I'll just add a few reflections on Bro. Alucard...
I find Alucard to be an odd duck, and I don't mean this in a negative way. He is definitely a contributor here. Superficially, some of his posts would appear to be pulling our collective legs. But I think there is a level of sincerity underlying Alucard's posts. Alucard sent me a PM not too long ago. I won't quote it since he has expressed a strong dislike of people doing that, but I don't think I would be stepping out of line to say that it was thoughtful and just generally nice. Plus, any dude that likes Star Trek can't be all bad...amirite or amirite?
So...Alucard my friend...I'll offer my perspective. I post here to relax. Get some yucks. Most of what I say should be viewed through that lens. Occasionally I'm a bit more serious but by and large I'm posting to focus on things I find funny. Even some of my "rivals" like TDHQ are just an excuse to blow off steam. I have know idea if TDHQ is serious. If he is I hope he finds something else to do with his life. But Alucard is different -- if you're genuinely hurt by things said here i recommend actually having a dialog. I think you would find more people open to a respectful dialog via PM than you think. For now, I'm just avoiding joking with you since my read is that you take it seriously. I have no desire to be cruel.
So read the posting of the link to your parody profile as a comment about the person that posted it (NOT ME...Dougster, was it you?). Part of me would like to think you actually generated it as a joke...if so, you are playing this game at a level WAY beyond the rest of us. You WIN my brother! Of course, that wouldn't be very sincere....
Alucard does have insightful things to say when concerning strip clubs and there is ni need to sttack. Though he knows full well some people will and he also knows full well that if he only complains about it, some people will attack further. I have noticed he's not argumentative, but is an attacker just like those he claims to hate because out of the blur he'll post something rude about someone because they attacked him a while ago thus not a man who he considers himself of fair trade. He refuses to let his "attackers" know who boss despite the fact that they continue to "abuse" him knowing the fact that he won't say shit back. And when someone does give advice, he either ignores it or attacks you as if you gave a rude comment. That's how I see it.
last commentFunny shit!
I'll just add a few reflections on Bro. Alucard...
I find Alucard to be an odd duck, and I don't mean this in a negative way. He is definitely a contributor here. Superficially, some of his posts would appear to be pulling our collective legs. But I think there is a level of sincerity underlying Alucard's posts. Alucard sent me a PM not too long ago. I won't quote it since he has expressed a strong dislike of people doing that, but I don't think I would be stepping out of line to say that it was thoughtful and just generally nice. Plus, any dude that likes Star Trek can't be all bad...amirite or amirite?
So...Alucard my friend...I'll offer my perspective. I post here to relax. Get some yucks. Most of what I say should be viewed through that lens. Occasionally I'm a bit more serious but by and large I'm posting to focus on things I find funny. Even some of my "rivals" like TDHQ are just an excuse to blow off steam. I have know idea if TDHQ is serious. If he is I hope he finds something else to do with his life. But Alucard is different -- if you're genuinely hurt by things said here i recommend actually having a dialog. I think you would find more people open to a respectful dialog via PM than you think. For now, I'm just avoiding joking with you since my read is that you take it seriously. I have no desire to be cruel.
So read the posting of the link to your parody profile as a comment about the person that posted it (NOT ME...Dougster, was it you?). Part of me would like to think you actually generated it as a joke...if so, you are playing this game at a level WAY beyond the rest of us. You WIN my brother! Of course, that wouldn't be very sincere....
I think it's mostly copy/paste with some text substitutions, but yeah someone has too much time on their hands.
Alucard has been a source of useful information for me.
That.damn juice !
I think it was that faggot RickyBoy hiding behind one of his dozen of aliases. But what else is new?
Fuck that faggot
I said fuck'em !
You're a good dude Zip. I like science fiction but prefer fantasy. I'm much more akin to Conan than I am to Spock.
Dang Slic. I used to have all the Conan paperbacks with the Frazetta covers.
@Zip, Juicey has been a busy boy.
I have the time but not the inclination.
Alucard does have insightful things to say when concerning strip clubs and there is ni need to sttack. Though he knows full well some people will and he also knows full well that if he only complains about it, some people will attack further. I have noticed he's not argumentative, but is an attacker just like those he claims to hate because out of the blur he'll post something rude about someone because they attacked him a while ago thus not a man who he considers himself of fair trade. He refuses to let his "attackers" know who boss despite the fact that they continue to "abuse" him knowing the fact that he won't say shit back. And when someone does give advice, he either ignores it or attacks you as if you gave a rude comment. That's how I see it.
I looked at the real Alutard profile. It is more disturbing than the parody.