls. I can't imagine leaving one of these places with a stiff dick after spending upwards of $100 - What was the point of being there? Condoms are the best protection against wetness but I just usually line the inside of the shorts with paper towels to catch it. Why am I doing this? Because there are virtually no hookers left in New York City. Herr Rudolph Giuliani drove them all out by 2001 - Only HE was allowed to have a picece of trim on the side. That particular trim is currently his third wife (and counting). But I'm just wondering - To all of those guys who have a beautiful girl rubbing her tits all over you, not wearing any clothes, grinding you right on top of your Johnson, and often grabbing your shaft and working it right through your clothes - Why DIDN'T you come? What's wrong with you? ;)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Trying to avoid 1 dancer but want to see another 1 at the club
    There are times in our lives when we just have to be honest. I have the same problem right now with a Russian dancer at Tender Trap. But I will have no problem saying "No Thanks - Not Tonight" the next time I go there. And if she jumps me the minute I walk in the door, I will be polite and if she asks me for th usual, I say the same thing. Look - The main reason normal males of our species go to these places is to view and enjoy the opposite sex. A VARIETY of them. NOT ONE. If we wanted just ONE, most of us already have ONE waiting for us at home, no need to go out and toss money around. Strippers are there to earn money. They rub us and make us feel good so that they can earn that money. There is no shame in being honest - She doesn't want to waste her time either.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Unforgettable words spoken by a dancer
    I actually strayed from the main topic of this discussion board. "Unforgettable WORDS Spoken By A Dancer" - Am I in the minority or does anyone take anything these girls say seriously? I mean IMO it's all role-playing.... I had one Russian dancer once grind on me and yell out "Oh!! I Want To Fuck You!!". That little scene could have been directed by Ed Wood Jr. If any of you think you're so irresistable to these babes, try flashing a $5 bill at them and say "This is all I have - Can we go and get crazy now?"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    An open letter to my favorite dancer...
    Either you're not getting it or you don't want to. When I write SHE'S MARRIED that means she's committed to someone else. YOU even used the word "Happily Married". Plus there's a 30-year gap between you. I've seen guys like you before - After they get vaacuumed for severl hundred (or thousand) dollars - they officially get told to fuck off. This WILL happen to you (by your own admission) - again. We all have fantasy lives - you SOOOO need to get back to the real world. You can't say you weren't warned.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Most erotic experience ?
    6 months after my first wife invited me out the door, In October 1999 I met a NJ 42 Yr-Old divorcee with an incredible libido (I was 41).... One of our first nights, we hit a hotel near the Meadowlands, and I had 4 orgasms, She had 6 orgasms, for a total of 10 inexplicable orgasms in a four-hour span. I even got it up a fifth time that night but that one just stayed at attention. We had other similar nights and the relationship lasted just over two years. For whatever reason, sex with that woman was always perfect.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    An open letter to my favorite dancer...
    Dude - SHE'S MARRIED. You don't want to make more of this unless A) You want to fuck up two people's lives [plus your own when she starts feeling guilty] or B) You want to get killed. Unless SHE brings up expanding the relationship, understand that she is in the business of making guys feel good, and she gets paid for it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    One of us got busted by his wife...
    Using your personal cell phone leaves an audit trail. Period. I would ONLY call someone from the office and usually from another phone other than my own. Let's face it - exchanging cell phone numbers with any woman other than your wife (or relatives) leaves you WIDE open for disaster. A little common sense goes a long way.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Strip club trip that wasn't
    Doesn't it all depend on your point of view? If it wasn't for work, you couldn't even get inside the door of a strip club. Work and earnings are what fuels us Guys - How high is your libido when you don't have shit in your wallet? Look at it the other way - If the IRS handed you a $2000 refund, what starts to happen to that dirty little mind of mine (oops...dirty little mind of YOURS). Strip clubs are a soft-porn way of working off that excess desire to spread your seed. The only catch is that the workers there need your green to succeed. IMHO Nobody loses.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Unforgettable words spoken by a dancer
    Harmony Theater, New York City, 1998. Two dancers I'll never forget - Chelsea - Black Girl with Anna Nicole Smith's Body. I must have spent hundreds with her - I cannot ever forget that woman, nor would I want to. And also Evelyn - Tall athletic fair-skinned black-haired girl, maybe Latina - A couple of nights with her - we should have gotten arrested, or maybe married.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Scrunchers: Pro or Con
    This is no mystery. Maximum grindage occurs if you're laying flatter. If the girl is into earning, this gets her off one guuy and onto another quicker. And it doesn't suck for the guy either.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Best pants for lap dances.
    This one is a no-brainer. Since I came to live in the Bronx in 2004, I notice a lot of guys wear "pajama" pants - solid colors, plaids, etc. Jockey makes them and they are super-cheap. Great for weekend TV-watching too. They look and act like running pants but are very thin (good for you), and since they are solid cotton, they are also very very soft (good for her). Wear black or dark blue of course in case of any mishaps.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Best pants for lap dances.
    This one is a no-brainer. Since I came to live in the Bronx in 2004, I notice a lot of guys wear "pajama" pants - solid colors, plaids, etc. Jockey makes them and they are super-cheap. Great for weekend TV-watching too. They look and act like running pants but are very thin (good for you), and since they are solid cotton, they are also very very soft (good for her). Wear black or dark blue of course in case of any mishaps.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Best pants for lap dances.
    This one is a no-brainer. Since I came to live in the Bronx in 2004, I notice a lot of guys wear "pajama" pants - solid colors, plaids, etc. Jockey makes them and they are super-cheap. Great for weekend TV-watching too. They look and act like running pants but are very thin (good for you), and since they are solid cotton, they are also very very soft (good for her). Wear black or dark blue of course in case of any mishaps.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Something that's been puzzling me ...
    It doesn't sound to me that you are satisfied in your current arrangement (no suprise there - don't know many men that would be). You need to communicate your thoughts and feelings better (shit they do it all the friggin time - sometimes it seems they can't turn it off). In your case, I'm not sure what you've got to lose - you're not getting half of what a normal relationship would give you. If you feel you would "lose" her then you may want to either 1)Come to the conclusion the relationship wasn't a strong one anyway or 2) Continue to let her dictate all of the terms of your relationship with her and be satisfied and mute about it.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Not a bad visit.
    my god what bullshit
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Need A Beer To Quench The Flames
    Don't feel bad. I don't remember EVER having a good time in this place. Other than Sugar D's and what used to be known as T's...I Wish I could find at least ONE other worthwhile club in WPB.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OK visit - but the club can and should do better
    So...if Sugar D's sucks on a given night... which is the best alternative in West Palm Beach???
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    This club has been hit or miss for me but had a pretty good time on this visit
    I love this guys detailed account. I also love that club.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Visited Sugardaddy’s on Monday evening 12/8/14...
    Lots of good detail and intelligent perspective. BTW I love SD's.