
Strippers whose FRIENDSHIP is not real

Wednesday, August 1, 2007 9:15 AM
Let us discuss the strippers who are NOT TRUE FRIENDS but are only interested in MONEY and DEMAND to be PAID FOR CONVERSATION.


  • MIDancer
    17 years ago
    RL, I'm not at work to make friends with the customers. I'm there for money. It's a business.
  • ozymandias
    17 years ago
    OF COURSE they demand to be PAID FOR CONVERSATION! They are there TO WORK and to MAKE MONEY. Strippers are NOT TRUST FUND KIDS who perform a charity HAVING FREE CONVERSATIONS with the customers - oops I mean TRUE FRIENDS - they see in the club. Time to GET A CLUE or possibly FIND A LESS EMOTIONALLY DAMAGING HOBBY. O.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    MIDancer, RomanticLover, aka RL, isn't too interested in chat. He's more interested in posting the same ol same ol strippers are bad topics on this site and probably others year after year. One reason the ignore button was invented. Just one click on ignore and the posts are gone if logged in to the site.
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    As a stripper, have I made some friends along the way, sure, I am at work looking to make friends, no...Its great when it just ends up that way, but all in all first contact with anyone is about money, its a job...
  • runnoft
    17 years ago
    I have never paid for conversation in a strip club. My take on this is that strippers spend time on conversation the way a business spends money on advertising. The stripper has to spend the time talking with the customers in order to get dances.
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    This bis is about selling yourself, so spending some time talking is part of it.. I always say bieng on stage is like your own commercial, so yes talking for a while is part of it... Some guys though, don't want dances, so they compensate for time for just company
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Fuck em.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    My CF hangs with me ITC when I'm not paying her; I'm sure other dancers wouldn't. We don't see each other OTC though, so I'm in that friend/customer zone where she likes my company enough to want to be with me, but not so much that she wants to fuck, even for money.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    Roll with the punches. Regulars who expect to monopolize a girls time at the booth without her getting compensated BETTER be paying, especially if there's guys in the club who will pay for dances. Some clubs sell "Drinks" which mean a set amount of time in conversation (or otherwise engaged with the right tips in some places). Where this happens is often geographic..... You're NOT going to change a club's policy so pay up or go elsewhere. Otherwise, what Runnoft said. A girl can use conversation to advertise themselves. Often there are girls you AREN'T interested in that make themselves a fixture and run girls you want to see off, so as far as 'free' conversation goes Free is in no way always a good thing. I have a good time in the club, I tip.... if the girls are in full entitlement mode expect me to take my business elsewhere.
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