TV Sitcom Fantasy MILF

avatar for dennyspade
Simply put:
What Sitcom TV Mom would you like to bang ?

We are not talking about the "actress-in-reality." For some reason, I think that Everybody Loves Raymond's DEBRA BARONE would be a hot piece of ass. It appears that her playfulness and attitude would transfer very well in the boudoir.

Here's a couple more that would raise my flag:
The actress who plays Bernie Mac's wife and
King of Queen's -- CARRIE HEFFERNAN

Care to share ?


Teri Hatcher or Felicity Huffman... Desp Housewives
avatar for dennyspade
18 years ago

Echo that on Felicity Huffman and Terri Hatcher.
Of course, there is something about a June Cleaver wearing pumps,nylons and a string of pearls ... We all remember her line to Ward ... "You were a little rough on the Beaver, last night don'tcha think?"
avatar for dennyspade
18 years ago
Since she's moved from Seinfeld to the Adventures of Old Chrsitine;I would have to add Julia Louis-Dreyfuss to my list. Hell, I thought Jerry should have kept hittin' it on his show.
Is she a TV Sitcom Mom in the Christine show?
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
Am I the only one here who has never watched most of these shows? The fake soundtracks along with too many commercials killed sitcoms for me a long time ago. Unless I can find an old episode of Cheers, I'd rather read.
avatar for dennyspade
18 years ago
1) Founder: You KNOW that I am a huge CHEERS fan and I forgot to include Dr. Fraiser Crane's wife, LILITH.

2) Here's how they described the Old Christine show:
Emmy Award winner Julia Louis-Dreyfus ("Seinfeld") stars in THE NEW ADVENTURES OF OLD CHRISTINE, a comedy about a single mother and owner of a "30-minute workout gym" who is the portrait of the new American mom, albeit with some unflinchingly candid points of view. For her, every day is an adventure, but life is made easier due to the fantastic relationship she shares with her ex-husband. However, everything changes when her ex's new, younger girlfriend enters the picture, instantly complicating her life.

ok, put her on the list then.
Mary Tyler Moore looked mighty fine to me in a sleeveless blouse and housewife slacks in old B&W reruns of the Dick Van Dyke show.
Gives new meaning to where I vant my dickie van dikie ...
Definitely Mary Tyler Moore.

Never seen Desperate Houswives, but Teri Hatcher is pretty hot, and the red headed one whose name escapes me.

I can't really come up with any sitcom moms I'd like to do, but Rosanne Barr keeps popping into my head as I try to think of sitcom moms... That's just wrong.
Betty Rubble - pretty cute in contrast to Wilma, but I'm not sure whether she was a mom.

Jane Jetson - available, no doubt, for Barbarella-style robotic spaceage three-ways with Rosie the maid.
Betty Rubble, def a mom... how can you forget bam-bam?
Didn't Rachel have a baby at the end of Friends?

Jennifer Aniston -- numero uno on the list
Oh, I forgot to second the nomination for Lilith on "Cheers". Something about her buttoned-down professional attire was a total turn-on for me.
Founder, Bam Bam was adopted... Sorry to break it to you. But Betty was definitely do-able, and technically a mom.
avatar for nj_pete
New Jersey
18 years ago
What's her name, that played Diane on Cheers.
AN, you know what that means - a mom with no stretch marks and no pancake tits! Yabba dabba do!
avatar for ShotDisc
18 years ago
Joanna Kearns (Maggie Seaver)from Growing Pains
Teri Hatcher Desparate Housewives
Kate Tanner (Anne Schedeen) ALF
Lorelai Gilmore (Lauren Graham) Gilmore Girls
Kate Summers (Erin Grey) Silver Spoons
CLAUDIA FINNERTY (Megyn Price) Grounded for Life
Ann Romano (Bonnie Franklin) One Day at a Time
Samantha of 'Bewitched'
Morticia Addams

(My sitcom memories are apparently stuck in the 60s.)
Among the desperate housewives: definitely I prefer the red-head. Teri Hatcher looks over-the-hill to me (although I have to admit she's the only one whose name, whether real or character, I can even come close to identifying); the little Latina is cute enough, with a smokin' body, but has a bit too much of the glam-cosmetic for my tastes. The rest of the world's starlets just pass me by in a fuzzy haze. They're all the same.
avatar for dennyspade
18 years ago
To ShotDisc:

Ann Romano?(TV Mom to Valerie Bertinelli?)

What about Meredith Baxter Birney from that Michael J. Fox sitcom, Family Ties?
Do she have to be Mom? I always thought Wilbur's wife Carol on Mister Ed (Connie Hines) had a cute face and a killer body. Let's call Mister Ed her son and put her on the list.

