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Comments by themailman (page 2)

discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for themailman
Things they think we like, but we don't...
Tropical H2O...feel free to share these points with your fellow dancers. I bet they will make more money! Oh, wait, that means WE will spend more...,but what the hell, it'll be more enjoyable for all!
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for tropicalH2O
Strange things men have done with or to a dancer during a lap dance.
I don't think I've ever done anything that was weird. I have rubbed a few backs, shoulders, and even a couple of feet. Once a dancer and I exchanged hand massages. It was very cool and sensual.
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19 years ago
avatar for tropicalH2O
Strange things men have done with or to a dancer during a lap dance.
Tropical...How the hell much does 15 songs with you cost? And where the heck r u located? I appreciate your perspective and insights.
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19 years ago
avatar for davids
Stripper's Outfits
Shadowcat...August 15 post...did you take spelling lessons from Dan Quayle... Just bustin' your chops...
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for FONDL
Front or back?
I just can't imagine being able to do that. I'm probably just repressed...I gotta find me one of those clubs with "extras"... I had 2 awesome dances last night with an absolute wonder...in this club, they lapdance with bottoms OFF...i tried to let go to see if it would happen, but no cigar. And believe me, if it was gonna happen it would have been with this fine piece...
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19 years ago
avatar for Jpac73
You ever made a deal with one of your favorites?
I think this falls under: Everything is Negotiable... I like to try for a bargin sometimes...ask for 2 for ones, ask for 1/2 price on the second song... Once in my fav club, it was getting late and I only had $20...a 241 there costs $40 minimum...I told one of my regulars that if she wanted to do a 241 for $20 I would do it..she tried in vain to get another dance, and then without a word came over, grabbed my hand and took me back...she made sure i understood it was a one-time-only special... You do not want to get a rep for being a cheapskate, but once in a while it's cool.
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19 years ago
avatar for tropicalH2O
Strange things men have done with or to a dancer during a lap dance.
Lotion...interesting... H2O...San FREAKIN' Diego!!! Girl, a little more time on this board and you could go on a VERY lucrative road trip, including TN of course...I vote for a cross country Dance-Fest...just tell us where!
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for AbbieNormal
Stripper names and what they mean...
Heard a new one last night...."Cricket" Not a clue what it means...maybe when she rubs her legs together it makes noise... She was HOT...I introduced myself as "Grass Hopper".
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for themailman
Things they think we like, but we don't...
I kinda like the tatoos in the small of the back....if they're not to big. Sortta sexy in a slightly trashy way. Sounds like a strip club to me. Agree on over-piercing...The other night I got a dance from a girl who had 4, count 'em 4, piercings in her privates...She was into pain and did some serious grinding...felt like I had gotten a dance from a bicycle chain. Guess how many more I bought...you got it: 0
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19 years ago
avatar for themailman
What is the best way to....
I know what a BJ is, but what is a BBJ?
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for themailman
What is the best way to....
FONDL, How do you know if a place is "known" for extras? I read reviews here and chat boards elsewhere, but don't remember extras being a topic freely discussed.
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for davids
How Old is Too Old to Pick-up Hot Young Girls?
It's interesting that you don't see young hotties attached to POOR older men... Could money be a factor in the aged's ability to attract these young vixens? (Retorical question) So maybe a 2 part question would be in order...How old is to old, if you are wealthy? and How old is too old if you're middle class?
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for davids
Do Strippers Kid Themselves about their Customers Likely Financial Situations?
Denial. I imagine. We can convince ourselves to believe most anything that we really want to believe. Strippers want to believe their customers are rich because she wants more and more money. If she admits he may not be rich, then she has to admit the money may come to a end, and she just can't deal with that possibility. I do, however, have a little faith in the human spirit. I don't think there are many strippers who want to intentionally bankrupt anyone and ruin their lives. I'm sure there are some completely evil stippers, just like there are some completely evil people in every area of life. I do think that trying some honesty would be refreshing. For instance, he tells her that money doesn't grow on trees, and she tells him she's never going to sleep with him. Everyone knows what to expect, so they can just let loose and have fun. Maybe I'm just idealistic...
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for AbbieNormal
Stripper names and what they mean...
DandyDan: The aforementioned "Cricket" is in Knoxville... Maybe some strippers use a fake name so that when they tell you their real name you will feel special and spend more money...just a thought.
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19 years ago
avatar for davids
How Old is Too Old to Pick-up Hot Young Girls?
Back to the age/money/personality discussion. I still contend that 99% of men past 60, must be realitively wealthy in order to attract a woman under 35. Now, I will concede that personality does play a factor, but it is vastly easier for a wealthy older man to exude confidence and virility, that for a poor or even middle class man to do so. It's all connected, in my opinion.
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19 years ago
avatar for fistman
anybody know any muscular female dancers?
Seems like the most muscular dancers I've seen were African-American...In the Memphis area.
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19 years ago
avatar for davids
Is RL Trying NLP on Us?
I don't THINK that RLs use of capitalization IS HAVING any effect on ME. I have MUCH TOO MUCH mental TOUGHNESS to fall for NLP. I think THAT MAYBE his caps LOCK button get STUCK sometimes and he's JUST TOO lazy to GO BACK and re-TYPE.
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19 years ago
avatar for Jpac73
Is Dancing at a SC a way for girls to have control over men?
I agree that "control", or the illusion of it, is the main thing here. Most stripper's lives OTC are out of control for myriad reasons. I think they convince themselves that ITC is at least one arena they can exercise SOME measure of control. For many of them it is as big an escape from everyday life as it is for many of us...plus they make big money. They are dependent on the clubs to help them retain a little self-dignity. Maybe that's why so many stay past their prime when the money is not near what it used to be.
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19 years ago
avatar for davids
Help me Find my ATF!
Thanks for the tip, davids...I would have never thought of that... If I want to hook back up with someone from the past, what the hell do you care? I realize it's a longshot, but you never know til you try... For the record, I have indeed moved on, but a blast from the past would be cool...
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19 years ago
avatar for davids
Help me Find my ATF!
Shadowcat...sounds like we're kindred spirits. Hope I can make it to your PP one day.
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19 years ago
avatar for da_r71
Real of Fake??
No real strong preference here. Have had good dances with both kinds. I do not do dances with girls who have gone so big they just look ridiculous...sometimes I tip them a dallar for having to carry those things around, but that's it. I have noticed a few girls in my regular club both before and after implants. Sometimes they really give a girl a tremendous confidence boost...I'll bet her dances would be better simply due to her new-found self esteem. Maybe I'll conduct a market test...
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19 years ago
avatar for davids
Help me Find my ATF!
SC...Do you have Strip Club business cards printed with your name, phone# and email address??? Maybe she wants you to help her start one of those chain emails so you both can get rich...
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for RomanticLover
want to know if stripper REALLY LIKES YOU, may try KISSING HER (on the MOUTH)
David S. I'm in on the test...
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for RomanticLover
want to know if stripper REALLY LIKES YOU, may try KISSING HER (on the MOUTH)
AN...now that would be indecent exposure and probably get you tossed...out. Plus no self respecting stripper would go for the old whip it out trick.
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19 years ago
avatar for chitownlawyer
Missouri strip club legislation declared unconstitutional
Send the lawyers to Nashville. The Metro Council here is trying to enact the same sort of legislation.