number of strip club visits per year

avatar for David9999
I've averaged 2 or 3 times per week or lets say 2.5 or about 10 per month then it puts it at about 120 visits in this past year, usually with an average stay of approx 2 hours. That makes me a hard core strip patron (at least this past year) I guess.

Yes, I have lots of strip club experiences in the past year, despite one poster claiming (along with his other 99 accusations) I've never been to a strip club.

By the way Jarblake, you're earlier comment about no one being a genius in here, well no kidding we all know that. However the issue is in context of the alleged age adjustment factor - presuming I'm actually a 15 year old? (LOL).

I've been accused of many different things in the past week by a particular poster, one of these is actually being 15 year old kid with his "fevered" ramblings.

However, however there's no way an average 15 year old kid could post the detail, nuances, both controversial and regular postings that I made since last September. Its just not logical to presume that.

Nor is there any way a random kid could just imagine that or construe that level of detail just in the regular posts, let alone the discussion of evolutinary related topics.

However, if you want to believe that an average kid could accomplish that, then that's your opinion and you certainly have that right.


last comment
Dear David9999, who said the famous quote, "talk about Lithgow from Garp?" And who was he referring to? If you know the answer to this ur certainly not 15. It really doesn't matter to me, I enjoy all your guys posts, urs, njscfan, jablakes, shadowdogs, nookguy, fondu, everybody. I'm sorry this post sounds so emotional buy I just wanna let u guys know how much i luv y'all.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
Your average is a little bit higher than mine. I have to travel out of town and typically only have one good night to visit all the clubs that I want to visit so I end up club hopping. David, from reading your posts I believe your income level is in a whole different ballpark from mine. I get some bigger bills like now and I'm looking at cutting out clubs or about 80 percent of the lap dances for a while to make up the difference. I think I was spending a bit too much on lap dances anyway so I'll just say no a lot more now. It still seems like cheap entertainment if you don't spend much on dances. I have been visiting about 3 clubs a night once a week probably slightly more than 3 times a month unless relatives or work has me too busy.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
17 years ago
David9999, I thought I was hardcore going once every other week, but 120 times a year takes the cake. Add to that occasional out of town trips to multiple clubs, and I'm up to about 40 a year, but I could never do 120 times a year. Of course, it depends on where you live, too, and I got to drive a ways to get anywhere worthwhile.
avatar for njscfan
17 years ago
As Shakespeare put it, "the lady doth protest too much, methinks."

Anyone who really was in his mid-40s and making $500K per year would have enough self-confidence not to care what anyone else thought of him. Certainly he wouldn't care what anyone on tuscl thinks. No one in that station in life would be heatedly denying that he was a teenager -- e.g., posting two separate, desperate threads aimed at self-rehabilitation. On the other hand, a little worm who couldn't explain his way out of a web of lies would react in precisely that fashion.

Also, for what it's worth, someone earning $500K per year would not have the time to spend 240 hours per year (think about it -- that's six normal work weeks) in a strip clubs. High earners don't have that much free time -- between demanding careers, work related travel, family obligations, community and professional obligations, a lot of high earners have trouble just joining the wife and kids for a 1 week vacation. They are not spending 2 or 3 nights per week in a strip club -- and frankly they'd be too embarrassed to admit it if they were (it sounds low class and like an addiction). Poor people may not appreciate it but it is true -- one of the advantages they have over the rich is that they have much more free time.

[N.B.: Once upon a time strip club hopping was prevalent in certain business cultures (especially on Wall Street) but sexual harassment laws killed that, particularly after some of the major Wall Street firms were clipped in a few big cases. (The theory is that if you run a "boys club" workplace where the traders all go out to strip clubs, then you are discriminating against female employees who are denied the connections that go with those social opportunities.)]

So once again David's attempt to justify or explain himself makes him even less credible. David overreaches because he is constantly making things up and speaking from ignorance. He wants to sound important, so he says he earns $500K per year. It doesn't occur to him that earning that kind of living would impose on him a demanding work schedule, that would rule out spending much time on the hobby. It doesn't enter his imagination that a person at that station in life would have a lot of time-consuming obligations. It's sort of like my kids, who can't seem to grasp that if they want me to pay for the vacations and the lap tops and the pitching lessons (not to mention the things they don't even think about like the mortgage and the property taxes and the car payments), then they have to leave me alone sometimes so I can get my work done.

In short, David's overreaching is just what a kid would do, especially one who had an inflated opinion of himself. Don't just say you're well off, say you earn half a million a year. Don't just claim to go to strip clubs, but claim to go 120 times a year. It's a child's mistake, because we are dealing with a child.

As for DickJohnson: I love you too, man. Group hug.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago

I like being luved. :)
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
"As for DickJohnson: I love you too, man. Group hug."

The Group hug is a little too much, imho. :)

avatar for jablake
17 years ago
"Anyone who really was in his mid-40s and making $500K per year would have enough self-confidence not to care what anyone else thought of him."

That would be a reasonable thought and my thinking was along the same line, but look at some of these million dollar atheletes or celebrities. Even with erudite highly financially successful professionals like attorneys, doctors, engineers, etc. the behaviour especially when under stress doesn't always equal the social expectations that the reasonable person would expect.

