
Comments by ozymandias (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Better/Nastier Dances: Black vs. White?
    In my long years of multi-racial fuckery, here are some sweeping generalizations I've come to: Black girls are the easiest girls, but outside of straight-up fucking they're actually pretty conservative in bed. Asian girls fall into two camps, NE Asian (Korean, Japanese, Chinese) and SE Asian (Thai, Lao, Viet, etc.) SE Asian girls are basically the "black girls" of Asia - quick to bed, not very inventive. NE Asian girls practically have to get engaged (or paid a lot!) to get in bed, but when they do, watch out... it's hard to match the perversity of a freaky NE Asian girl - especially if she's Japanese. White girls are probably the most conservative over all, but those few who RE freaky are pretty far out, and it's NEVER the ones you expect (the tattooed goths, for example, are usually pretty vanilla, sexually) but rather the girl-next-door sorority types who are into kinky stuff. Latinas, of course, were put on the earth to fuck... but again, beyond vanilla fucking and sucking they're usually pretty conservative. They are the best kissers, though. Oh, and it you want girl-on-girl action, it's pretty much going to be white or asian girls. The others will do it, but it's just work. There are many exceptions, of course, but I hold these as valid trends. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer Refuses Table Dances . . .
    Bear in mind that the whole idea of dancing is not not have to work as hard to make money - it's a slacker job. A big part of the slacker ethos is "better to do one job that pays $100, than to do 20 jobs that pay $10 each". Back in the early 90s - another time the economy tanked - I remember the Cheetah (an upscale - lol, I love that concept - strip club) in Atlanta reduced dances to $5. The dancers were busy non-stop, and they HATED it. Never forget that 90% of economics is just psychology recast in monetized form. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Better/Nastier Dances: Black vs. White?
    Kind of an old topic but yes, black dancers are generally more permissive than white dancers. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    commando, boxers or briefs?
    I've never actually "planned" to go to a club - it's more a thing of convenience for me, or even to wait out traffic. And since I wear boxers, boxers it is. It's not really an issue for me because if I'm hooking up with a dancer, it's not in the club... I'm sorry, there is no way in Hell I'm going to fuck some chick on a VIP room couch - that's just nasty. Also, I want to actually see her taking a shower before the deed - not very interested in swapping spit with some unknown guy(s) by pussy or nipple proxy. What can I say, I'm picky ;) O.
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    16 years ago
    Would you have sex with a midget?
    I'm just not into gonzo, so no. A tiny girl who's in proportion is fine - I have a girl in Thailand who's maybe 4'10" and 80 lbs who's a hot spinner but all her proportions are normal - she's the smallest I've done. A midget has those short limbs that are usually distorted... no thanks, lol. O.
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    16 years ago
    Anybody ever have any luck on Craigslist?
    CL is just unfiltered data, really... combined with research, it's a useful resourece. There are forum communities devoted to sharing reviews and information re. Craigslist, just as there are for conventional escorts, SWs, etc. Too time-consuming for my taste, but there are plenty of mongers who rely on CL; but again, it's not "luck" if you do your due diligence. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ugliest dancer before make up.
    I've certainly seen a few dancers who simply mystified me - as in "why would she ever think she can make money at this?" - whether by facial or bodily ugliness. Ironically, though, homely dancers often do pretty well, for a few reasons: (i) a lot of guys assume an ugly chick will "put out" more to compensate; (ii) they assume gorgeous girls will be stuck up, whereas the ugly or old chick will hang out with the guys and be cool; (iii) they're simply intimidated by hotter girls, and feel more comfortable (maybe superior because they're doing her a "favor"?) with some homely chick. Those are really the only explanations I can think of. I'll admit that, when it comes to dancers, I'm totally superficial - I start with model looks, then work from there. I just can't fathom spending a dime on some chick who's older and uglier than I am ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If a dancer has a lot of tatoos, is she more likely to give extras or be a slut?
    It's really hard to generalize. I mean, the tattoos are about as likely to mean that she's some kind of militant lesbian as that she's a wild party girl. All it really means for sure is that she's content to live on the fringe in some fashion. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Tired stripper looks
    Eyebrow piercing make me cringe... I just can't stand them. I just hired a personal assistant - beautiful, well dressed 22 yo woman, Yale economics grad, very cool and intelligent... but with a pierced eyebrow. I just had to say "lose the eye ring, and you're hired" - so she doesn't wear it to work. Ugh, just can't stand that one piercing; proximity to the eye creeps me out, I guess. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Tired stripper looks
    What I love - and never see - is a sarong. When I lived in Bangkok I used to have breakfast at this cafe on Silom Rd, which was across from a girls secretarial college. Their uniform was a blue sarong and a white short-sleeve top, and there girls were all slim and elegant and stupidly beautiful and wearing this sort of sarongified version of the schoolgirl look... it was dead sexy. That, I could go for! O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dancers that do not look like strippers
    The American designer Bill Blass once said you could predict fashion two years in advance by seeing what streetwalkers were wearing now. I'd say the same applies to strippers, but the time horizon has accelerated a bit... we're looking at a convergence of stripper/whore style with conventional fashion. If you want a chill, have a look at Beyonce's new children's fashion line; kids today... O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Tired stripper looks
    I have to say I'd never stand barefoot on a strip club floor... I mean, I've been some nasty places - army camp in the Cavite jungle type nasty - but I draw the line at thirty-year old strip-club carpet ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    whats the best SC deal you ever had?
