Is your city out of gas?
I stopped at over 12 gas stations tonight. None were selling unleaded gasoline. ( not regular, plus or premium) I heard a song on the radio about an hour ago talking about the gas shortage and the guy singing to a popular song but redone talking about stealing some gas if he finds it. I never thought I would be living in a Mad Max world but it looks like I may see that later this week. I won't be able to go anywhere pretty soon at this rate. Not even to work. I heard Asheville, NC was out of gas. Greenville, SC I didn't see any gas. I don't know if gas is somewhere where I live at but I will be looking today.
Does your city have gas?
Last week I was wondering if my money was safe. Now I'm worried we won't have any gas at all here real soon. I see they are still selling diesel so at least the food can still be shipped here.
Does your city have gas?
Last week I was wondering if my money was safe. Now I'm worried we won't have any gas at all here real soon. I see they are still selling diesel so at least the food can still be shipped here.
However I may be staying home in the future rather than worry about getting stranded. I hope the situation rapidly improves because I wanted to go on vacation.
Well, I might expect this if the situation happened somewhere near New Orleans since that is the complaint I keep hearing on the news whenever something doesn't go right. Instead of blaming the government here, we just complain and put up with it. This is really a situation the individual can't prepare too much for.
I didn't go on vacation this week and I'm planning on staying home and not spending any money like I used to do. That's how I plan on coping with the situation.
It can be planned for, in some cases. Back in the '70's "shortage", I was friends with a fellow that had a trucking company. He was never short of gas and never waited in line. The gas company delivered to his shop whenever he needed fuel. I just had to go by and fill up. Of course I paid him for the gas. So, just find you a friend that has that access.
I actually haven't had any problems though when I stay at my house in Atlanta - I'm an early riser (5am) and I just pop over to a major station 2 miles away and fill up before the lines form, then back home for breakfast, etc. Inconvenient, but not really a huge interruption.
I haven't waited in line yet, though.
Well, it would have helped a little if those very same refineries that were mentioned earlier didn't cut back on production because the price of oil/gas was getting "too low"! It's called manipulation people, and frequently it doesn't end up going in our favor. What do you think's going to happen when we end up having MORE oil drilling platforms across a longer portion of the coastline...the exact same coastline that is just as vunerable to hurricanes...
Gas supplies appear to be fine in the Northeast...maybe you guys down South should plan a lil better...who knows...