In my favorite episode, she plays Wilbur's assistant in a magic show and dresses up in one of those one-piece, low-cut magician assistant's outfit.

(I'm showing my age with this one)
Yeah I see what you mean. Wait, is it this one ...…

... or this one ...…

... that has your horse getting all eddied?

Morticia Addams- I spend more time going to stripclubs & less time watching TV now, so I guess I'm stuck in the 60's ,too.
avatar for evilcyn
18 years ago
I was gonna say Mortisha Adams, she is one of my favs...
I ain't really into goth chicks in 2007, but if I were, she might as well be the real deal.
avatar for Clubber
18 years ago
OK, on my own I could think of no one. Of course, I do not watch a lot of TV. So I decided to wait and see if anyone posted someone that might float my boat. Sorry, guys, not a one mentioned. Maybe some would if I had any idea who they were.
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
Clubber, you and I agree. I don't even recognize most of the names mentioned. It's kinda like when I'm in a doctor's office and pick up a copy of "People" magazine. I sit there flipping through the pages wondering who the hell these poeple are. And wondering why does anoyne care to read about their private lives. Same way when I'm at the gym and forced to watch a talk show. - I usually have never heard of any of the guests. I don't understand the fascination with so-called celebrities. I find it all pretty boring.
avatar for Clubber
18 years ago

Couldn't have said it better! But, I will state that I do know of some mentioned, but don't think I would wish to "bang" any of those. Now if it were movies instead of sitcoms...
avatar for Pete22z
18 years ago
Oh c'mon! The hottest MILF ever is Portia de Rossi from "Arrested Development"! I don't think I've ever seen her look less than stunning.
avatar for 99Intrepid
18 years ago
Joely Fisher (Till Death) - Always has her tits out. Makes me crazy.

Yvonne DeCarlo (The Munsters) - But ONLY if she were dressed up as Lilly Munster.

Lara Parker (Dark Shadows) - Angelique (She MAY have had a kid in one of the scenarios - I don't quite remember). I've been infatuated with her since 1968. I'd do her today, even at age 65, if she'd let me.

And I know she was never a TV mom, but if you stretch the envelope to include TV Sitcom ladies, Barbara Eden (I Dream Of Jeannie) would be renamed Barbara Eaten if she ever gets near me.
Who ARE all these people ... oh Google!
avatar for Clubber
18 years ago
Since I don't know most of the above, let me throw one in that most will not know, Wenna, or in real life, Yvette Mimieux, although, not a "MILF". I was an 11 year old boy that likely knew little about sex, but I KNOW that I was in "love" with this woman!
I like Helgenberger too. And that little squealy spinner on Regis and Whatever-her-name-is.
Yeah but she's so ... SQUEALY and all. :)

Definitely my type. Not the behavior, necessarily; but oh my the body ...

avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
I too am a Kelly Ripa fan (I didn't list her because she's not a sit-com mom.) Her round face, big smile, playful manner and sarcastic wit all remind me of my ATF - they could be sisters.
avatar for happylap
18 years ago
I can't get into sitcoms. The only TV I watch are sporting events, The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. So I guess the only woman I can throw into this discussion is Samantha Bee. She's not hot but I bet she'd be fun! And she IS a mom--gave birth recently.
I watch high-end soccer (Champions League, World Cup and European Championship, some UEFA Cup) and The Weather Channel when there's a storm. Oh, and Antiques Roadshow of course ...
avatar for ShotDisc
18 years ago
Porti DiRossi is gay. She is Ellen DeGeneress' main squeeze.
avatar for dennyspade
18 years ago

It's a "Fantasy Bang," not that we would really get a chance at Celebrity Chix. For the record, I would have loved to have been the dude on DESIGNING WOMEN. He must have had a few opportunities to get some of that MILF nookie. I ain't sayin' ... um jus sayin'.
She's not on a sitcom, but I'll stretch this thread to include commercials. Has anyone seen the Dodge Grand Caravan commercial, with the kid being told to put the 10 bucks he found somewhere safe, and then he goes around finding an airplane, a ring, etc. That boy's mom is hot!!! I just love her the last two scenes -- first when she's in the bathroom raising her hands up to tie her hair when her shorty shows her the frog he found, then last when she's folding down the seats in her Grand Caravan and opens up its secret compartment and out pops the frog her rugrat found. In particular, there's a wide shot of her walking around the minivan that shows off her slim body real good. Mmm-mmm!
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
Someyoungguy: And how about the very hot spokesmodel in the Mercury commercials... I LOVE that!
Oh, her too! I'll take her with or without child! (Aside: She's even hotter because one of her more recent commercials was shot on the campus of my alma mater!)
avatar for kcquestor
18 years ago
Although the title clearly says "Sitcom" MILFs, lots of these are not from sitcoms. So I'll go ahead and add a couple:

