
question on how to break it off with a provider

Sunday, March 23, 2014 2:32 PM
So maybe you've been seeing this dancer/provider for a few years now...you know its time break it off but its hard to due to how comfortable you have gotten with each other so its just easier to call her up and enjoy the night away...but the problem is the fire and the sparks gone also jealousy has started showing its self in you because of how close you've become together..and well it has been 3 years now...the girl is obviously going to be your ATF so what do you do ? Do you break off the sex and just try and maintain the friendship or break it all off and cry and get over it..then move on to the next CF ? I'm needed help on this one fellas


  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Let her see you one table over at the restaurant with your tongue in the new chicks [view link] every time.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Some words or feelings are never meant to be conveyed. Exactly why and the effect you want to achieve is not going to help your case. Maintain the status quo on your left hand while your right hand is looking for prospects. Before you know it you have at least three awesome chicks. Problem solved.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    You just slip out the back, Jack Make a new plan, Stan You don't need to be coy, Roy Just get yourself free Hop on the bus, Gus You don't need to discuss much Just drop off the key, Lee And get yourself free
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    You've described my situation to a tee. Over the past four months I've told her no more. No more money, no more 3:00 am calls, no more OTC (at exorbitant cost). After a couple of weeks, I'm horny, she's broke, I know it'll take awhile to find a CF who'll do me bareback, and she's so comfortable.... She lied to me last week, she owes me about a grand, and I just told her "I don't want to see you for awhile. I need a break." I'm traveling on business 4 days this week and another 4 next week. I know she'll call looking for OTC (money) and I'm trying to marshall the strength to "just say no".
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Stay strong Gawkerdude. Remember my man, it ain't the money. It's the principle.
  • BigTuna1
    10 years ago
    Thank you for sharing that with me Gawker....its hard to stay strong expressly when you.can reflect back to all that great sex and how good it could be this one more time but at this point it never is as good as those first few months of learning each others bodies.....now its more like an old lady just easy to fall back on and do just because you can.....its comfortable its all it is now.....I'm going to pull from this and move forward even if it makes me cry some...its not supposed to last forever...3 year's is far to long.....I need to move on...but I find myself caring about her because all of those days and hours spent together....so I feel like if I keeped a platonic friendship with her it would go.well but that leaves the window open [view link] again and I'm not going to marry her so its pastime to move on...i will cry about this saying goodbye is hard to do in any kind of sexual relationship I'm sorry the more you fuck one person over and over again I don't care what you say you start to care for each other a little more each time....
  • bang69
    10 years ago
    just tell her you want free extras
  • BigTuna1
    10 years ago
    Some other points..Gawker i agree I've done my ATF bareback for years now and its amazing and yes i agree starting over means covering it back up for a good while until that next amazing provider comes along....and just in case others are wanting more detail this is a provider i spent One year in her no touch club buying dances and getting to know each other then we spent the next 3 years OTC only at her home or mine...it would be like real dates...dinner, movies, snuggling on the couch, long make out kissing, lots of oral sex and 4 play and some of the best sex of my life...she is now retired from stripping and I feel its time to move on its just say damn hard to...I mean the idea of having a provider for the next 40 years of my life is ridicules..I mean at that point she would be some kind of wife lol.....so it is what it is
  • BigTuna1
    10 years ago
    And bang that's the other problem at this stage of the game i get a lot of free sex from her because over the years she has became close to me as well...but i do agree with the over all idea if i became homless she would vanish from my life..so i thank i will keep my good career in sales thank you lol
  • BigTuna1
    10 years ago
    CFL thank you for your blunt honesty i do need some one screaming that view point its y I posted this discussion in hopes of getting stories and ideas from 2 sides I pay her $2,000 a month $26,000 a year for the last 3 year's in return i get to see her damn near daily 6 to 8 hours at a time and on weekeneds I get sleep overs...and I get all the sex I could dream of with her....I mean if I keeled count i would probly average 400 times each year having amazing unprotectrd sex with her....and before you say more I see your point....its a long con isi.t it
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    My situation is different. I'm 40 years older than she and I know some of the other guys she fucks. I've been paying her $500 an hour for sex and about $50,000 a year for more than 4 years. However she's one of the most sensual women I've ever been with. She knows just how to please me (and just how to piss me off). At almost 69 years of age I'm not going to get it free from a young hot woman. But there are others out there who I know will be on their backs for that kind of money.( or less). With me it's the comfort level that I've got to overcome to make a complete break.
  • BigTuna1
    10 years ago
    CFL you make some damn good points Gawker I agree with you I have to over come the comfortable side to move on as well
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Cheese and crackers Gawker you sound like Shadow.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    BigTuna1- you've made several references to her caring for you and your feelings for her. Don't ignore these feelings. Last week I texted my ATF and said I felt disrespected by something she had done. She wrote back that she's sorry I took it that way and that in reality I'm the only man she does respect. Maybe she's playing me, but I don't think so. We've saved each other's lives, we've shared everything and I know I've got real feelings for her. If you've spent that much time with her you've got a lot more baggage than just sex. In my case I've had a bad case of the White Knight syndrome and I'm coming around to realize that lots of my "help" has been enabling her drug habits and I've tried very hard to stop that by identifying where her money goes, but it don't live with her and I've discovered I've paid her rent twice some months. Several months ago I wrote an article on TUSCL titled "Never Fall in Love with a Stripper". It's all just too convoluted. I think cflock's position above is too black & white. They are not all just about the money, but it sure is a motivator. However they do have feelings; many have been scarred; many have been mis-treated. I don't put my ATF on a throne, but I don't shit on her, either. We've joked about whether when it ends we'll be able to meet for dinner, whether we'll still be friends. Yes she's a whore, but I'm a John and one is no better than the other. The fact that she rocks my boat sexually like no other, is a big factor for me. Take your time, talk with your girl, let her know what you're feeling. Then she'll rip your heart out.
