
Comments by themailman (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Will gas prices raise the price of dances?
    Stripper: Blah, Blah...Gas Prices...Blah, Blah Patron: How far do you drive to work? Stripper: 50 miles. Patron: So thats 100 miles round trip. Stripper: Yes Patron: I'll bet your car gets about 20 mpg, huh? Stripper: Yeah, I guess. Patron: How much more per gallon are you paying now? Stripper: I dunno, maybe a dollar... Patron: So you have to make $5 more a night to break even? Stripper: Ummm, yeah, I guess... Patron: Here's 5 bucks...Now shut the F**K up and Dance!
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    19 years ago
    I hate it I don't have any good SC's that I can go to ofter
    Sounds like you two should open your own clubs...it's an honest profession...
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    19 years ago
    Things they think we like, but we don't...
    Just a couple of others. Belly button rings that snag your shirt... Wearing tanning lotion/cream...I've left clubs a few times and had brown makeup all over my pants...straight to the dry cleaners...
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    19 years ago
    Missouri strip club legislation declared unconstitutional
    shadowcat...I saw that. Serious bummer...bet it won't stay closed long though...I hope...
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    19 years ago
    Do Strippers Kid Themselves about their Customers Likely Financial Situations?
    Jabberwocky... you sound like a real sweetheart. Your selfishness is only surpassed by your utter disregard for others. Your logic sound like that of a drug dealer. Don't make the mistake of absolving yourself from any and all complicity in this "problem", as you call it. Where is decency and regard for your fellow man? If you know there is a problem, but continue to capitalize on it for your own well-being, that makes you as pathetic as the poor bastard you're taking advantage of. I agree that we ALL are untimately responsible for our own actions, but if I KNEW that a dancer was totally ruining her life by being in the club, I wouldn't contribute to her demise by buying more and more dances, even if she was the best dancer ever. Maybe I still have a little heart left, though. Hope I never run into you.
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    19 years ago
    Life after stripping
    The good news is that now they get employee discounts at Wal-Marts and Waffle Houses...
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    19 years ago
    Life after stripping
    At least they don't have to drive back and forth from the club with these high gas prices...
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    19 years ago
    Do Strippers Kid Themselves about their Customers Likely Financial Situations?
    I stand behind each and every one of my former comments. Note that I DID SAY that we ALL are utimately responsible for our own decisions and actions...both patrons and strippers. But decisions are not made in a vacuum. Also, understand that I do not place strippers and drug dealers in the same category. I merely said that Jabberwocky's LOGIC was like that of a drug dealer's...and I believe it is. My sincere opinion...but not the end of the world...I still believe there are some strippers who are good people.
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    19 years ago
    Do Strippers Kid Themselves about their Customers Likely Financial Situations?
    I think that part of the issue here is that I was initially addressing a specific poster and their attitude, and now my specific comments to her are being generalized... I responded in the first place because of an attitude I detected from her post. I'm sure she's a nice enough person, but her post sounded like a totally selfish person only looking out for Number 1 to the detriment of those whom she KNOWS has a PROBLEM (her word). I realize I can be idealistic, but it just rubs me wrong when people are self absorbed to the point of rationalizing reprehensible behavior. I understand the bartender analogy, but when you served someone who was probably an alcoholic, I don't imagine your rationale included "oh well, he's ruining his life, but I'm gonna let him because it will improve mine." So fine, don't deny drinks or dances to those who obviously have a PROBLEM. Just don't have a purely selfish motive for doing it. I have enjoyed the discussion on this.
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    19 years ago
    Do Strippers Kid Themselves about their Customers Likely Financial Situations?
    "Dancers are not in denial, I am a dancer myself and I have seen many a guy lose their electricity because they would rather spend it at the club. These people HAVE A PROBLEM. I have hinted at it to some guys that they are spending a pretty penny, but then again they pay MY bills and I do not force them to come to the club. Yes its sad to see some of these guys go through great lengths to spend money at the club, but I live on tips and tips alone. If I don't make money at work, I lose my electricity as well." This is an exact copy of Jabberwocky's post that I found objectionable. It certainly appears to me that she admits to knowing the guys in question HAVE A PROBLEM. She seems to contradict herself in paragraph one of her last post. So which is it? If you don't know there is a problem, then I have no problem with you dancing and making money. My issue is when you KNOW there is a PROBLEM, and just don't give a damn. And for the record, I have never joined the camp that thinks all strippers are bad or hopelessly flawed people. Quite the contrary. I've met many who are good and decent people. Nobody (including me) is perfect, but I just don't think we should, as human beings, prey on the weakest among us. Jabberwocky: Don't take your toys (no pun intended) and go home. I'm sure you have some great insights and perspectives that would prove a valuable addition to our little world. If we don't have diiferences of opinion from time to time, we have nothing to talk about...
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    19 years ago
    Joke Exchange!
    DavidS. Try some humor without the sarcasm, man. You just might have a good laugh! (Not that I think your contributions to this topic aren't relevant...they're just not funny.)
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    19 years ago
    Joke Exchange!
    An Asian couple immigrated to the US and opened a Chinese restaurant. One night, after an especially busy day, the husband says to the wife "I wanna sixty-nine." She says, "What you want with Cashew Chicken?"
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Do Strippers Kid Themselves about their Customers Likely Financial Situations?
    Davids...you're right...sortta. I didn't ask her to stay because I think i've got a shot with her or that she's hot or something...actually her attitude makes her unattractivde to me, no matter what she looks like...I'd just like her to stay so the board continues to have plethora opinions...but hey, if she left...no biggie.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How Much Are LDs in Your Region?
    West TN: 2 for $40. But not 1 for $20. At this particular club the house gets NO take from the LDs. The girls have about a $60 payout plus tips to the leeches/bouncers/DJ/Mgr. Beer sold in the club $4.75. In East TN my favorite club is $40 per song and they only run 241 before 5pm and periodically on Monday nights. House gets $10 per dance. Club is BYOB. Soft drinks are 2.50. Do you think whether the club sells alcohol or not has any bearing on LD prices and/or house share?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Joke Exchange!
    Literally LOL at that last one...good one.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What is the best way to....
    I had a dnacer ask me point blank if I was LE. I told her "no", because I'm not. Question: If an undercover cop is asked if he's LE, does he have to say yes? If he lies and later busts the dancer, does she have a defense because he lied. ChiTown, let's hear it.
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    19 years ago
    Is the "Seduction" Aspect of Being A Stripper Documented?
    All things being equal, I don't think women are "better" at the art of seduction, men just make it WAY easier to be seduced, I think b/c so much of our being attracted to them is visually based. Men have to work much, much harder...women are naturally gifted at playing hard to get.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What do you bastards look like?
    The Police Chief of Nashville and I could be twins, but he's 6'4" and I'm 5'8". It is eerie how closely we resemble each other.