- Ali Larter, the blond mom in Heroes with the split personality and super strength.
- Linda Cardellini, the short spunky nurse Sam from ER (who I crushed on in "Freaks and Geeks")
- Maura Tierney, the nurse-turned-doctor Abby also from ER (you may remember her from "Talk Radio" and "Liar, Liar"
- Jamie Pressly, the white trash Joy on "My Name is Earl"
- Vanessa Williams, on Ugly Betty she has step-kids. That counts!
- Katherine Heigl, surgical intern Izzy Stevens on "Grey's Anatomy". She gave the baby up for adoption (that counts too!). She's also in the new movie "Knocked Up"
- Lois Griffin, from "Family Guy". OK, so she's animated. She's also a slut who was into girls for a while, but just needed the penis.
Well, if we're going to go with any ol' TV personality, then I'm gonna say Marge Simpson. :) All that pent up anxiety ...

And the Vulcan chick from "Star Trek: Enterprise." Nice bod ...
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
I whole heartedly support the vote for Jamie Pressly!!!
I loved Jamie Pressly when she was younger. I've known a few strippers who had that same bad girl look in their eye, which slays me. Jamie's body is perfect, too, of course. Lately, however, she's lost some of her youthful lusciousness and always looks too tanned. Her role on the Earl show is good comedy, but it calls on her to be more shrill than sexy, IMO. I'm still glad for her success. She alway used to get cliched roles in some pretty crappy movies.
Like many of you, I don't watch a whole lot of TV, so I wasn't sure who Jamie Pressly was. I thought it was the girl that was on "Son of the Beach" several years back -- but I googled the show and remembered that was Jaime Bergman. I don't know if many of you remember the show: it was on cable from 2000-2002. It was a parody of Baywatch produced by Howard Stern. I thought the first season was absolutely hilarious. My kind of crude humor. And I was somewhat shocked that some of the material made it on the air -- I don't remember the network it was on, but it wasn't a premium cable station like HBO or Showtime.
Well, I knew Jaime (not "Jamie") Pressly long before she was on TV, although not by name. I just knew her as that hot looking bad girl featured in movie trailers (no pun intended) for teen sex comedies I never saw. Until one day about 7 years ago I decided to look up her name and rent some videos.

Excuse me for posting this comment I came across while checking her filmography on IMDb. This guy perfectly sums up how I felt about her talent going to waste. BTW, I liked Denise Richards, too, for a similar pouting femme fatale appeal, but Jaime was way hotter. I think her biggest shortcoming was her voice. Always cracking or hoarse, and too heavily accented for starring roles.
>Wake up Hollywood, it's time Jaime Pressly was discovered!, 13 September 2002
Author: gregvaughan () from New Jersey

There may be more beautiful actresses out there, and there are certainly more talented ones, but few can match Jaime Pressly for sheer sex appeal! From the moment she turns up -- the camera panning up her legs in the first of a series of trashy, figure hugging outfits -- you're hooked on everything this avenging blonde bombshell does! (If another actress has ever looked hotter in a clingy white t-shirt with no bra, I must have missed it!) How come the pouting, plastic, silicone enhanced Denise Richards lands big movies like WILD THINGS and James Bond, while Jaime, who can play scheming bitches better, and has a sexual presence that burns up the screen (and a killer bod that's 100% natural!) is still stuck in StV flicks, or crap like NOT ANOTHER TEEN MOVIE?? If Jaime had been set loose in WILD THINGS or CRUEL INTENTIONS she'd have been a superstar overnight!

As she goes about wrecking havoc and revenge on the family who wronged her, highlights here include: Jaime's topless swim/backstroke (in glorious slo-mo); handcuffing a drunk chick to her bed post (don't ask!); pouring champaign down her front to get a guys full attention (it works); dressing in dominatrix outfits; and effortlessly seducing a handsome rich kid, who she knows hasn't been getting any from his frigid fiancee ("Hmmm, I see we have a little unfinished business," she announces, before sticking her hand down his pants and purring, "Stock market's up.........and I see you're a major stock holder.") Pressly's breathy delivery when in seduction mode, and ultra-blunt abrasiveness the rest of the time is amusingly effective, hitting just the right note. There is barely a moment here when she doesn't totally command the screen. Please someone (Paul Verhoeven, John McNaughton) give this babe some quality trash that people will actually see! It's a crime to see her wasting away in vehicles for the likes of Steven Seagal and Jerry friggin' Springer!<
That quote refers to 1997's 'Poison Ivy 3' (talk about trash), filmed when she was barely 19, which has to be the sexiest soft porn performance by any actress ever in a Hollywood movie. Other than Jaime, the movie sucks, but fortunately it's almost all Jaime.
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