
Comments by zipman68 (page 56)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    And ilbbaicnl my brother...meh? To each his own i suppose. But we need some of your creative perspective on things. Which nekkid sci-fi babe old you dig. I have to admit, Alice Eve's rockin' TIT-tayz were the best part of Star Trek: Into Darkness. The first JJ Trek was OK if you just considered it an action movie and not a Star Trek movie. And it had -- wait for it -- Rachel Nichols as an Orion slave chick (but at Starfleet academy, so presumably not a slave). In contrast, JJ Trek: Into Darkness didn't even succeed at that level. Did have Alice Eve in a bra though. Need her all nekkid and shit. And less crappy Star Trek...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    C'mon ratdog dude...do some searches! Has your fav Rachel Nichols ever flashed tit-tayz? Did she suck Brett Farve's lil' Farve during the sexting scandal? As the catchphrase in the ads say, enquiring minds want to know!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Not only is Rachel frickin' HAWT, but the show Continuum is some coo-el science fiction. Can't believe more folks ain't addin' a WEEE-YAWWW!!! www.playboy.com/playground/view/femme-on-fire-rachel-nichols Continuum, Star Trek & Alias star Rachel Nichols WEEE-YAWWW!!! I'd dig seeing her in a club. Fuck yeah!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    I think I've figured out who the Juiceman REALLY is!
    Yeah ClassicJuice...I think this repetition of the same phrase over and over is one of your least inspired antics. But it still beats the hell out of Bonerbreath.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    And then there is: http://googlenudess.blogspot.com/2012/03/rachel-nichols-nude-in-criminal-minds.html Don't know if it is actually Rachel. Does look like her and she was blonde on Criminal Minds (so if the shoot is from that time the hair color is plausible). But who the fuck cares. The pics are HAWT. FAP FAP FAP FAP!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dancer reviews
    But jack -- surely you'll visit at some point (though I have to say I prefer the Bay Area to LA).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    You can only choose one
    This is a hard one. If it could be any TUSCLer *and* people were the way they represent themselves...it would be: Dancinggal or Duo - 'cos I dig chicks and both seem coo-el and hot. No disrespect to Duo...she posts a lot of coo-el and groove-EE stuff...but I'd give a slight edge to DG 'cos I'm not a tat fan. That said, I'd much rather hang with a cool tatted girl than an tat free girl I can't have an intelligent conversation with so Duo would be tops for me in many clubs. And since this is a "who would you like to hang with question that tats are probably secondary. And I suspect neither use "to conversate" in favor of "to converse". Unless their use of the former is for humorous effect. If it has to be a dude, then LDK. That dude's antics are legend-wait for it-DARY. But I'd make the dude bring multiple changes of pants. He could go out to the car and clean up after each LDK. or he could clean out his liquid lap dance in the bathroom. His choice. If LDK weren't up for actually hangin' in the club, it would be Alucard. The dude takes a lot of shit just for being himself. And I like a guy that brings a unique perspective and sticks to it in the face of derision. And he's actually a nice dude if you pause in the "let's fling poo at the dude" activities. And I bet he could speak some groove-EE Klingonese. TREK RULES!!! That said, I like dudes who engage in antics that give me the lulz, hence the edge to LDK. And if neither was up for it, I'd hang with Bonerbreath. Yes, I know I'd have to fend of his constant gay advances (not that there's anything wrong with that -- I just prefer hangin' with gay dudes that are confident enough to avoid trolling strip club discussion boards) and I'd have to ignore his incessant use of the N-word. Plus I'd have to make sure we don't get his ass kicked due to his incessant use of the N-word. No, I'd hang with Bonerbreath to help him. Maybe if he saw actual boobies he'd stop being a Debbie-downer and actually post about strippers and porno. Alternatively, he might get comfortable enough with his gay side that he'd stop bugging us here.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I got hired
    @DG -- what made you decide not to work there? Sounds like you could have made some money. The big negatives you mentioned were the pole and the costs, and only one has the potential to have an impact on you. Plus, no house fee if you walk around with your tits out and $30 if you walk around nude. Pretty sweet sounding!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    But it would be banning the future strippers of America!
    Working for FoxNews is a mental disorder. I bet that "Dr." Keith Ablowhard pisses in this sink e'ry day when he gets home. Then he "whups" his son, a racist retard we know as Bonesbrother, for posting on a site with a bunch of pervos. What did "Dr." Blowhard expect when he named his son Bonerbreath?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    question on how to break it off with a provider
    Stay strong Gawkerdude. Remember my man, it ain't the money. It's the principle.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    I think I've figured out who the Juiceman REALLY is!
    And tumblingdude...I think it takes some spine to pay a hooker to let her film you givin' the old "Dirty Sanchez" BTW, I hear Bonerbreath gives himself the ol' DS every morning! He needs the smell of shit to get him going. Apparently he's been asking lots of black dudes to let him give rimjobs, but the dumbass doesn't ask gay black dudes. So he gets his ass kicked constantly. That's what makes him such a racist asshole. Of course, if he grew a brain and started offering rimjobs to gay dudes it wouldn't be any better. They'd reject him 'cos he's fugly and has no sense of humor!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    I think I've figured out who the Juiceman REALLY is!
