
Comments by zipman68 (page 60)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Weird things strippers say
    @sflguy123 -- to be fair to the stripper, not sure how weird that was. She may have been pretty sure you'd say no, but there is little cost to her. Five or ten seconds to say "oh, would you like to buy me a drink" and wait for a yes or no. If you did say yes she'd get something but if you say no she didn't lose much. I don't know how many strippers would think that through, but there is no reinforcement not to do that. Now weird...that would something lik: S: "would you like a dance?" U: "no, thank you" S: "ok...how about we leave here and start some sort of sugar daddy-sugar baby thing?"
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Why do strippers get fired?
    I assume the customer didnt want to have her shit on him. Seems a bit harsh if he did.
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    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    You fooled me GucciMane...
    Hmm...maybe he's already left Toronto. Did you see him wandering the streets in a bedbug costume yelling "MAN-DANG-A-LOW, like our BagBoy friend? If so, that dude was Juice!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Amanda Knox....did she do it?
    True dat Dougsta. Just as Evo Morales 'bout his plane being forced down 'cos the US thought Edward Snowden onboard. Imagine that happening to Air Force One. That said, we probably wouldn't do too much over something like this. Not like Knox did anything to the US govt. and we've never really done much to France for not extraditing Polanski. France and a number of other countries will not extradite their own nationals, typically these countries will try the accused in their own country. Not sure what's up with Polanski, but he gets a pass for being a cool director dude. The French dig their cinema.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Weird things strippers say
    Well, a stripper did once ask me if I wanted to sex her up barnacle style, but I thought that was just commentary on my groovy groovy cock.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    have you ever ?
    Or if you really want to get saucy, dress yosef up as a BEDBUG. Yep, bedbugs are some freaky ass little bloodsuckers... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GcFO8y-WDE Just be really careful when you in bedbug mode GucciDude. Bedbug sex can get OUT OF HAND really quick. In fact, I'm not sure humans are build to withstand doin' DA BEDBUG NAST-TAY!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    have you ever ?
    GucciDude... You gots to dress up as other animals and do the same. I suggest you dress as a barnacle. Barnacle dudes swing some serious barnacle pipe... http://boingboing.net/2010/12/16/barnacle-penises-are.html By dressin' as a barnacle you be tellin' the ladies just hom much you gonna please 'em. Works ev'ry time I do it!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Toronto's crack smokin' mayor an Justin Bieber
    I just had a thought...what if Juice IS Rob Ford. I mean...the dude does get all wasted and forget shit that he does. Maybe the intel he keeps feeding me is to throw me off the trail! No...no...I'm stickin' with what I said originally. Juice is an international bounty hunter that likes to grab dudes, yank down their trousers, and right when they think somethin' REAALY BAD is gonna happen...he TASERS 'EM IN THE TAINT! Juice! Juice! Juice!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Is this why we haven't heard from JuiceBox lately?
    SMH...Juice is hunting Bieber in Toronto. Rob Ford has offered him a rock of crack, a bucket of the Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay, and some poutine ('tis Canada after all) if he can taser the Biebs on the taint. Shit...ev'rybody knows that!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    One cool teacher!
    #FreeCrunkBear http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/31/freecrunkbear-carly-mckin_n_2586352.html Apparently her students like her. And it is a well known fact that slutty weed-smokin' teachers really help students learn math. I think the school system's decision is clear...CRUNKBEAR GONNA GET A RAISE!!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Roman Holiday
    Given that she hinted that she wanted to go, she may already be planning the kidney extraction. Beware! On a serious note, art's comments seem spot on. You don't want to go abroad with somebody that's going to create problems, even if they are less extreme than stealing your kidney.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Roman Holiday
    Jack my man, don't do it unless you get to know her really well. When in Rome you don't want her to hook up with members of the mafia's kidney harvesting division. You'll come back from business to find her waiting with a chloroform-soaked rag. The you'll wake up the next day in a bathtub full of ice missing an organ! If there is any likelihood of that discretion should be the better part of valor.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OTC Signs?
    12am dude...I think you're takin' a good lapper way to seriously. Don't buy her a present. She probably lets many men finger her and gives many men HJs. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But she doesn't want you thinking a lot about this shit. She wants you to come back with your wallet full o' moolah! You clearly enjoyed the whole experience so get your ass back to the club and get some more groovy groovy HJ action. If you want OTC just ask. She isn't going to be insulted. I suspect dudes have asked her far some really hardcore shit. I bet the dude before you asked her for OTC and suggested she dress as Ilsa, she devil of the SS, dress him in a gimp mask, and then repeatedly taser him in the nuts. Of course, that dude was Juice and he was only offering a bucket o' fried chicken as payment. Believe me...she ain't going to be insulted by "let's meet OTC". Maybe if you meet OTC you'll figure out what she likes and get something appropriate for her, in addition to moolah. But for now dude...bring money to "da club".
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Starting a strip club
    Dude...you should totally start your club on Qo'noS, the Klingon homeworld. If somebody fucks with you on Qo'noS you take 'em out with a bat'leth. Easy peasy! Just make sure you hire a Dahar master for protection. Qapla'
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Toronto 2AMer
    C'mon Jack...who hasn't gotten whacked out on the Hortons coffee and some groovy groovy donuts and decided to pop a cap in somebody's. Tim Hortons don't give people non-life threatening wounds and then apologize for the inconvenience...Canadian thugs give people non-life threatening wounds and the apologize for the inconvenience. I gots ta move to Canada my brothers...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    This review was approved?
    And remember, all that shit went down over a 48 hr period. I bet he's gonna fly up to Toronto and beat up a dude for Rob Ford tomorrow. Juice will taser Ford's enemy in the taint for a few rocks of crack! FUCK YEAH!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    This review was approved?
    Dudes, how good of a review do you expect to write after he's done all the shit below? 1) got arrested in a prostitution sting conducted by the police dept he works for 2) had dudes kick him in the nads for 6 hours 3) purchased (perhaps stole) fried chicken before jackin' it in the street 4) towel whipped a cop and called her a stripper A dude livin' like that don't need no stinkin' grammar. JUICE! JUICE! JUICE!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Drunk man mistook female police officer for stripper
    OMG...Juice strikes again. That dude has: 1) been arrested in a prostitution sting 2) had dudes kick him in the nads for 6 hours 3) purchased (perhaps stole) fried chicken before jackin' it in the street 4) towel whipped a cop and called her a stripper I'm sure he knew she was a cop. After al...HE'S A COP!!! JUICE! JUICE! JUICE!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Is this why we haven't heard from JuiceBox lately?
    But...but... We just established that Juice is a cop that got arrested in a prostitution sting being carried out by his own department. I suspect he pulled this shit AFTER he was released. And after he spent the night having the other alleged johns kick him in the nads repeatedly. That dude should film his KA-RAY-ZEE life! JUICE! JUICE! JUICE!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: RIP Pete Seeger
    @DoctorPhil -- hmm...bringing up a thread from a few days ago. Do you lurk incessantly and then just post to bitch? Yep. I told people what I think about Nugent. So what? I think the dude is obnoxious. Disagree? Say what you want. Or don't. Whatever you want dude. I stuff here because I find posting to be a diversion. I don't pretend it is anything more And yeah, I'm trolling... 16 replies to this thread (not counting mine) only one of which bitches about me "trolling". Some people saying they don't like Seeger's politics. That's cool. Their opinion. Others just describing who he is to somebody that asked. Yep...a clear troll thread. I think Inigio Montoya had somethin' to say about you.
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    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: RIP Pete Seeger
    @ATACdawg -- were you puffin' the magic dragon when you wrote that? (Alas, the song is not a drug reference but it would be coo-el if it was)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Talk about dumb asses!
    WOW!! Who knew Juice was a cop? I'm sure it was an intentional Jackass style stunt. Dude was probably asking the other alleged johns to kick him in the nads after being arrested. JUICE! JUICE! JUICE!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Ghetto Gaggers
    I'm certainly with ilbbaicnl on the "there are limits", though I suspect we disagree on where the limits are. The snuff film example is clear. Murder and even assisted suicide are illegal. Even if assisted suicide is legalized, I suspect it will be tightly limited. The "ghetto gaggers" stuff is different, though I could see a desire to really make sure the girl knows exactly what she's doing before hand. I suspect fetish stuff is actually pretty scrupulous about getting girls to sign contracts that spell out expectations though. The last thing some of those producers want is a ton of attention due to some girl going to the news with "they expected me to be tied up and facefucked when the contract just said to give a BJ". The producers might go the way of ol' Max Hardcore (who is a sick puppy). @crsm27 -- you're being impractical. What you seem to suggest would go to the heart of free speech. Opinion programs on both sides routinely engage in clear exaggeration even if they don't outright lie. Shit, imagine Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke. Like Rush or hate him, he was saying shit about birth control that indicates either that he: 1) doesn't know how birth control works (so he's stupid); or 2) was outright lying (more likely). Should he forced be off the air? No way. Freedom of speech. The right way to deal with dudes telling lies is to 1) turn them off; and 2) if you feel strongly, use YOUR freedom of speech to organize a boycott of advertisers. The Hawaii shooting thing is just the 24 hour news cycle and pressure to say something without all the info. If you don't like news programs that put unverified shit on the air you can see above about how to deal with it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Ghetto Gaggers
    I'm certainly with ilbbaicnl on the "there are limits", though I suspect we disagree on where the limits are. The snuff film example is clear. Murder and even assisted suicide are illegal. Even if assisted suicide is legalized, I suspect it will be tightly limited. The "ghetto gaggers" stuff is different, though I could see a desire to really make sure the girl knows exactly what she's doing before hand. I suspect fetish stuff is actually pretty scrupulous about getting girls to sign contracts that spell out expectations though. The last thing some of those producers want is a ton of attention due to some girl going to the news with "they expected me to be tied up and facefucked when the contract just said to give a BJ". The producers might go the way of ol' Max Hardcore (who is a sick puppy).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT: Is "spook" now an unusable word?
    On a serious note ilbbaicnl my man, I would be shocked if she was actually offended. In the context you used the word it should have been clear that it wasn't at all intended as a slur. The more common use is to mean "scared". I can't remember the last time I've heard it used in a racist manner. But on another note, I'm with SuperDude. It isn't political correctness, it's just common courtesy. Spook is different in my book, since it has a different meaning that is actually more common.