Comments by lopaw (page 208)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you tell strippers you go to other clubs?
    There have been a few times when a dancer has asked me why I haven't been to her club lately. I will usually tell them the truth - that I'm at another club. When pressed as to why I prefer another club, I'm also truthful - either the other club is offering "better" dances, cheaper dance prices, etc. Usually this just winds up upsetting the dancer asking, since her club often can't compete with these things. That's when I tell her she ought to consider working at that other club. Sometimes they actually do.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    What strippers think of us
    lol rick I have met a few dancers in person from SW, and they turned out to be good people. But no matter how much a dancer compliments us, we all know that it is the only the bulge in our wallets that really excites them ;) BTW - congrats on not getting kicked off of SW yet! Your posts have definitely generated a good bit of interest over there...keep 'em comin'!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    What strippers think of us
    Strippers compare notes about all of us w/ each other, especially the strippers that "share" customers. It's hilarious to listen to them size us up and report to each other who is spending how much on this night, who has stopped getting dancers from Dancer X, etc. I've had groups of them sitting at my table in the club, comparing notes on their regulars in full earshot of me. Since I'm female, maybe they thought I wouldn't care what they said. When I asked them what did they say about ME when I wasn't there, they all said pretty much the same thing - "we talk about when you're supposed to come in and who do we think you will spend your money on. Then we take turns, in a prearranged order, hitting you up for dances". At least they were honest about it.
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    15 years ago
    The Massage Guy
    lol Like DD, I also have a SC "buddy" that lives to trap dancers in his booth and give them massages, whether they want one or not. He's an overall good guy, and I think he uses the massages as a way to touch the girls w/o paying for a LD. It's kinda sad, tho....I don't know how many times dancers have pulled me to the side and asked me to tell my friend to leave them alone.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Marriage through stripperweb
    I'm surprised that there aren't more crossover posters between TUSCL & SW blue.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Married Guys and Strippers
    My simple philosophy is "don't ask, don't tell". This applies to both me & the dancers. Yes - I'm a married woman who often visits & occasionally does strippers. But unless her jealous hubby is chasing me down the street with a loaded shotgun, whether she is married or not is of no concern to me.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Stripper: "I haven't had sex in 6 months"
    LOL rick - I just saw your Maximizing OTC post on SW blue. The dancers that actually read blue are gonna have no mercy on you! Dang, it's gonna be entertaining before they ban you!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Stripper: "I haven't had sex in 6 months"
    rick, Yeah - I have been caught up in that fantasy many times myself as well, but I never let it get out of hand. I can't afford a SO and an expensive girlfriend! I just saw a couple of your posts over on SW. Those ladies will chew you a new asshole if you post things that they disagree with. You're a brave man!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Stripper: "I haven't had sex in 6 months"
    I guess I'm just jaded now after years of clubbing, but I don't feel one bit sorry for anybody stupid enough to chase a stripper around for months and dump serious cash while doing so, in a vain attempt to score some dancer pussy. Were these dimwits born yesterday? How can anyone spend any amount of time in a SC and not realize what really goes on there? How gullible & naive are these customers? I think it took me all of two visits to look around me and start realizing how the "game" was played. Sheesh!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How long do you wait?
    If you know the dancer, then you should also know her credibility. At least you know up front if you're gonna be in for a long wait or not. The unknown girls are the gamble. Like others have stated - if she's not back to get me within a song or two...I'll either find another dancer or leave the club if pickins' are slim.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    It's all pink on the inside.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Female cover charges?
    I get in for free most of the time, but that's probably because I'm the only female regular they got. I guess I'm a novelty to them, so they don't charge me.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Only Customer in the Club
    I've been the only customer a few times and I hated it, mainly for the reasons that rickdugan mentioned. It just felt creepy to look around and be the only person sitting there by an empty stage, in an empty room. I hate crowds, but I'll take a crowd over being the sole patron anyday.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Mobile device support
    I absolutely gave up viewing the Discussion section with my Smartphone - it was impossible to navigate full size. The good news is that more & more sites are becoming mobile-friendly. Hope TUSCL will join in soon.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I support women's right to be topless in public. Do you?
    I suport it 110%. It's ridiculous that women can't go topless in many places if they choose to. Ya know - it wasn't until the 1920's or 30's that MEN weren't allowed topless either. As far as the male ogling goes - the tittilation factor would wane once people got used to seeing it and it became more common place. Look at most of Western Europe - toplessness is commonplace there and most don't give it a second look anymore.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Older vs. Younger
    I typically find myself attracted to dancers in their late teens/early twenties, although there certainly have been occasions where an older dancer has caught my eye. Mostly, for me, it really just comes down to the look,personality & mileage of the dancer in question, regardless of her age. And f_d.....not all of us PL's wandering into a SC are male ;)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Last day of the month really the best time to visit a SC?
    What I have seen is that the last few days of the month will bring alot more dancers into the club to work - especially if those days fall on a weekend. Is this the best time to visit a club? If you are looking for more dancers to choose from - then maybe yes. But that would be the ONLY reason as far as I can see. Just because there are more dancers working and competing for business does not guarantee that those dancers will drop prices or offer more extras.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Best near LAX these days?
    My impressions of the 2 nude clubs near LAX- BE : Many model quality women. Mid level contact dances. Pricey. Dance prices increase after 6pm. No drink hustle. Lots of 2fer1's. Lots of parking (valet). JS : Small club. Dancers range from 4's to 8's. VHM dances w/ the right girl. Security patrols parking lot. Dicey neighborhood. No drink hustle.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Playing to the Crowd
    f_d: What on earth are you doing in Indiana when you could be here in L.A.! You'd be like a kid in a fetish candy store here with all of the diverse persona's wandering around my fave clubs! ;)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Best near LAX these days?
    bumrubber- I regularly visit BE, JS, TWG and Rio(on Figueroa)during the dayshifts. I have written some reviews, but I don't remember how recent they are. What info are you looking for?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I'm a white woman, but my tastes run along the asian and (more recently) latinas lines. I have had my share of white & black women and it has certainly been good, but I always find myself seeking out the lovely dark haired asian & latina beauties.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Playing to the Crowd
    I've never had the pleasure of seeing a fetish style dancer or even a dancer w/ a dominatrix styled motif at any of the clubs I attend. I think that if I ever do encounter such a lady, she'd have a heck of a time getting rid of me - I'd probably follow her around the club like a submissive puppy.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    It is true that nowadays extras are pretty much the norm in many clubs. I've seen plenty of gals be successful w/o offering anything more than a sensual dance, but it is getting harder for them to compete for $$$. Seems the true art of exotic dancing is almost extinct now, and that's a damn shame.
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    15 years ago
    Days or Nights
    Looks like gk nailed it pretty accurately. The only thing I would add is that daygirls tend to be less attractive than nightshift (there are always exceptions, of course), and they tend to be much more likely to provide extras.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Anyone ever considered inviting a dancer over to your house?
    I did it once, for platonic reasons - I was helping her find an apartment in my neighborhood. Looking back it was very risky in terms of my SO finding out. I don't think I will ever do that again.