    So Bonesbrother -- do yo just lurk until you find something negative to say? What exactly is your major malfunction? Did you get your ass kicked all through high school? Can't stand that people funnier than you joke around? Just remember...EVERYBODY is funnier than you. Just once, try not to be a racist prick. Maybe...just maybe...if you act like a reasonable human being you'll actually convince a woman to fuck you without having to pay her and put a paper bag over your head.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    @tumblingdude... $700 to eat pizza with a dude. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? Did the dude jizz on it first or something? Was it after she gave him a rimjob? There has got to be more to it!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Tuscl the movie.
    Stax my man...that was clearly so damn fucking coo-el time spent. LOFL dude. But It needs some LDK. That dude's antics are frickin' HI-LAR-EEE-OUS. But really dude...you're obsessed with big tits. Ain't healthy. You clearly need to incorporate HAWT chicks with small bazongas. You know, double D's or something like that. But nothing less than a D cup. That would be KA-ray-ZEEE talk. Peace out dude ;-)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Hawaii law lets police have sex with prostitutes
    Slick, to be fair, I actually think that law is unwritten. And it applies to all Mexicans, not just old Mexican women. Plus it also applies to black dudes. That one my be written...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Alas, the prop system is now broken. I differ from many in feeling that I kind of enjoyed the prop bombing. After all, with the delete function I had power over it. For example, when my former rival Cambydude prop bombed me with "not a funN-EE or coo-el dude" I could have the fun of deleting it. Took me a minute or two tops and I got the lulz 'cos I knew my ability to delete caused him consternation. I could picture ol' Cambydude in his mommy's basement going all "oh no he dihdent...my copying the zipper's use of coo-el is too coo-el to delete." And then having himself a good cry. Now Camby is jes' a sad dude I have on ignore. I've played out all of the actual interactions that give me the lulz. His responses are just too painfully boring. Yes, the prop wars would have become boring...but they still had a little life. Bring back the old prop system!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Hawaii law lets police have sex with prostitutes
    Who watches the watchmen? Nobody watches 'em Jack. Must be nice to be a Hawaii cop. Unless you have to fuck uggos that is. I'm movin' to Hawaii to have me some sweet, sweet hooker vag. But I'll the police chief straight up "no fatties...only HAWT hookers"
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip Club Etiquette: Real Advice From Real Dancers
    Or maybe they all dig the Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay treatment. Yeah...I bet that's it. The girls be chantin' "Juice Juice Juice" whenever some dude shows with the produce and fried chicken!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip Club Etiquette: Real Advice From Real Dancers
    Clearly, Juice has never visited that club. Did you notice that NONE of the girls said "Don't show up with a big cucumber and a bucket of fried chicken expecting to DP me with a cuke in my pussy and a drumstick up my asshole"
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Duke porn star hits the stage at NYC strip club
    Sad that folks are invading her life. I say that hot chicks should do porn if they want. www.youtube.com/watch?v=vklR9KV-THM But please no ugly chicks doing porn. That's going too far!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Im Back !
    My head is gonna asplode. I thought Duke1 was Juice but now BigTuna is Juice. How can this be?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Extras For Every Guy?....Or Just For The Few?
    OMG...Art my brother, are you Lucifer? Seriously though, I don't do the haterade. If you think Art's all act that doesn't have an impact on him. Either he is an act or he isn't. I post here to relax and have a lil' fun. If somebody wants to bust my balls I'll bust 'em right back. But it's all in good fun. If it gets serious (e.g., i think the real TDHQ was taking his shit seriously) or it bores me (e.g., ol' Camby and I said all that needed to be said in our feud) I click ignore. Even brother Alucard. At first I didn't get the guy and thought we had a serious feud. So I ignored him for a while. I communicated with him later and he was a nice guy to me. So I'm not going to get all up in his grill. I figure if you don't like somebody just ignore them. Life's too short to do the haterade thing! Peace out bros!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Extras For Every Guy?....Or Just For The Few?
    ^^^ Tumblin' dude...there is one man of wealth and taste that proudly declares that he is a man of wealth and taste. But you have to guess his name. Woo-woo!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Now here's a babe meant for some good Tittyfucking!
    Sofadude, never apologize for posting links to pics o' HAWT chicks with nice tit-tayz! You da man, man!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Now here's a babe meant for some good Tittyfucking!
    Plus we learn that our Prez dig the Daddario tits! I dig that I've got presidential taste! Though I lean more toward Jack Kennedy. JFK got some promo tail back in the day. Weeeeeeee-yawwwww! If I were Prez I'd do an executive order that there needs to be Daddario lips on my cock or we'll have an economic crisis. Daddario dick suckin' be coo-el!!!