Comments by happylap (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    run in
    Ozy, Good one!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Escorts who also dance are hard to find...
    I'd venture a guess that stage dancing is the hardest of the three. Mostly because it's performing in front of an audience. One on one performances are a little easier for most people. Sort of like the difference in public speaking and a job interview. Of course there are those who are naturally talented at public speaking (or stage dancing) but by and large the one on one performance is probably easier. As for an escort doing a strip tease: Even though it's one on one, dancing is a totally different skill than fucking or sucking. For that matter, fucking and sucking are different skills.
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    15 years ago
    St Louie suggestions?
    I've been reading about the "Washington Park handshake" in some reviews. Can someone translate for me?
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    15 years ago
    St Louie suggestions?
    Thanks, how. At least I'll be ready now. I'll have to check out at least one of the WP clubs.
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    16 years ago
    Freemont, NE?
    jehu96 and DandyDan, Thanks for the info. I don't think I'll be in Nebraska again anytime soon but I appreciate the update. (So this discussion board IS good for something other than squabbling between members!) hl
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    number of strip club visits per year
    120 time 2 hours is 240 hours. Goddamn! That's more hours than I get vacation in a year.
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    16 years ago
    New Jersey
    Need a club recommendation
    I had some fun in Providence once but that was about 8 years ago. I remember high mileage lap dances but don't remember the names of any clubs. You might check out some of the tuscl ratings and reviews for Providence.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Spell checks.
    I hate to misspell but it happens. I usually proof read what I write because I'm such an asshole, but even then I miss stuff. I have a friend with a PhD in Philosophy and his email to me if full of misspellings. He just types fast and doesn't take the time to proof read. Who cares?
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    16 years ago
    Ginger or Mary Ann?
    Hey guys! I was hoping you'd go to the link and read the article. I guess it's too much trouble for you lazy asses to copy the link and paste into your browser? Maybe founder could find a way for us to put hyperlinks on this board. (Or maybe that wouldn't be a good thing. I suppose someone might find a way to abuse it.) The article says that after the story came out that Dawn Wells (Mary Ann) was busted for marijuana, the search traffic for Tina Louise (Ginger) went way up. HUNH?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Thanks to Founder/TUSCL
    I'm happy Founder found a way to make a few bucks on this. Otherwise tuscl wouldn't be around anymore. Keep up the good work!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Stripping the stripper
    At Industrial Strip (Hammond, IN) I have helped a few stripper off with their g-string for the nude lap dances in the private rooms. The usual routine is the first of three dances is topless, the last two nude. So with her already in your lap and only one piece of cloth remaining it's kind of natural to give her a little assist near the end of the first song. Of course IS is a 2-way contact club so it's not really that much of an issue.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Scamblocker not liking TUSCL
    "You get what you pay for." --founder Not very encouraging considering I pay nothing. Actually, founder, I think you've got a great business model. I doubt you'd get even half as many reviews without the free month membership incentive. I just can't figure out how you get guys to pay for membership. This is a great site for cheap strip club customers like me and pretty entertaining too.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    committing "incest" with dancers sister
    David9999: NOOOO!!!! Why? It doesn't make sense to me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Something Going On In Kokomo
    The free tuscl membership is definitely a double-edged sword. It is an incentive to get us to review clubs but also for guys to write bogus reviews. I seriously doubt if there would be half as many reviews to read if not for the incentive of free membership.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just where is the cut off point?
    I heard it said, "Don't put anything in an email that you wouldn't want to see on a bulletin board." I think that's a little strong for personal email but I do use that policy at work. You never know when someone will hit the "forward" button, either on purpose or by accident, and send it on to someone you'd rather not see it. As for personal email, I see no reason to worry about sending juicy details to other tusclers. I don't do it because I'm too paranoid to publish my e-address, even though I only use that address for tuscl. But the discussion board and club reviews are public information and should be treated differently. I have no idea if LE monitors tuscl but I'd be surprised if some asshole somewhere wasn't checking it out. There are many hypocrites out there who actually work against their own self-interest (think Republican Gays like Larry Craig). Would you be surprised to find LE as a customer in a strip club and then turning around and busting the same club for doing what he just paid for? I wouldn’t.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just where is the cut off point?
