In the past I have refrained from using multiple aliases but have now decided that I will abandon this principle. My reasons are as follows:
- I don't consider the use multiple aliases to be "unethical" especially consider the nature of this board, and that whatever happens here is only of very minor consequence in the grand scheme of things
- Even though I don't use multiple aliases, I have been accused of doing so, and those accusations will continue whether I use them or not, so I reckon I might as well use them now
- I think "Alucard." didn't force the decision on whether his alias should be allowed, I would like to know what the decision would have been
- The "other side" often used multiple aliases when attacking me, even as I refrained, and even had the Gaul when using these multiple aliases to say a chief criticism of me was my supposed use of multiple aliases
- because of the last point I feel I was unfairly disadvantaged, I fell behind on the latest tactics here. That's not going happen anymore
and finally
- I think there is just plain amusement to be had through use of such practices
Going forward I think the multiple aliases I use will be pretty obvious, but I make no promises to keep it that way. Also I don't commit, one way or the other, to using either "Dougster" or some new aliases as my primary alias.
Looking forward to seeing y'all in the Brave New World!
But also bring up strip clubs occasionally. There are some real sticklers for that on here. Imagine...having to bring up strippers on "the ultimate strip club lis"...
Fuck yeah WackyWetback!