You can only choose one

avatar for Clackport
If you had the choice to go clubbing with only one TUSCLer, who would it be and why?

This is tough for me because I've built great connections with a lot of you TUSCLers, there is no wrong answer. I'm gonna have to go with GoVikings. Me and him are both young, share similar interests, share similar taste in women, and I just think he'd be fun to club with. Plus GoVikings seems like a pretty cool dude.


last comment
avatar for duomaxwell
11 years ago
+1 for GoVikings, I've met him in person and he's delightfully normal!
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
I pick dougster
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Close call between Juice and RickyBoy (think it would be just hysterical to see this ass-clown in action, explaining why the girls are coming over to him because he is only one wearing a suit in the club).

avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
I am no fool! As much as I like you guys, I would want to hang with Duo, Dancing girl or hotstuff69babi, in no particular order.

I've learned something in my nearly 63 years.
avatar for Otto22
11 years ago
Farmer Art and I are about the same age and interests. Bet we would have a great time.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Bag Boy James

We would grab some Red Bull and pork rinds from the Piggly Wiggly and head out for a night on the town. We would find some 10 dollar stripper and go back to his trailer for some FUNN.
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
Sure Dougster, and this "ass-clown" would love to see the Seattle clubs with decor so fantastic that they merit four paragraphs of coverage, yet girls and services so horrible that they don't rate a single one. ;) I bet those chairs are REALLY plush. Nice!

And as an added bonus, I'd be able to hide a bottle of jack in the bottom of your wheelchair, since of course I can't buy any in your dry clubs. Sweet!

Of course, "The System" requires me to travel solo, so I guess I'm out of luck. But a fella' can dream, lol.

avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
RickyBoy: "...yet girls and services so horrible that they don't rate a single one. "

There isn't a single review of mine like that. You must be thinking of your own. Unless they've changed since the last time I checked in, you NEVER mentioned services. And, last I checked, in all but one you were unable to name a single girl who worked in them. Gee, wonder why that could be? Because you only visit clubs in your imagination, but never in reality. :-)
avatar for RickyBoyDugan
11 years ago
Not true, Dougster. I have mentioned services. Well only once. That's when I explicitly mentioned how I greased a bouncer at The Outhouse in Kansas. Oh wait, you are talking about the girls. Not really an interest of mine, but, yeah, I guess you're right. Not something I write about since I know I would be called down on my BS. Same if I tried to name a name.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Oh, as to the original topic. I would visit with txtittyfag.

I hear he has a knack for hooking bouncers, and I sure do like to grease them myself!

We could also discuss financial advice. Do the opposite of what the other says and make a ton of money!
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
^^^ should be in quotes. Imagining what RickyBoy's response to the original question would be.
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
It would be Dougster,I feel we are on the same wave length.I would most certainly crack farmerart in the face if I ever saw him.
avatar for gawker
11 years ago
Slickspic for me. I like his stories, like his rhymes ( dare I call it poetry or doggerel) and I like his pictures of Dodger gals. Could be a great night with many laughs.
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
Damn GoVikings you lucky dawg I forgot you and Duo lived in the same area. I don't want to start nothing, but GoVikings and Duo are both pretty good looking, they're both around the same age....GoVikings are you fucking that or what? Lol just kidding just kidding.

In all seriousness Richmond seems to be the TUSCL headquarters for dancers on TUSCL. If you all remember Daddysgirl, she also lives in Richmond.
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
Didn't juice date daddysgirl ?
avatar for GoVikings
11 years ago
Eh, this is like asking me to pick between Cris Carter and Randy Moss.

But if I HAVE to pick, I'd go with Papi Chulo. Why? He's hispanic, which means he knows lots of LATINAS! Not to mention he's fucking cool as hell to talk to.

avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
Time for you to pick a new team.
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
Coin flip between Shadow and Slickspic.
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
Dougster, I mention the state of affairs re: the girls in almost every review, as you well know. And services are more hit and miss because I only buy them ITC when the conditions are right. But hey, but a little credit does goes to you in that, in your more recent reviews, at least we know that the clubs actually HAVE dancers. ;) That was a marked improvement from the old days - lmao.

In terms of the original question, the answer is nobody. Not because some of you guys wouldn't be fine company, but I honestly dislike clubbing with anyone else. I like to be easy for solo girls to approach and talk with. I also like to be mobile and agile, able to jump at a moment's notice should an OTC opportunity present itself. There is only one other guy I ever club with and he is an exception to this rule, but he is not a poster on this board.
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
Go with the Spic.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
RickyBoy: your reviews are pure crap. You say you mention services but if it's what people really are interested beyond an LD, nothing in your reviews. And, as I say in all but one of your reviews I don't see the name of a single dancer on shift. Seems a little fishy to me. But I guess it all makes once it becomes clear you only visit strip clubs in your imagination never in the real world.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Would also explain the non-sense that is The System. Something needed in your imagination but completely superfluous down here in reality.
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
I forgot to add that Corvus would come in a close second place.
avatar for chessmaster
11 years ago
You mothafuckers funny than a bitch. I'm laughing so hard reading this shit.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Ranukam...this is a great question. I think it would be a coin flip for me also. Either slick because he seems to be able to talk about a lot of subjects and has a great sense of humor. The other would be juice. I am curious to see how one person could be that full of shit
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I'd have a blast clubbing with all yall sick fucks but if I gotta pick, it's either gonna be Founder or Lopaw. I feel that I can learn a thing or two from them.
avatar for Corvus
11 years ago
Man, this is a tough question. You my friend would be great to club with. I've met a couple of other TUSCL members and they are super cool. FarmerArt would be fun to hang out with -- especially if he was providing some cash resources LOL.

Many other members would be great to hang with especially in their favorite local clubs.

But without a doubt I would want to go clubbing with Lopaw. She and I both love beautiful strippers and pussy. Maybe one of these days......
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
This is a hard one. If it could be any TUSCLer *and* people were the way they represent would be:

Dancinggal or Duo - 'cos I dig chicks and both seem coo-el and hot. No disrespect to Duo...she posts a lot of coo-el and groove-EE stuff...but I'd give a slight edge to DG 'cos I'm not a tat fan.

That said, I'd much rather hang with a cool tatted girl than an tat free girl I can't have an intelligent conversation with so Duo would be tops for me in many clubs. And since this is a "who would you like to hang with question that tats are probably secondary.

And I suspect neither use "to conversate" in favor of "to converse". Unless their use of the former is for humorous effect.

If it has to be a dude, then LDK. That dude's antics are legend-wait for it-DARY. But I'd make the dude bring multiple changes of pants. He could go out to the car and clean up after each LDK. or he could clean out his liquid lap dance in the bathroom. His choice.

If LDK weren't up for actually hangin' in the club, it would be Alucard. The dude takes a lot of shit just for being himself. And I like a guy that brings a unique perspective and sticks to it in the face of derision. And he's actually a nice dude if you pause in the "let's fling poo at the dude" activities. And I bet he could speak some groove-EE Klingonese. TREK RULES!!! That said, I like dudes who engage in antics that give me the lulz, hence the edge to LDK.

And if neither was up for it, I'd hang with Bonerbreath. Yes, I know I'd have to fend of his constant gay advances (not that there's anything wrong with that -- I just prefer hangin' with gay dudes that are confident enough to avoid trolling strip club discussion boards) and I'd have to ignore his incessant use of the N-word. Plus I'd have to make sure we don't get his ass kicked due to his incessant use of the N-word.

No, I'd hang with Bonerbreath to help him. Maybe if he saw actual boobies he'd stop being a Debbie-downer and actually post about strippers and porno. Alternatively, he might get comfortable enough with his gay side that he'd stop bugging us here.
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
SlickSpik would keep me laughing between dances. I don't go clubbing with other people ever, but I think Slick would be a lot of fun.
avatar for RTP
11 years ago
I am down to 3. Shadow because I love his t-shirts, Papi because I like his style and share his like of AA women with a booty, and Magic as we seem to frequent the same clubs and are looking for similar results.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
RTP-Your initials are the acronym for Respect Tongan Piru, an LA gang. Every time I see your name, I remember a homeboy from there.
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
Tough call. Either shadowcat, farmerart, Stiletto25 or duomaxwell.

shadowcat because I think he'd just be a fun guy to hang with.
farmerart because he's an outrageous son of a bitch who would just be interesting to watch.
Stiletto25 because she's just far too interesting to miss.
duomaxwell because maybe *somebody* will finally be interested when I talk about Skyrim.
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
So far it looks like Slickspic is the most popular choice. Farmerart, Shadowcat and duo are also very popular choices.

