
I got hired

Monday, March 24, 2014 12:33 AM
So I don't think I should write a review on the club in the reviews because I did technically dance there , even if only for two songs, but I thought Id share with you guys what happened at my audition. So I went to audition at Bare Elegance in Hawthorne, right by LAX. I got hired but I declined the offer. I'll tell you why in a bit. Anyways, I walked into the club and spoke with Phil. He explained a few things to me but every question I asked, he was very indirect. A couple of things I did learn about the club though, girls who walk around topless for their shift avoid a house fee. Girls who walk around full nude get 30$ from the club. The outside of the club doesn't look like much but the inside is really nice. The DJ is really good, too. And they keep a limit on the type of music girls play so none of that ghetto crap here. Mostly remixes of songs , all with rock or electronic under currents. It's like a night club. The girls are BEAUTIFUL. They definitely have standards. I didn't see one overweight girl, no excessive trashy tattoos. All the girls are pretty hot. I didn't see anything less than 8's. But this was a Saturday night. They told me that they were gonna put me on stage when the night manager came but they only had a few girls on the floor so they ended up throwing me on stage as soon as I was dressed. They have two small stages and one big one. It wasn't very busy so they were only using one of the small ones. I went up to the stage and started doing my thing and four guys out of the six in the club wound up at the tip rail. I attempted to do some pole tricks but the pole isn't great quality and gribble your skin, so no spin at all. It's kinda weird. Well that explained why I only saw girls hanging off the pole, no tricks. It's basically for show. I didn't really like that. So I spent the rest of my set doing floorwork. I got tipped really well. And before I made it off stage, I was asked for lap dances from two guys. Unfortunately, I wasn't hired or anything, so no lap dances given. The prices are higher at this club than most , I'd say. So if that's a problem, avoid. The manager then let me know I was hired but threw a difficult scheduling rule at me, that wasn't mentioned before. Also you need a business license from the city of Hawthorne, he hadn't mentioned this before and I just wasn't up for that. I thanked him for his time and said I needed to think about it. And left. Another note, valet is mandatory, I think it's 10$. It wasn't for me because I wasn't technically a customer but just an FYI. I would visit this club as a customer. The girls are really attractive. I didn't catch any of their names. But my advice to you guys is only go here if you have a lot of cash to spend. I think the topless dances are 43 a set and full nude 53 a set? They change from night to day. I'm sure VIP is overpriced as hell. As for extras? Not sure but I figure it'd be pricey.


  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Thanks for the recon mission.
  • Dancinggal
    10 years ago
    Secret agent stripper , that's me.
  • showballer
    10 years ago
    God ur know ur work mmmm nice
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    @DG -- what made you decide not to work there? Sounds like you could have made some money. The big negatives you mentioned were the pole and the costs, and only one has the potential to have an impact on you. Plus, no house fee if you walk around with your tits out and $30 if you walk around nude. Pretty sweet sounding!
  • Dancinggal
    10 years ago
    Whoops, sorry I wasn't more clear. The deal breaker was the scheduling. I just don't have time for what they're demanding right now. Especially an hour away from me. But the club was sooo nice, will revisit when I have more time to devote to dancing.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    Thanks for your review. It's always interesting to hear from a dancer.
  • canny
    10 years ago
    Write a review and get credit for it. That's valuable information to me as a potential customer, or it would be if I was in the area.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    Congrats...even though you turned it down .
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    There's a Russian named Carmen that works there, my goodness she's fine. I think she only works dayshift tho.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    I have been to this club several times, and it is a very accurate review. Because the prices are so high, I usually only get dances with a girl that is exactly my type and promises something good, or else just negotiate 2-1 dances which are usually available if you are a good negotiator. Gal, why don't you try 4 Play.
  • Dancinggal
    10 years ago
    John, I really would love to work at 4play. But I suspect they are very strict with scheduling. Also I have heard it's hard to get hired there. I'm a little nervous to audition at nicer clubs. I feel good being a big fish in a small pond.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    I think that BE is lopaws fave club. Does she know that you were auditioning there?:
  • Tiredtraveler
    10 years ago
    Sorry although I would like to see you dance I don't club in Cali. The clubs are too expensive and getting anywhere in SoCal is a colossal pain in the butt. So my philosophy when I am forced to work in Cali is go in get the work done and get out. Too Work, back to the hotel and the first plane out when done is all I do when in California. The other reason I do not like California is the arrogance of the whole state in thinking that because they are the "Great State of Californicators" they do not have to pay their bills on time. This permeates the whole state from top to bottom. You are smart to stay in a cash up front business.
  • Dancinggal
    10 years ago
    Sclvr :) of course she knew! It was her opinion that sent me there.
  • deogol
    10 years ago
    "The other reason I do not like California is the arrogance of the whole state in thinking that because they are the "Great State of Californicators" they do not have to pay their bills on time. This permeates the whole state from top to bottom. " When the State of California made me wait 90 days for a check for work done, that was it for me. Course, that was a while back ago when they were essentially bankrupt. (They still are, but better at hiding it - they just make the productive wait to get paid while the unproductive get their check and smoke pot on the couch.) California is on the do not pursue list now.
  • deogol
    10 years ago
    I'd be nervous about what kind of business license ya need to get... everything has to have the government sticking it's finger in to the wallet there.
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    DG, I wouldn't worry about auditioning at ANY club if I were you. You have already turned down an offer from one of the higher-class clubs in CA and attracted both tips and dance offers. Hope you can find a good club that meets your schedule needs.
  • BigTuna1
    10 years ago
    I agree with others this was a well written review of the place and you should submit it and get vip credits for it...it is gold information for all of us to have..thank you for.shsring
  • Dancinggal
    10 years ago
    ATAC, I would really love to work at BE or 4play, but ugh they want you to be on a schedule
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Hey TiredTwat- don't let the door hit your ass on the way out of Cali.
  • knightwish
    10 years ago
    @DG -- You can post a review for dancers. I always try in my reviews to give a "what sort of dancer" would like this club kinda review.
  • Player11
    10 years ago
    I have been seeing a Cali stripper OTC I met at a club here in Houston. Their loss was my gain. Clubs I liked in so cal while on business there - spearmint rhino Torrance, imperial theatre Anaheim.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Congrats on the fact they would hire you – says something (good) about your looks. “… girls who walk around topless for their shift avoid a house fee. Girls who walk around full nude get 30$ from the club …” Wow – the things that go on behind the scenes at a SC that most of us custies don’t know about – that was interesting. I wonder if this is a rare occurrence or if other clubs employ similar “incentives”.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    It appears to me that perhaps dives may be more flexible w.r.t. rules and perhaps scheduling? There are downsides to dives; but a good looking gal like you perhaps can do very well there and even maybe better than in an upscale place w/ lots of competition. P.S. I think you took down some pics you had b/c you got mad @ something someone may have done – but don’t punish all the PLs on this site b/c of one bad apple LOL – post some pics and throw a PL a bone – from the 1 pic you have; you look very attractive
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    ^^^ Yeah. Would love to see what was pulled out.
  • BigTuna1
    10 years ago
  • duomaxwell
    10 years ago
    A lot of the bigger clubs that are chains are pretty flexible with regards to scheduling. You usually just pay a higher house fee if you work at a club where you can come and go as you please.
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