What if you called a stripper by her real name?

avatar for JMelbourne27
All of these girls use aliases, and so do some of us, but with many of these girls getting busted for Prost, Lewdness, and Drugs, how do you think a stripper will react if I call her by her real name?

In FACT! One of the strippers I saw at Platinum (a bitch) I know from school. Her name is Jade, she's super tall, has black hair, likes guys that are funny and sweet, and has no direction in her life. I wasn't surprised when I saw her there...I wonder how she'd react if I used her real name.


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avatar for BobbyI
16 years ago
Depends where you are and how loud you say it. If you are outside the club or texting, I think it would be odd NOT to use her real name. If you are ITC and talking to her quietly, probably doesn't matter. As your voice gets louder and more people are around, should stick to her stage name. On public board you should OBVIOUSLY use only her stage name.
avatar for BobbyI
16 years ago
I also don't think it's right to "out" girls who do extras even by their stage name on these boards. Not fair to them plus I think customers should do the work on finding the right girl for themselves by themselves. That's part of the funny anyway.
avatar for Anna
16 years ago
I accidentally do that all the time cause most of my girlfriends have a stage name but outside the club (ie in front of their mom) I call them by their real name...I have to say I have gotten the meanest faces for using their real name in the club.
Only with her permission.
avatar for JMelbourne27
16 years ago
I would never ever 'out' a girl or do anything mean to her. What I mean is, saying her name to her, when she never told you her name. Do you think she would even notice?
avatar for ozymandias
16 years ago
If *I* were a stripper, I would have my stage name - the name I would give to typical dumbass customers - and my "real" name which I would give to regulars to make them realize how special they were.

Of course, the "real name" would just be another layer of stage name... and that - my "actual" name - I simply wouldn't give out.

Not saying girls do this... but they should.

avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
16 years ago
One of my favorites, who uses a stage name, had an incident with a group of customers who happened to have been her high school classmates. She basically avoided the group and told the bouncers to tell them to move.

On the other hand, I love to make fun of one of my other favorites by using her real name, mostly because her real name is Chastity (not exactly a virtue found in strippers).
avatar for Crosscut
16 years ago
It would depend on how you learned it and what your intentions were.

If she is someone you know from the real world, you could offer a conspiratorial wink and quietly ask her what she would prefer. She would probably appreciate your sophisticated discretion and give you an advantage moving forward

If she shared it with you as part of your ITC relationship, I think she would expect it in your private conversations.

If you're just being a jagov like the lady above's classmate's, you're too big a fool to matter.

avatar for Clubber
16 years ago
I've run across two dancers that I knew before they danced. One used her real name and other did not. I called the second by her club name in the club and "civilian " name outside.
Some dancers use their real names on stage. A customer cannot stalk a dancer by simply knowing her real first name. Two reasons for using stage names that I know of: "My real name is not Sexy" or some other dancer is already using her real name. I feel that if a dancer gives me her real first name, She is not going to mind me using it. I frequently use it when talking to other dancers and my buddies and she knows it. Not a problem. I have had 4 that I can remember that have given me their last name as well. 2 of those 4 also gave me their home addresses. 1 of them told me what city she lived in and that there were only 2 females living in the town with identical names.Just for fun, I did a person search on the internet and found her. Next time I saw her, I gave it to her. She was not the least bit pissed but rather surprised that I would take the time to do so. The 4th gave me her parents home phone number and I actually talked to her father once. I am pretty sure that all 4 of these dances liked and trusted me.

Now. What about me? All four dancers knew my real first and last name. 2 had my mailing address and home phone number. The other 2 knew what town I lived in. They all knew where I work. 1 had my email address. My real first name is John. Stalk me! All of my favorite dancers know that but 80% of the girls at my favorite club, that work days, call me the candy man. Some of them also know me as shadowcat.
avatar for ChillinTheMost
16 years ago
Two dancers that I know well at PP use a stage name that could actually be a first name. Guys that are regulars and if the dancers want to make the guy feel a little more special, they will tell the guy their name is actually "Kelly" or some other real sounding name. This keeps their real name private and the guy thinks he knows their real first name.

Moral or the story? Watch out for tricky strippers.
avatar for casualguy
16 years ago
In response to the original question, I believe she would be annoyed and try to ignore you. I say this because I've had dancers talking to me and it sounded like they were trying to avoid a neighbor one time and someone else they knew from somewhere else another time.
avatar for JC2003
16 years ago
My current fave dancer has told me her co-workers' real names (the two other dancers she always hangs with), but she hasn't told me her real name. Or at least a name I would actually believe was hers. I honestly don't think she even meant to tell me their real names; those just slipped out because she's such a ditz.
"Just for fun, I did a person search on the internet and found her"

Let's correct this...you did that because you are a fucking low-life stalker, NOT "just for fun".

"Stalk me!"

Why would they want to stalk an old man that can't get it up without the use of a pill??

You should use a stripper's real name *only* with her permission, and yes, some clubs have strippers that use their real names...but they also are MANY strippers that have a backup "real" (actual fake name) that they give out to certain PLs to make them think that they are "special"...so what??
avatar for JMelbourne27
16 years ago
DandyDan: NICE! LMAO!!!

Misterguy: Nice flame, although if you live in near Tampa you don't have to 'stalk' the strippers. They're busted in the strip clubs so often their names are all over the internet. Just type in 'strippers arrested in tampa' and you can see their mug shots with their REAL REAL First AND Last names. And the Court Docs have their REAL REAL Addresses too...it's actually WAY too much information I think.

If one of them was stalked I think she'd have a pretty simple case against the state.
Yea, I've seen those mugshots...some of them aren't very pretty...
avatar for flguytampa21
16 years ago
I don't think most mind if it is quietly said. I saw a girl I knew from college dancing. When she saw me she asked if I recognized her, I said yes you are _____. We talked for a few minutes, then I asked, what's your stage name. She said Dawn, which is her middle name.
avatar for casualguy
16 years ago
I was thinking one dancer doesn't even want me to say in public how much she is charging me for her dances I think because she charges a lot more to everyone else. I can imagine she wouldn't be very happy if I said her name in public. However I never asked what her name was so she doesn't have to worry. I do remember her stage name though. A few dancers aren't very happy if you don't remember any of their names. I was glad I remembered the stage name of one dancer who was giving me a pretty good lap dance. She asked me if I knew it after I said I didn't know the name of one of her friends. oops. I'll have to remember to say something like, Fake names don't mean much to me so they are hard to remember.
avatar for catman988
16 years ago
catman988: I am embarrassed that you use part of my nickname. Nobody goes to a strip club in Augusta!
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