  • BigTuna1
    10 years ago
    Gawker I really apriate your open honesty I've needed this from you and the otthers thank you my.friends
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Ask Neil Sedaka-Breaking Up Is Hard To Do.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    Tell her your broke
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    " $26,000 a year for the last 3 year's" If we're talking West Virginia (per capita income $22K {2012 dollars} you may have been over paying slightly.
  • Tiredtraveler
    10 years ago
    Tell her you can't pay her anymore. Tell her it was fun while it lasted but you are not going to see her AT ALL anymore She will send you a few nasty texts then beg you to get together then ask straight out for money. Hopefully you have not let her to far into your life and can walk away clean. The best thing is to make a nice clean break. Being friends with any kind of ex (unless kids are involved) is a disaster waiting to happen!
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    Tell her you fell in love with her and if she doesn't want an exclusive relationship with you outside the club you will have to stop seeing her because it hurts too much lol.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I can't believe Big Tuna is afraid of women! I'm with the others as far as the most painless way to break it off: tell her you won't pay her for sex but would fuck her for free.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    It's the money, it's not about your feelings for her. She got lazy, bro. Got used to the allowance/stipend system you are providing her and she will never let of that. How about rattling the cage for a bit, she might offer anal sex. Make sure you rattle her so bad she will think about her allowance is at the stake about to go up in smoke.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    But then, bro, why? Why? Why? would you do that? Just go find another chick or three. Silently shift towards that direction.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    Wow, stories like this make me glad that I am such a gypsy in my club habits and that I'm married with children, both of which make this sort of thing far less likely. I too have had affection for a few girls that I got to know somewhat well, but never to this degree because I never got to spend so much time with any of them and never in my home. I can only wonder how susceptible I would be to this sort of thing if I didn't have natural controls and limitations in place. Human emotions are complex. As many of us know, just because we are paying a girl does not mean that we cannot develop feeling for her. And when we are lonely, it is natural to crave comfort and familiarity. BigTuna, in my opinion, the only way you are going to get over her is by making a clean break. The question is how long will it take for your to marshal the strength to do so and it may very well be that she will pull the trigger before you do. In any event, good luck!
  • BigTuna1
    10 years ago
    Thanks for all the comments this thread has been exactly what I needed between the honest comments the kick my Ass and wake up comments and the humor ass funny ones its all needed to help me make hthrough this shit lol Anus ? Shit bro I've done everythang under the sun with this girl and ive got video to prove it lol
  • Player11
    10 years ago
    $65 pop bareback? I don't understand why break off she sounds like keeper. Just go out and get some variety. I have one who has been my whore going on six yr. I can fuck her anytime I want. But if u want get rid of them: "can't meet lack of funds." "found non pay relationship" "will be out of town for a few weeks"
  • Player11
    10 years ago
    Having an extra $26 k a yr in my pocket would help me get over any breakup. You basically involved in a sugar dating relationship. Many of these gals will manipulate u they are your gf to drain y bank. IMO hobby spending sb no more than 10 pct of net pay / income. I hope your nor pissing away your retirement investment on this. Of course If u die soon it's a moot issue.
  • BigTuna1
    10 years ago
    Thank you for those words guys they are helping me a lot to see the big picture and how I should play this
  • Player11
    10 years ago
    Whether they are bp call girls, street hookers, strippers, sugar dating site gals, they are all providers and unless u believe their stories your not the only one they are doing. For me it's about their performance and pop. I treat them like queen, respect their privacy, and keep promises. I view it as leasing vs ownership (marriage -and even they could be somebody's whore). I meet them at motel then when sex is over we both want to leave - I am married (wife post menopause). Once u do these young girls well u never care to go back to someone close to your age anyhow. If seeing a stripper it can be a combo of itc and OTC. But keep that compass on pop bc she will try get u in club and drain your wallet w non sex activity like dances then before u know u will have spent money that would have gone for pussy. I don't get emotionally involved w them anymore than a coach would value a starting WR. Eventually they will graduate. If they like u so much and are your gf, why is it p4p then? Why they have not moved in wu? If u told them u broke would they give u free pussy? I have no prob being a payer many times the other guys wife or gf becomes my mistress. I prefer lease vs buy.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    RickyBoy: "I can only wonder how susceptible I would be to this sort of thing if I didn't have natural controls and limitations in place." The System has not only saved many 401ks but has kept many from wracking up second and third mortgages on their houses.
  • GCMan
    10 years ago
    Walk away if she doesn't interest you anymore. Plenty of other women in strip clubs all over to enjoy. When I first got started in strip clubbing I almost couldn't get over my first OTC girl. Then things happened and after a couple there after I began realizing wow!!! It's pretty fun when you start up with a new SB. New excitement all over again.
  • BigTuna1
    10 years ago
    Goood point ^^^
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