Comments by lopaw (page 194)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Man accused of fondling dancer at strip club
    I agree w/ gmd. If after two dances she's still pushing your hands away and yelling at you to stop it, then cut your losses and move on to someone else. When a dancer says no they mean it. Find another dancer with more liberal leanings. It's his own (probably drunken) stupid fault for pushing his luck. I have no sympathy for stupidity.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancer's ATF
    I've been privy to many unfiltered conversations between dancers that gab with each other while sitting at my table. Apparently they don't care that I'm sitting there listening. And since I visit this particular club alot, they probably assume that I don't care what they're saying, since they aren't talking about me. I've noticed that the dancers that genuinely get along with each other and have worked together for years will help each other to snag new customers, or even to share customers between them. It shocked me the first few times I overheard them comparing notes about several regulars in the club that day. When I asked them if they talk about me that way, they just looked at each other and grinned. Guess I got my answer.
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    14 years ago
    Staking her Claim
    lol I see many possible opportunities to use this "competition" to your advantage, steve.....
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    14 years ago
    Do strippers clean up between customers?
    I'm with Clubber. Clubbing in the afternoon definitely has it's advantages - like often getting "virgin" dancers that have not done any dances yet. Takes the mystery out of the "where-has-she-been-and-has-she-washed-up?" dilemma.
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    14 years ago
    Stripper Jokes
    Two strippers are on an outdoor deck for a smoke break near closing time. First stripper asks the other "Which do you think is closer - the moon or Florida?" The other stripper thinks about it for a minute and finally answers "the moon." The 1st stripper asks "Why?". The 2nd stripper says "We can see the moon. Duh." (okay - so I modified this "blonde" joke for strippers!)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    "ignore" feature suddenly not working?
    Of course you are right, joker44. I hate to admit that I got a sadistic kick out of fucking with Dougster - like watching a trainwreck in slo-mo. But I'm done and anything further that he writes will TRULY be ignored. Besides my laundry is done ;)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    "ignore" feature suddenly not working?
    lol As much fun as it's been to bag on you, Dougster....I'm bored now. And bagging on you is like shooting fish in a barrel anyways. No challenge. Hmmmm....let's many people exactly do I have on ignore? Oh yeah - just two. But both are Dougster!! Bwahahaha!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    "ignore" feature suddenly not working?
    Oh I'm ALL over it. This must be REAL important to you. I obviously struck a nerve with you on this subject for you to keep referring back to it MONTHS later. I'm really sorry if you are a victim of domestic violence, Dougster....but there are services available to you so that you can get the help that you so desperately need. Why don't you go ahead and get all nice & comfy there and I'll be right back with those stats for you. Are you all nice & comfy now? Good. Now wait for it!!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    "ignore" feature suddenly not working?
    Oh jesus Dougster you ARE a whiney little bitch. Give it up already. You're like a worn out old record. In case you didn't notice - I don't care if you agree with me. About anything. Ever. Ever Ever Ever. K? Finished now? Or would you like to continue bantering until the "ignore" feature is restored? Fine by me. I'm waiting for my laundry to finish drying. Watching THAT is right on par with reading your responses.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    "ignore" feature suddenly not working?
    *yawn* whatever you say, Dougster.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    "ignore" feature suddenly not working?
    Happily, Dougster, the only time I see your posts are times like this when something goes awry with the ignore feature. Sorry to disappoint you, but until this last post from you was made visible to me on this thread, I have successfully ignored you for months. You're simply not worth reading to me, and once the ignore feature is restored, I will happily ignore you once again. Realist123 - sadly, yes, some here are very ignore-worthy. Some are spammer types that post non-stripclub related garbage. And others are just annoying idiots. To each their own in who they choose to ignore. I don't think a generic "list" would be appropriate for all.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Can a guy cum from a lap dance?
    I don't know about guys, but girls certainly can ;) I've done it more times than I can remember. Some dancers really do know the meaning of "customer service"!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    "Hidden Post by ignored user xxxnycexecparty"
    Thx, founder, for removing the "Hidden Post by" lines. Having an annoying poster completely invisible is perfect. You think you can remove it from the "Articles" area too?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Best Vegas Club for Couples?
    Try this website: Go to the Olympic Garden section. One of the managers there (Pete OG) is usually offering specials for people that visit there. OG claims to be very couples friendly. My experiences there have been mixed, and the last time I went it sucked bad. Maybe I picked a bad night.....don't know. But many couples seem to love it there. Good luck.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Mutual DATY was my main M.O. while clubbing. But too many scares and a fear of bringing something home to the SO has made me pretty much stop doing it. I do miss it tho.
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    14 years ago
    Country music in Strip Clubs
    I don't hear it very often, and when I do it makes me want to get up and go outside for a "smoke" break. Like shadowcat, I'll tolerate it if a dancer I like enjoys it.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Best "eye candy" club in your area?
    In LA - either 4Play or PlanB for OOT visitors not looking for mileage. The women there are arguably the best eye candy anywhere. Bare Elegance would be backup.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Nipple Rings
    IMHO nipple rings (like clit rings) look great from a distance. But I've had girls get them caught on various parts of my clothing during LD's and it scared the be-jeezus outta me. I'll compliment a dancer if they look good on her, but I won't get any dances from her.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    hostess clubs
    There seem to be alot of them here in downtown LA. They seem to cater mainly to the latino community. I have never been, but the few people I know who have been have nothing good to say about the places.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Buying dancers meals
    farmerart - Both, if I'm lucky! ;p
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Tall or Short?
    lol gmd! I prefer taller girls, as long as they are well built and not too skinny (girls that are 6'2" and weigh 100lbs are a serious turn-off, and I've seen more than a few of them in my day 0_o). Most dancers seem to be in the 4'10" - 5'4" range (w/o heels). I prefer them to be 5'8" or taller if possible.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Cell phones in the strip club
    My phone is always with me, although here in LA you definitely cannot use them in the main club area. Like gmd said - if I can't bring in my phone at all, you just lost my business. And if I have to take a call, I head to the ladies room, which in itself is a great way to chat up dancers ;)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Horny old bastard.
    Do I Have a Porn Problem?
    looneylarry- in that case - you'd have a field day following me around!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Male bartenders/waiters at a strip club
    Seen plenty of male bartenders & busboys. No male waiters yet. No female bouncers yet. I gotta get out more.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Horny old bastard.
    Do I Have a Porn Problem?
    Porn (g/g only for me, thx) becomes Plan "C" when Plan "A" (real woman) or Plan "B" (stripclub visit) falls through.