@RTP- Who is Magic?
avatar for GoVikings
11 years ago
I think he's referring to magicrat
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
I think he is referring to my buddy magicrat. As for me. I have met 33 TUSCLers so far and about to add Papi_Chulo to the list. I am still in contact with about 25 of them. I'm always happy to meet any of you.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
Too many to choose from – I would love to meet any and all TUSCLers and there are about 10 that would be at the top of the list.

But if I had to choose one – it would be Club_Goer – he is a great fellow and he was the 1st TUSCLer I PMed w/ when I joined TUSCL ~2 years ago (and we still PM).
avatar for magicrat
11 years ago
Yep...RTP and I have been exchanging intel for awhile now.

I have met a few fellow TUSCLers over the years, Shadowcat being the first and most often. Outside of some local guys, I'm thinking Dougster and Farmerart would be most interesting to hang with. And Juice, et al, I am catching up with you one of these days!
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
I have clubbed with one TUSCLer and I was more than happy with her company, so I'll quit while I'm ahead.
avatar for Prim0
11 years ago
Hate to sound like a politician...but I'd be willing to hang out with anyone at a club. I'm just easy going that way. I could be entertained by someone who I totally agree with or with someone who has opposite views. My only issue would be with anyone who drove away the dancers with stupid ass behavior or someone who asked for money. You guys all bring something to the table as far as entertainment, wisdom, experience,'s all good.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
After reading Prim, Clubber puts on his wading pants! :)
avatar for Dolfan
11 years ago
Cris Carter or Randy Moss? That's easy man, CC all the way baby.

Who to hang out with at a SC? No fucking idea, I generally prefer solo.
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago
Lopaw - witty and female, an exceedingly rare combination. Also a horndog, something to be admired.
avatar for RTP
11 years ago
Slicspic, I can assure you I am no relation to any LA gang member. My heritage is actually PA. Dutch. Imagine that on Tuscl. No, I don't know Lebanon Levi.
I did mean Magicrat. Shadow, I am actually in Atlanta on business tomorrow (tuesday morning). May make a quick stop at Follies before I head back to the dead stripclub world of Charlotte.
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
Slick, farmerart, Club_Goer & Corvus, in no particular order.

Sorry - couldn't pick just one.
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
@lopaw: I would have picked you, but I wouldn't get any action. You'd get all the best girls, and I'd be left with the dregs. :)
avatar for Leonard313
11 years ago
Probably dancing girl or any of the female tusclers. I mean, why would I want to spend the evening with a fellow male member who will spend all night comparing the women and club to other women and clubs they've seen? That'll get boring. Better to go with a stripper, maybe see a little lesbo action, and maybe she's desperate and horny enough after the night is over…that y a get lucky!!
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
Ranacan u wuld b secont so iz kuld get som playboy puzzy wich u but my zipbro wuld b ferst caus he wuld b suckn my dick 2 keep me redy for som stank azz !
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
Lol !
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I totally forgot about Silkypants. I'd love to club with Silkypants if he wore his get up.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

When I met him, the silk was there, or are you talking about his TUSCL picture?
avatar for chessmaster
11 years ago
I wanna see juice in action.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Clubber-His avatar picture. That picture kicks ass.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

That would have been a hoot. Just the silky pants made their appearance.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago're like the retarded brother I never had, but you've got to get over this attraction you have to me. You need to just indulge your gay side rather than constantly ask me to suck yo' dick. Ain't gonna happen.
avatar for Gucci_Mane
11 years ago
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
Itz ok zipbro, I no u not gay xcep fo yo intanet luv a fair wit me ! U jus liek suckin my onlyne dick butt u wud liek my reel dick evn mo !
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