
How often do you think dancers confuse you with someone else?

Sunday, August 26, 2007 11:31 AM
I'm just sitting in a chair. All of a sudden a dancer who was on stage spots me and comes over and says "thanks for tipping me". I'm thinking that wasn't me. I didn't correct her though. The other night I saw a dancer on stage I hadn't seen before. I go to tip her and suddenly she says "you've tipped me a couple of times already, do you want a dance?" I told her no thanks. I didn't bother to tell her that wasn't me. Her stage tipping left me no desire to even tip her again. She just stood there and took my money. I think a lot of the time, new dancers don't remember who tipped them.


  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Maybe I should rephrase that, a lot of the time dancers may act like you already tipped them because they aren't sure if you did or not. Unless they like pretending that you did. Some dancers remember too well. They'll hunt you down no matter where you're sitting in a large club.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    It has only happened to me once and I believed her because she told me what she thought was my name.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Strippers see hundreds of guys in the club every week. There's no way they can keep us all straight in their memory, even if remembering people was their main area of expertise, which it isn't. Shaking their ass is. When in doubt, they might say they remember you. There's nothing terribly significant about it.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    I don't think it happens very often. Sometimes, I think dancers use this as a ploy to get your ego going. It would be hard for a dancer to confuse me with any other customers, only because I'm OLD, UGLY, STINK, & WALK WITH A LIMP.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Sounds more like a conversation starter except for a few dancers that really do not remember very well. I might understand not remembering if there were a lot of people or a customer sneaked a tip onto the stage and she spotted me first rather than the guy sitting at the back of the club.
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    Bones, you are an easy one to remember...Now if you could just do something about that stink..LOL... I don't confuse people very often.. I am good with faces, and names as well...
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Well evilcyn.... good to see you back on the board. I thought you might be having computer problems. You're not only good with faces, but your good at EVERYTHING you do! Licks
  • pinhead
    17 years ago
    It's never been a problem for me, but only beacuse I schedule my visits around my favs, and don't usually venture to far away from them. My biggest concern would be if the bartender confused me for someone else. I like it when they put a handful of beers on ice soon after my arrival.
  • messaround
    17 years ago
    A dancer in Akron dressed in a skirt and halter walks by - very hot and says I - glad to see you - you have had dances from me right? I say not for a few weeks - she says come on in back - sure - she proceeds to give me a nice fake bj through the pants and does well with he hand also. Never been to the club before but she was the hottest dancer there so it worked for me.
  • gatorjoe2
    17 years ago
    I think dancers (despite stereotypes) have great memories. It can be weeks since I have been in the club and they can remember our last conversation almost word for word. I just find it amazing each time that it has been longer than that and they remember me. Or at least they fake it real well until they get enough clues.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Generally speaking, dancers remember me a whole lot better than I remember them. At least it seems that way to me. Every once in a while you notice a dancer seems to be having a Miss Teen South Carolina moment, or confusing me with someone else.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Gatorjoe: I've met some strippers with great memories like that, and some who couldn't remember that they already asked me twice within the past minute how I'm doing tonight. Pardon the stereotype, but I suspect some of these failures of memory could be caused by drug taking.
    17 years ago
    Chandler, I think it's also because some of them are totally bored with their jobs, their minds are a million miles away and their mouths are on autopilot. I've never had a dancer mistake me for someone else but I've had several who forgot having spent time with me the prior week. But that's probably also partly due to how dark clubs often are.
    17 years ago
    Chandler, I think it's also because some of them are totally bored with their jobs, their minds are a million miles away and their mouths are on autopilot. I've never had a dancer mistake me for someone else but I've had several who forgot having spent time with me the prior week. But that's probably also partly due to how dark clubs often are.
  • beeoch
    17 years ago
    I had a time in East St Louis, (my first time there) I walked into the club, one of the well reviewed high milage, scary places, I had a bunch of girls come up to me and say something like "Where have you been I have not seen you in months." I told them it was the first time I had ever been there. I went back that night and the samething happened. I am sure glad the guy they confused me with did not cause a problem the last time he was in, and the bouncer wanted to kick his ass.
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