Comments by lopaw (page 218)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Does bringing buddies to your regular club cramp your style?
    I like going to topless places with my friends to drink a few beers, hang out, and get some low mileage lapdances. It's fun. But nude clubs I go solo by choice. I am there to see the dancers and get high mileage dances. Period. A friend with me @ a nude joint would seriously cramp my style.
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Reviews: General Statements vs. Personal Experiences
    LOL Clubber When I wrote "sucks" wasn't the GOOD kind!
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Reviews: General Statements vs. Personal Experiences
    Good point, Clubber, about updating club stats. Many are way out of date. My experiences are different than most, so it is often hard for me to relate to most other customer reviews. I also found alot of the times my expectations were either too high or too low based on other customers interpretation of the club, so I began to disregard them in favor of "just the facts". I prefer to walk into a new club with no expectations, so at least I won't be disappointed as much if it turns out that the
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Reviews: General Statements vs. Personal Experiences
    I'm probably in the minority on this, but I prefer the hard cold facts about the club rather than any personal experiences. While it is noted that the personal experiences can be entertaining to read, everyone's experience will likely be different, so at best they must be taken with a huge grain of salt. Just tell me hours of operation, location, dance prices, parking, etc. and I'm a happy girl. Just the facts, ma'am.
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    15 years ago
    Do you get any sense that customers are spending less and Dancers are more Despe
    I'm seeing that the clubs that are not doing anything to promote more business (drink specials,dance specials, etc.) are hurting bad. Less custies overall, and the few that do show up are spending on booze but not dances. There is one club, tho, that is bending over backwards to attract custies with their daily specials, and it seems to be working for them - the club is busy when others nearby are not.
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    15 years ago
    Strippers real names
    chandler- If a dancer ever introduces herself to me as "Drippy"....I'm SOOOO outta there. (Nothing personal, Drippy!)
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    15 years ago
    Strippers real names
    I used to get a kick out of finding out their real names, but nowadays I'd prefer not to know. It takes the fantasy/illusion away.
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    15 years ago
    For you Megan Fox fans
    Gawd - Megan Fox is unbelievably HOT. Don't know if that will be enough to save this movie if it sucks. Interesting trailer...especially the restricted one. Thanx for the link, steve229. Don't remember where I read it (it might have been here on TUSCL), but Megan is a PL just like us! Or at least she was at one time. Seems she was once in love with a russian stripper that worked at the Body Shop here in L.A.
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    15 years ago
    South Carolina
    I haven't seen any glitter on a dancer in a long time. I figured that they finally got the hint.
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    15 years ago
    Dancer Drama - Got Any Stories?
    OMG...there isn't enough server space to list all of the Dancer Drama that I have witnessed (and occasionally dragged into) over the years!
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    15 years ago
    Rookie Mistakes
    steve229- Absplutely! I consider clubbing just another "extreme sport" that we all enjoy - somewhat dangerous & risky, but when highly enjoyable!
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    15 years ago
    Which Clubs With Alotta Sexy Asians
    LOL Thx T-Bro!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Rookie Mistakes
    To each their own, Watchman. My SO doesn't think of SC's as a "guy" thing (and since I'm not a guy it wouldn't matter anyway). Many of our wives/SO's just don't understand our desires to ogle other women, and I honestly wouldn't expect them to. Not all of us have the understanding wife that you apparently have. Some of us go clubbing for PG rated adventures, and some for XXX. If you are married and want to continue clubbing (discreetly), you learn pretty quickly to cover your tracks. It's the price we are willing to pay. Quite a life? Yes it is.....and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
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    15 years ago
    Rookie Mistakes
    I've done just about every bonehead rookie mistake at least once, and some I still continue to do (wore white pants again recently - DOH!). Thank goodness for the garden hose in the backyard - I've had to use it many times before entering the house (which brought on just about as many questions from the SO as having NOT used it would have!).
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer come-on's
    My all time favorite line was when a dancer approached me and started touching the sleeve on my blouse, seemingly admiring the fabric. She then said "You know what would look good on you?. I didn't get a chance to reply when she purred "Me" in the sexiest voice I had ever heard.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Center of attention vs. low profile?
    I prefer to keep a low profile, but for me it's virtually impossible to do so. I don't mind attention from the dancers or staff, but unwanted attention from fellow customers can get to be too much at times.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Wingman or Solo?? Looking for Suggestions from Dancers as well as Customers
    I like going to topless joints with friends to have a beer, hang out, and get mild dances. Nude places I go solo. I'm there strictly to get nasty dances and converse with dancers. When I visit a new club, sometimes the dancers don't know what to make of me....but in short time they're approaching me for dances just like anyone else.
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    15 years ago
    Married guys--Why do you go to strip clubs?
    Good point, gk. SC's are a kind of Disneylands for ALL - not just married men. Clubber, In order to condition you to automatically remember that mine is a lesbian mecca...I will send you 100 DVD's of nothing but girl/girl sex that you must watch non-stop until your world is so lesbian saturated that you assume EVERYONE is a lesbian - even men. Only then will you be truly "re-programmed". =)
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    15 years ago
    A website we can all enjoy
    That was fun! And I guessed wrong on ALL of them. Guess I need more practice ;)
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    15 years ago
    I hope whatever is keeping T-Bro away is only temporary and hopefully he'll join us again soon.
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    15 years ago
    Married ???????????
    I don't really care if a dancer is married or not, and I'd rather not find out either way. If she is wearing a wedding ring, then it's pretty obvious. But it still wouldn't bother me all that much. I've had several married dancers meet me OTC for fun & games, but I guess I have an unfair advantage over you guys. I also think the percentage of married women willing to cheat is MUCH higher than what was stated in that poll.
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    15 years ago
    Married guys--Why do you go to strip clubs?
    Drippy, My favorite reply would be "I'm married......I'm not DEAD!" There are many reasons why married guys & gals seek out stripclubs for fun and/or sexual stimulus. I'm very happy with my SO, but I enjoy a variety of women wiggling all over me from time to time. My SO is not aware of my shenanigans @ the clubs, and would not it's best she not know. That plan has been working nicely for the past 8 years!
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    15 years ago
    2nd Chances?
    I had to laugh out loud today. I visited a club today where a smokin' hottie had previously given me one of the worst dances that I had ever gotten. She was there today, and I thought about this thread. I decided to give her another shot, which is something I don't usually do anymore. Thirty seconds into the dance, I realized that she had actually gotten WORSE, if that were at all possible. Never again!!!!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Friends of judyjudy
    I agree that Judy's presence here has made things more interesting, and it's always nice to see another lady on board! She seems more than capable to hold her own here with us, so let's hope she stays around for awhile. If you've never danced for a girl before, Judy....can I be your first? And if I can't be first....can I be next? ;)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    SC Technology
    When the day comes that I can run my ATM card thru a dancer's asscheeks to pay her I will be one happy customer. Yes.....I AM that lazy.