
Drunk Dancers

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

I recall last year getting a couple of lap dances from a really drunk dancer in Louisville, KY. It was late at night and I spotted her walking around groping some gentlemen customers. I figured, hell, I'm pretty damn horny, I'll give her a shot and see what I can get from her.

Well, big mistake. On our first lap dance in the seperate LD area wasn't too bad, as there was good two-way action. Second lap dance was almost as good as the first, except she kept loosing her balance and I had to steady her to keep her on her feet. Attempting a third lap dance, which never materialized, I had to practically carry her out of the LD area and set her at a table.

This was a lesson learned for me..... not to pick on the handicapped (drunk) dancers!

Anyone else have similar experiences that they dare mention?


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Avatar for FONDL

I once saw a dancer pass out on a bar stool and fall to the floor - some friends had to carry her back to the dressing room, she was out cold. Prior to that she had been stumbling around on stage, it was pretty funny. My guess is that there was more than alcohol involved.

Avatar for DougS

In all of my experience, I've only had one dancer that had way too much to drink. A few years back at Babes East in Indy, a very cute dancer ventured to my table and told me that she just turned 19 (she looked like she could've been that young, but it might've been stripper shit), was very horny and wanted to dance for me. Who was I to complain? We went back to the private area and she obviously was having troubles dancing - or standing for that matter. She wasn't giving me incredible mileage or anything, but what allocated a spot in my memory for her was that she finally gave up trying to dance and settled into my lap for some cuddling and what turned into a 20 min DFK session. She wanted me to come back and visit her later in the week (I was in Indy on business), but I had a better offer (OTC) from my Prev-ATF. Not only was she too drunk to dance, but she was too drunk to keep track of the dance count. It was the most enjoyable and most memorable "three" dance set that I've ever had! [grin]

Avatar for shadowcat

I know several dancers that give me better dances when they have been drinking. It lowers their inhabitions. But when some dancers drink to excess they become more interested in drinking and partying and forget why they are there. To make money by pleasing the customers. When they get to that point they become obnoxious and useless. I have seen 3 at my favorite club that I would not classify as strippers. Just over the hill drunks.

Avatar for motorhead

Doug, I'm surprised to read that you have only experienced one dancer with too much to drink. Just in the past year since I have been frequenting the Hip Hugger, I have seen some extremely drunk (or drugged) girls -- on at least 3 or 4 occassions. Too drunk to walk a straight line.

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

DougS - Shame shame shame on you! I would never have guessed an upright GENTLEMAN like you would taken advantage of a disadvantaged dancer! Of course what I just said is not stripper shit, it's BS (Bones Shit)! :-)

I'm afraid if placed in your same situation.... I would have done exactly the same, maybe even more.

Avatar for chandler

Back about 10 years ago in East St. Louis, there was a this very hot looking stripper I saw in a couple of clubs on different nights. She was incredibly wild on stage and anything goes with guys tipping her, even by ESL standards. Of course, she was highly in-demand, so I didn't get much of a crack at her until one night at a new club. I had always wondered if she was high on something that made her lose all her inhibitions. She always seemed to be pretty dumb, but hey, that's not exactly unheard of with strippers.

Finally, once I got with her, I realized she wasn't drunk or high, she was retarded. Seriously. I don't know what her clinical classification would be, but anyone could tell she had about the mental age of a pre-schooler. There was another stripper there who supposedly watched out for her who had a word with me about not taking advantage (re money, not mileage). That wasn't necessary, since I had already lost interest. It was pretty sad. And, yeah, I was bummed out bigtime that my opportunity turned out to be a mirage.

That's how I feel about a drunk woman, too. Anything that incapacitates her too much would make it feel like molesting a child with the body of an adult. Not to get all moralistic, but or me, the real thrill of high mileage isn't just having access to a body, it's her agreeing it. A little dumb or mildly drunk I can usually handle - retarded or falling-down plastered ain't my bag.

Avatar for ozymandias

Drunk enough to be fun I like. Smashed out of her gourd, not so much.

I took a very, very hot Thai dancer I knew (and was regularly fucking OTC) to VIP one day - it was obvious she was smashed (she was an alcoholic) and this was day shift, barely 2pm.

We get in VIP and she straddles me and says "I want to stick my tongue down your fucking throat" - she gets very, almost dangerously, sexually aggressive when she's drunk - so we're DFKing like crazy.

And then she pulls away and vomits on my Corneliani suit.

I got a waitress to help her back to the dressing room where she passed out. She never did remember the incident (she would black out when she got really smashed and not remember a thing) and gets pissed off to this day if I jokingly mention it.


Avatar for DandyDan

Whenever I've made trips to the Out House in Lawrence, Kansas, it seems like there is always at least 1 girl there who gets too drunk. One time, I had a girl for a dance and she just about fell every 20 seconds or so. Possibly the worst dance ever. On another trip, a different girl just sat there and we embraced the whole time without her really dancing, but I liked that because she had big ones I could play with.

Avatar for DougS

David120: I've had dancers that were drunk, or stoned, but not to the point that they were oblivious to what was going on... just flyin' enough to get less inhibited. However, only one that was pretty-much fall-down drunk (the girl that I mentioned). Even then, she wasn't totally out of it and knew what she was doing. Had I tried to pull down her g-string or tied to insert a finger into an orifice, for instance, she wouldn't have allowed that. I haven't been to HH in a LONG time, but when I was frequenting the place, there were never any fall-down drunk girls dancing.

