
Comments by ozymandias (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Food, Strippers. or Politices?
    When I was in grad school, I had a friend who DJed at a strip club which had a free lunch buffet. He (the DJ) was a certified chess Grand Master, and I used to go by the club for (free) lunch - being the resourceful graduate student that I was - and we'd set up a chess game on one of the tables and play a match or two. It was the geekiest thing imaginable, but it was free food, a good chess match (I almost always lost), and the girls there found it endearing. Good times! So, strip clubs and food: just be aware it attact the moochers ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    In sort of a dillemma, advice needed.
    Since you prefer the new one, it's a no-brainer - her. A two-girl show in VIP is another option! O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    McCain's campaign has been bungled beyond belief... there is pretty much no way Obama can lose, Bradley Effect notwithstanding. Most states' electorals follow the popular; in some states, it's actually the law. The best thing the Republicans can d at this point is prevent Democrat senate control, because that would cement Obama's policies for a generation with unresistable judge appointments. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How can i become a stripper
    I think every stripper I've every known was introduced to it by a friend who stripped. Granted, there must have been a "stripper zero" somewhere, sometime... maybe in antiquity, who knows. Back when there used to be amateur contests (Atlanta hasn't had any, tmk, in years), the typical scenario was: girl goes to contest at club where friend works, downs shots to build liquid courage, gets on stage and strips, friend gets her customers to clap for "applause meter", girl wins, girl be becomes stripper. Rinse and repeat. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fuck buddy?
    You seem to have lots of fun at that club, so if hooking up with her in some kind of exclusive "pay for play" deal means not going to PP, then I'd say no, don't do it (assuming I am reading correctly that seeing her means NOT going to the club). If you're 65 and in a position where you can pay for play and otherwise do what you want, I say "have your cake and eat it too". O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Are strippers immoral?
    Well let's make a distinction between "morals" and "limitations". "Won't drink piss" has nothing to do with morals - it's about limitations and boundaries. I mean, someone could be thoroughly wicked and evil and still have no desire to be pissed upon... that's depravity, not malevolence! O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Two together OTC
    I have to second that 3-somes are only worth it when the girls are actually into each other. I've had a few nice occasions with bi-girl couples, but never as pay-for-play... these were party-girl situations that just evolved as the night wound on. If you DO pay to set it up, probably escorts would be a better bet than strippers, simply because they'd be more adept at setting the thing up as a performance for you. Of course the potential downside to this is that they'll be so into each other that it's YOU who get excluded! ;-) O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    waitress tips
    Usually the waitress just leaves you alone. Really, how can they act as a lookout? They're too busy. In my experience, if you really want to be left alone, you'll tip the floor manager. But the dancers know the drill, so maybe the way you describe is suitable for her club. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If a dancer you rejected refuses to leave and starts getting rude,
    I can't ever recall that happening, but if it did, I'd try to simply ignore her. If she persisted, I might allow management to intervene. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    New equipment for a strip club?
    I know none of you ever will, but you should all read Cormac McCarthy's "Suttree"... ... and that's all I'm saying about this! O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What dancer tactic or approach turns you on the most?
    Honestly, just a radiant smile works wonder for me ;-) That said, I do recall having a dancer come up behind me once and nibble my earlobe and kiss my neck *very* erotically. That pretty much worked! O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Are strippers immoral?
    I'm blushing! O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What if you called a stripper by her real name?
    If *I* were a stripper, I would have my stage name - the name I would give to typical dumbass customers - and my "real" name which I would give to regulars to make them realize how special they were. Of course, the "real name" would just be another layer of stage name... and that - my "actual" name - I simply wouldn't give out. Not saying girls do this... but they should. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The very fact that this fan post exists makes MisterGay (or whatever the actual name is) the winner. You, Dougster - and you, Bobbyl - are essentially his "bitches", since you actually think about him often enough not just to react to his posts, but to actually start NEW POSTS about him. That means he's in your head. You're his! Enjoy the collar. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Are strippers immoral?