    I'll have to go with free fuck-buddies. I haven't had a stripper pay ME to fuck yet... someday, maybe ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Tired stripper looks
    You know, I haven't been to a club in a while (maybe 6 months), but I'm betting there must have been at least a few "Sarah Palin" outfits. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    My ATF has gained a little weight
    I like slim girls, period. I'd just find a new girl - I assure you she's well aware of her weight gain, and when she sees you selecting the new slim chick she'll instantly know why. Up to her if she wants to work that off. Bear in mind it's normal for dancers to gain some weight if they go on vacation or take a little time off, but once back dancing they lose it in a week or two' at least, that's been my observation. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Tired stripper looks
    I'll certainly agree that the thigh-high stripper boots are no good - I'm a leg & ass guy, myself, and those boots cover up half the goods. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Tired stripper looks
    Is there any other look, besides those four! ;) I can't say I get tired of any particular look, but I get VERY tired of dancers trying a look that totally doesn't suit them - like some heavy chick trying to pull off the schoolgirl thing. I can't say I like "lazy", either, by which I mean the stripper who just doesn't bother... I actually do like to see a stripper *try* to be a performer, whether it's by dancing well or having an eye-catching look. The bored stripper swaying around on stage wearing one of those stripper-modified breakaway bikinis is pretty tiresome, for example. Largely, this is practical: I find I get along better with more creative girls - they're just sexier. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you consider a stripper/whore a friend?
    I actually know one prostitute who actually refers to herself as a *prostitute*... she's the only one I've known who was so matter-of-fact about it. Most dance around the reality with "provider" or "escort" or "working girl". She's Brazilian, Catholic, and has quite a sense of humor about being a prostitute - from her stories, I will say there are some amusing characters out there seeking feminine comfort. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    American Atheist Dancers in U.S. generally worse than . . .
    The ones to watch out for are the "pagan" strippers... "paganism" is a surefire recipe for annoying new-age feminist blather. Steer clear of any stripper who uses words like "spiritual", "light worker", "very healing" or who has any kind of celtic element in her dance name. Probably the wildest are Catholic - I mean, the RCC is the only church in the world that requires its schoolgirls to dress like strippers. I mean, what's up with that?! O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    American Atheist Dancers in U.S. generally worse than . . .
    I have to admit that "caring about whether or not dancers are atheistic" has never even remotely entered my sphere of concern. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you consider a stripper/whore a friend?
    Yep. People are people, regardless of occupation. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Obama Almost Certain Winner; MisterGay Guaranteed Loser!
    Yes, which is why the Senate race is *very* crucial today... O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Obama Almost Certain Winner; MisterGay Guaranteed Loser!
    At the end of the day, the outcome doesn't really matter *that* much. Rich people are rich because they're smart, know how to make money, and know how to keep it. Poor people are poor because, while they might well be smart and know how to make money, they don't know how to hold onto it. All income redistribution does is delay money winding up in the pockets of the rich by a few more days - but it winds up there eventually. How to get rich under Obama? Investing in Philip Morris, McDonalds, maybe Seagrams (or whoever the holding company is) - if there's one thing the welfare class will do it will be to smoke, eat Big Macs and booze it up with the boys. It could be a good time to invest in a convenience or liquor store... for the lottery machines. After a good smoke and a Bud, most poor folks' spare change goes to their retirement plan - lottery tickets. Money knows its way home. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What dancer tactic or approach turns you on the least? (Or off the most?)
    The dancer who just sits herself down at my table, uninvited, and starts talking... that REALLY pisses me off because it forces me to tell her to go away, which is never a completely comfortable feeling. The fly-by "wanna dance?" is fine as long as they don't follow up with the "well then can I have a dollar?" when I wave them off. No panhandling in clubs, please. Occasionally when a dancer invites herself to my table, I'll just go along with her and chat awhile, and when she asks for a dance I'll say "nah, not really up for dances today"... that usually keeps them from returning in the future. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What's more scary, you pick a situation (thread for Halloween)
    I had to fly in a Philippine typhoon in a helicopter once, while the side of Mount Pinatubo collapsed beneath me, destroying the region I'd just taken off from... that was pretty much terrifying, and I'd prefer no repeats lol.