Chandler: I agree.. if she's incapacitated, it just wouldn't be fun - unless I'm as far gone as she is so that we are on a level playing field [wink].

Avatar for evilcyn

This is why I am not a drinker at work.. I am so glad I can do my job sober..

I never ever wanted to be that "drunk stripper"

To me a sloppy unbalanced, drunk girl is so unattractive to me...

Just ask Bones, I don't have to be drunk for him to take advantage of me LOL, right bones.

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

LOL at evilcyn. No sweetheart, you never have to take a drink while I'm with you. :-) In fact, I'm so glad you don't drink while dancing, because I want you to remember out time together! Licks!

Avatar for DougS

David120: One other thing I forgot to mention. The type of dancers that might get that drunk usually are the type of dancers that do not appeal to me. So I s'pose that's another reason why I've only really experienced one drunk dancer. Now, OTC is different. My prev-ATF used to drink quite heavily during our hookups, but so did I, thus we were on that level playing field. And yes, I am too much the gentleman to take advantage of the situation with a girl that I liked.

Avatar for motorhead

I'm normally never, ever buy "sympathy dances". But this past winter at the Hugger, in a moment of shear irrationality, I did get a dance from a a very drunk girl. She was new (maybe the reason for her excessive drinking) and not particularly attractive. I was watching her and she was not getting any dances at all -- when she came to me I did say yes. What a mistake. Absolutely the worst dance of my life. I noticed she didn't last for more than a few week there.

Avatar for Kyle1111

I had a very positive experience with a dancer who wasn't as bright the typical 5 year. Definitely some type of mental retardation. What a body and what a smile.

What I liked best about her was it seemed like it was very easy to make her feel good. Her keeper claimed to be her sister. She was very sharp and very pro sex whether it was free or paid. Unfortunately, she was just average looking. I'd much rather be with a very slow person with phenominal looks especially if they seem capable of enjoying positive touch. Yes, some people may think it is wrong for god knows what reasons. I have 3 main concerns about sex: 1. Disease 2. Unwanted Pregancy 3. Desensitisation. Other than that sex is generally good if people are enjoying it and should get as much as possible. You know that old nonsense about make love not war.

Unfortunately, I never did get to see the retarded dancer again. Probably because there was too much demand for her services. I thought it was wonderful the customers weren't discriminating against the handicapped and they must of enjoyed seeing her smile as much as I did. Her sister was trying to give dances to me and she definitely had a brain that worked non-stop. I wish I could have enjoyed a dancer who was just average looking because her "sister" was special also.

Avatar for Kyle1111

Drunk dancers are also very nice if it is positive drunkeness. The person is happy. Or just a little crazier or more aggressive than normal. At one time I was a very heavy drinker.

I had an out of this world experience with a dancer who was doing cocaine. The downside was that she was addicted and wanted to quit. I just don't see the pleasure in cocaine, but it must be excellent to some people. It seemed like more of a status symbol to me. Of course, I don't like coffee so what the hell do I know.

Avatar for lotsoffun201

I just wanted to bring something else up for us to consider. At some particularly "glam" clubs like those here in Las Vegas, there are some unscrupulous customers who think getting a dancer drunk will improve their mileage or better their chances for OTC activity. Most dancers have an unwritten code with the waitresses to give them sodas or very light drinks.

Since my wife was a dancer I know of this regular practice. There are, however, some customers who either switch drinks with the girl when they are not looking or worse yet, "lace" their drink with a well known colorless, odorless, substance which has a slight salty taste. (commonly known as the date rape drug) Unfortunately the girl wont know about it until it's too late. This practice does happen. Since Vegas is a tourist town, it's nearly impossible to prove. She saw it happen a few times firsthand.

Bottom line......girls on the board here....keep your guard up. I am pretty sure that the male members of this board would not undertake such a shitty deal, but if you see it going on, perhaps a subtle warning to the girl would help. Besides it's always nice to see a 350 pound gorilla beat the shit out of an asshole.

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

HEY! That really hurt!! Don't be sending no gorilla my way!

Naw, in all respect, I agree and hope the dancers on this board take note of what you said lotsoffun201. They always should be cognizant of assholes in disguise of being gentlemen.

Avatar for ozymandias

Most dancers I know won't leave their drink unattended, or at least not unguarded by a well-known regular.

Avatar for casualguy

I seem to meet a lot of unique dancers. I remember one dancer claimed she could get me drunk while she was still sober. I forget the term she used, something about she could drink anyone under the table or something like that. If I could spend the night with her somewhere, that might have been interesting to test that out a little bit. However I decided there are a lot better things to do.

I remember one dancer who asked "did you see me fall a few minutes ago and bust my butt?" I said no, I missed that. (I was disappointed.) Then she said "good, everyone was laughing at me." I thought that would have been funny to see as well though. I think she may have had a few too many.

Other slightly drunk dancers can be a lot of fun though. Frisky too which I like.

Avatar for casualguy

I've had a number of dancers leave their drinks with me and come back and drink them later. I must be missing something about how the dancers working in a club are getting taken advantage of. It seems like the bouncers would stop a guy from carrying a drugged out dancer home with him.

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