    In seriousness - and I say this based on extensive experience rather than "studies" - strippers are drawn from a surprisingly various cross-section of society. Also, to the issue of "many have been prisoners", I will point out that in most states (any states I am aware of, at least), you can't get a dancing license if you've had a felony conviction; so actually, strippers as "a class" will have a low density of ex-cons relative to the population as a whole. So basing presumed morals from that we'd have to say strippers, as a class, are MORE moral than average! Indeed, at least in Georgia, even if there is a felony case *pending*, it's not possible to get licensed to dance. I have known many trustworthy strippers, and many who are downright sociopathic in their self-centeredness and willingness to betray... on the other hand, the worst I've ever been "ripped off" was by a business partner in a publishing venture - she "borrowed" $70,000 from a company account - and SHE was an experienced editor and journalist with a PhD from Columbia. Quite far removed from stripperdom. I'm often amused by the weird - even fetishistic - need to classify strippers as some kind of "other". The fact is, most strippers are younger, ARE uneducated, yet make far more money than the average customer does... and a lot of guys resent this. A smart stripper (and most are) can make $100-150k easily, and when said stripper is some 19 year old girl, the 40 year old guy who's tipping her off his $60k salary can always try to place himself in a superior position by assuming she's some morally bankrupt slut... ... and she may well be. Or not. There are probably upwards of 100,000 strippers in the US - enough to qualify as a demographic group, yet one unexplored by census takers or sociologists - and trying to define analytic categories for them is as good a definition of "folly" as you'll find. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Are strippers immoral?
    All I can say is: I certainly hope so! That would be just my luck - stranded on a desert island with the world's most moral stripper... O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you could bone any PLAYMATE? -any era
    Playmates are basically plastic dolls - honestly, I doubt I can name one off hand, and I can't really think on one who stands out. Now Pets are another matter... I did bone Kia Delao (like 30 times), April 96, but the one who "got away" was Sasha Vinni. She was even hooking for awhile, but I missed it :( O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Need some tips with this stripper....Help (Want to be friends)
    You want to be a stripper's best friend? Be able to reliably hook her up with something - weed, good concert tickets, whatever. Note the keyword here is "reliably" - she can get this stuff for free already, but the providers are always pressuring her for pussy. She DREAMS of a nice fixer who just likes her for her. Sometimes, just providing her with transportation (most strippers either have no car, a car that doesn't run, or a perfectly fine car but a suspended license) on demand will garner her attention and time. ... That said - strip clubs are for older guys with money. If you're 19, just go to a frat party at your college and select whichever drunk, hard-bodied slut attracts your attention. It's free... it's what the rest of us did. When you're a 40+ year old executive with zero spare time to waste, THAT'S when you go for the sure-thing girls. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    parodyman--> and MisterGay are Fucking Retards
    And they crave attention, of which they get plenty here. The "ignore" button is your friend... O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you could bone...?
    Adriana Lima. There's just no comparison to that girl when it comes to flat-out smoldering Brazilian hawt. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sarah Palin Porno!
    I too prefer McCain, but sadly I've seldom seen a more ineptly run campaign... the clowns behind him need to be shot. As long as no Bradley effect kicks in, Obama has this race hands down - he's already got some 260+ electoral votes to McCain's 150ish. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Whats for dinner tonight"
    I haven't really cooked in years, apart from camping; well, I do make a mean Texas chili, though not in some time. I do bake, though. It's kind of meticulous, which I like, and it uses interesting tools; tasty edibles at the end is a nice bonus. Plus, it's relaxing. I mostly only bake when I can give the stuff away, though... last thing I need is to eat a whole cake by myself. I have a Saturday afternoon gaming group, about half a dozen guys, and I always bring cookies, tarts, truffles or something; quite an appreciative audience. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Long distance contact
    Forget it. You'll just wind up sending her money via Western Union or Paypal. I'm sure NYC has some perfectly good strippers! O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you could bone any celebrity?
    Easy choice for me - Jessica Alba! O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is your city out of gas?
    I own a farm in Newnan with 2 500 gallon tanks of diesel... but my cars use gas >.< I actually haven't had any problems though when I stay at my house in Atlanta - I'm an early riser (5am) and I just pop over to a major station 2 miles away and fill up before the lines form, then back home for breakfast, etc. Inconvenient, but not really a huge interruption. I haven't waited in line yet, though. O.