    Driver01: If I were in the vicinity I would definitely visit the club you reviewed. I infer that I can get a very satisfactory lap dance from almost any girl in the club. I'd expect a full-contact dance with two-way touching. I would not expect extras (meaning my dick would stay inside my pants) but your review seems to infer that I might get lucky. For me it is plenty specific. I believe that being too specific on matters that are outside the law or club rules can jeopardize the chances of those practices continuing. I've never experienced extras in a club, probably because I'm cheap, but I wouldn't be opposed to the experience if it fell in my lap.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    DougS- Thanks for that last post. Although I knew what DATY is, I didn't know what DATO stands for. I needed the enlightenment. BTY, I've never had any desire to try DATO. I recently got to briefly lick a dancers pussy in a private dance but it was only very brief and on the second song. I only paid for two songs but, thinking back on it, I should have paid for more to see if anything more might develop. I have a feeling it might have. This was in a remote area of Wisconsin and the dancer was from the Twin Cities. She said it was too bad I didn't visit her there because she did FS there. SS? Probably, but it wouldn't have cost me a bundle to find out more. Live and learn. There might have been OTC possibilities but I didn't want to stay til closing. Had to get up early the next morning.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    You might also try There's lots of weird shit there but I'm not sure about acronyms. I just found this definition: Stripper wallet: When you're carrying a wallet with only $20s and $1s. Twenties for the pay, and $1s for the tips. Dude, This damn thing won't close! Thats cuz you got $50 in ones in your stripper wallet.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    CT's Adult Superstore
    Another CT's review from a brand-new member (spartanlaw, joined 7/31) just showed up. Another review touting Pete doing a great job!
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    17 years ago
    CT's Adult Superstore
    I've been hoping to get there but my travels haven't taken me in that direction recently. I just checked the recent reviews today and noticed those three as well. I didn't think to check out the links to the reviewers. That was good sleuthing by shadowcat. Bones: If you do make the trip and find CTs isn't what it's cracked up to be, drive a little farther and check out Industrial Strip in Hammond. You'll probably be disappointed when you compare IS to the clubs in Kokomo and Indpls (I've only been to Brad's BF so don't know about the others) but if CTs is a bust IS will keep the trip from being a total water haul. It would be nice to get some reliable info on this place, CTs I mean.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Does tuscl club review page display ok
    I also get the map about 2" high by 3" long in the upper right. I use Mozilla Firefox. jablake, How did you come up with Coz's Eight Ball Lounge? I've been there. It's a dump! Hard to even call it a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Does tuscl club review page display ok
    I also like the "find nearby clubs feature". I don't think I'd pay much attention to photos of clubs.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Martini, anyone?
    I've never acquired a taste for martinis. I don't drink strong drinks very often. I usually drink beer or wine or watered down liquor like gin and tonic or a marguerita. If I do get a hankering for a strong drink it's usually bourbon on the rocks. I've tried martinis, Manhattans and cosmopolitans but did not really like any of them.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Radio Silence
    Wow, it's hard to believe someone could be out of internet contact for that long, what with all the free wireless access out there. (I know a person probably wouldn't want to log on to tuscl from a public library computer but "have laptop, will travel?".... whatever. I'm sure there's a good explanation. I too have enjoyed your posts and I find your writing entertaining. I'll miss you and wish you the best. Looking forward to your return. hl
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Cameras in the private dance rooms...
    I've never seen a notice warning of cameras but I have seen cameras in private dance rooms. I don't like cameras. In an earlier post I asked about cameras and everyone seemed to think it was not big deal because the tapes are always reused and nothing is saved for long. But nowadays digital storage is cheap and there is software for compressing video data which makes it easier to save this stuff on disk, not tape. I don't worry much about club owners doing anything to harm me but you never know what an employee of a club might do. Especially a disgruntled employee. Check this out: