Who shall be the last Juicite prophet?

avatar for zipman68

As is now well established, Rick received the System on golden plates from the Angel Moron. You see, Moroni was the last Nephite prophet, Moron was second to last and tasked by God during a visit to Missouri with spreading twisted variants on the word. Instead of polygamy the plates given by Moron just advocated going to da club to rock out wit' yo' cock out! But they went a little off the tracks when they advocated that the deepest faith is hoping that a heroin addicted stripper relapses so you get cheaper OTC. Methinks Rick may have translated incorrectly.

To rectify this, the Great Maker sent the Juicite prophets. But their angel radio is sometimes a bit fucked up. Causes them to do crazy shizzle like jumping onstage at the club and facefucking hot 19 year old strippers. Or quitting their day job and becoming bag boyz! Regardless...Juice on my brothers...


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avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago

What of the missing 67 pages? Will RickyBoy provide an abridged version?

avatar for zipman68
11 yrs ago

Had to bump 'cos I think txtittyfag may think he's a prophet. Dude...those voices in your head aren't angels or devils or gods. If you've been having trouble…

avatar for BagBoyJames
11 yrs ago

Juice on zip....dis be Kool

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