
Male bartenders/waiters at a strip club

Tuesday, March 29, 2011 9:42 PM
Just wondering what do you guys think of male wait staff at a strip club? Do you turn around and walk out when you see a male bartender? I think it is usually a bad sign when you see one (staffing issues) but I will put up with it.


  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I have never seen a male waiter. Don't think I would like it. I have seen male bar tenders. Usually with another who is female. I am OK with that.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    I never thought much about it one way or the other. I guess usually I see female bartenders, and always female wait staff (waitresses). I, of course, would prefer female bartenders, especially when they're as hot, or hotter, than the dancers. But I've seen enough males making drinks at SCs that it doesn't phase me.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    The last male bartender I saw was OK in my book. I paid for a single drink and had three. I have known him for about 15 years, but had just run into him at a club.
  • inno123
    13 years ago
    Male bartender OK. Waiters rather than wiatresses, more unusual. Bear in mind that if the club had an absolute must be female rule on anybody other than the performers they would be open for sexual discrimination lawsuits.
    13 years ago
    And conversely Sam, how about female bouncers?
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    haha I heard the local female "bouncers" are strict and check up on you during LD so I try to avoid them.
  • jester214
    13 years ago
    Bartenders I don't mind really. Waiters? I've never seen it but I think it would turn me off a bit.
  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    I've only been to one place that ever had a male waiter and he was essentially the bartender forced into it by the lack of a waitress that particular day. I've been to a few places that had male bartenders, and it never bothered me in any way. Often in those cases, they are management. I do remember one, though, who was openly gay.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    DandyDan, you met that one too. LOL. One gay bartender tried to pick me up once, I told him I'd be happy to pour VERY HOT coffee on his balls. Other than that, I prefer hot barmaids, but a male bartender is OK.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    I have no problems with male bartenders. In fact, I find that they are generally more generous in the "buy back" department than female bartenders.
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    I'm used to male bartenders in SC's. Male waiter-I would have issues with. I might leave the club .
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Why would one care about the gender of the wait staff at all? As long as the dancers are female, what difference does it make who brings me a drink? It's not like one typically goes to a SC to see waitresses, after all. And why leave the club, especially? That makes no sense to me at all. Forgo groping naked women because the person who brings me NY drink is XY instead of XX? I don't think so.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Male bartenders are okay. I prefer waitresses but I would not object to a waiter. However, if I see a male dancer, I'm going to figure I stumbled into the wrong kind of club.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    We want to see as many hot women as possible in the club, clothed, naked, dancing or waiting tables. A token male bartender is OK, especially if he has the right info on dancers.
  • dudeanonymous
    13 years ago
    I've seen lots of male bartenders, but I can't ever remember seeing a male waiting tables in a SC. Wouldn't cause me to bolt if I did, though. Assuming he was hetero, I'd probably ask his advice on dancers.
  • silkypants
    13 years ago
    Not one person chimed in about Tijuana. In Tijuana, all the bartenders and waiters are men. This prevents any confusion. If you are a woman in the club, you are a stripper.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    Seen plenty of male bartenders & busboys. No male waiters yet. No female bouncers yet. I gotta get out more.
  • bumrubber
    13 years ago
    I've never seen a male waiter, only bartenders. And all of them were assholes, while only about half the women bartenders are.
  • sanitago
    13 years ago
    if they're doubling as security, I guess it makes sense. after all, who's going to notice a problem quicker than someone working the tables? that said, only saw a guy working tables once, and he usually checked the dancers in and out of the private rooms. slow night, so they had him out clearing tables. he was a dick, so it worked for me.
  • RocStarsky
    13 years ago
    More women around = more pleasure. The ultimate setting, in my mind, is all the staff, management, and dancers are all women and having just the bouncers be men. When you have men working in valet, front door, bartender, and managment, the excitement drops down. This is all excluding male customers. Women should be over numbering the males in the club. I wouldn't feel comfortable if the only females around would be the ones doing the stage dances.
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