A long time back, some facts may be off a little, in The Herald there was a story about an esteemed judge who BIT some petty criminal on the nose in his courtroom! It seems surreal. The judge has the power, respect, money, education, and he really cares about what some petty criminal thinks about him to the extent he BITES the man's nose???

Sometimes basic clear logic can lead one to erroneous conclusions. Intelligent people are especially prone to the fallacy that if it doesn't add up it *must* be untrue. Nettlesome to me personally are those intelligent people who arrogantly deny conspiracy theories with a wave of the mind based simply on preconceived notions like "too many people would have to be involved or someone would have to talk or there is a simpler explanation."

avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
"Also, for what it's worth, someone earning $500K per year would not have the time to spend 240 hours per year (think about it -- that's six normal work weeks) in a strip clubs."

There's a guy who dropped minimum $100k/year in the local clubs. Was in there 5 or 6 nights a week for an average of probably at least 4 hours/visit. (Then there was the time he was spending taking the girls to dinner, having them over at his place.) I can't guarantee his income was over $500k, but I would be quite shocked if it wasn't. Strip clubs simply were his life. I am sure far worse than than even the worst addict here.

I am not sure what to think about David myself. I remember guessing he was late 20s to mid 30s. He seemed too worried about pushing his theories past all resistance to be older. Also if he really was a highly successful mid-40's lawyer, I am sure he would have figured out to make his writings shorter by that point in life. And if he wanted to win over people to EP he would surely know that sometimes diplomacy is in order. Finally, he seemed to put more stock in EP theories than in real life experiences with men and women, suggesting lack of experience with the latter.

OTOH, he did stay above the flame wars, and ad homs far more than a teenager or even someone early 20s would be expected to. (And especially more than any other poster on this board.) Heck, I even poked him in that direction a few times, and he did not take the bait. (Don't get me wrong, I like the guy, overall.)

So who knows who the real David is? Doesn't much matter to me. I will evaluate his posts in the same skeptical frame that I would anyone else who posts here (and if you sit around here for long enough, you will find that even some of the most esteemed senior members will post inconsistencies suggesting that they too lie about who they are and their successes in life and SCs).
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
"Also if he really was a highly successful mid-40's lawyer, I am sure he would have figured out to make his writings shorter by that point in life."

The purpose of the writings may simply be a form of venting and the subject matter for him and others may be interesting, but that may not be the point. He may not even truly believe in EP!----just goofing off playing a little devil's advocate. Watching word length would sort of defeat that purpose, imo, as would concerning oneself with diplomacy in order to persuade.

Verbosity is a trademark for some successful lawyers, both in writing and in speech. Published court decisions are often prolix as well as being poorly reasoned.

avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Dick - I don't have the precise answer but sorry I not a kid anyways. It would be fun to be 15 again though
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Anything I've posted on EP is a straight forward run through of what I believe. This is not a devils advocate deal or some kind of game. However substantive responses taking alternative views may at times cause me to either modify a position to some degree or rethink certain positions - often times to improve or condense what I am trying to say or perhaps allow someone else to at least understand what I am trying to say.

By the way, I've been discussing this issue for more than 15 years, and probably the last 10 years mostly on various internet sites. Note my comments in regards to Robert Wright who did the Time Mag cover story back in the 90's on man's natural tendency toward non-monogamy.

Genes and their role as "decision" makers are simply a hard concept for many to grasp

Dennis Miller said of Janet Reno when describing her, "talk about Lithgow from Garp," as in from the 80s movie the world according to garp w/robin williams. John Lithgow played a trans-sexual who spent the movie dressed up as a woman.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
I was vaguely familiar with the movie before hitting search, but that sounds just like something Dennis Miller would say, and pretty funny actually
40+. 36 at my favorite club (3 days every month for the past 5 years) . Plus a few more at Atlanta clubs when I need a strip club fix or one of my TUSCL buddies is in town.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
I've had one club visit so far this year. None last year. Prior to that I was fairly regular. Probably the most I've ever done was 10 years ago when my ATF danced and I used to stop in to see her every week. I'ts been tapering off ever since. It just isn't as much fun anymore for me.'ve NEVER been to a strip club...I'm more convinced of that now than I ever was before. You probably have been to an AMP or two in RI though...I'll give you that much (or maybe you've just read a lot on the Internet about what goes on in them...who knows). This whole thread is just one big gust of hot-air from you, period. You're also NOT a scientist (maybe a wannabe one though) or very wealthy...for sure.

"Note my comments in regards to Robert Wright who did the Time Mag cover story back in the 90's on man's natural tendency toward non-monogamy."

Which you could have totally made up, period. Enjoy living in your warped fantasy world...
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
2nd ignore function on now
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
geez more bullshit. this time from another idiot
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
I used to go about twice a week before I retired. Most of the time with guys from work. That went to about three times when I found my ATF. Now, maybe three or four time a year.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
The number of times I go is not the big deal, the issue is spending too much money, but if I do the the first, the later seems to always happen.

Have not done it yet, but I am thinking (except maybe if I know an ATF type is there for sure) of carrying like 50 bucks into the club and keeping the other $400 or so outside in my car, with the idea that I would then think twice about blowing big bucks on some random hot dancer (or who I think is hot for the moment) that I probably have no long term interest in anyways. Otherwise it seems the only way I don't spend - is NOT to go.

In any case I would never use a credit card or the club ATM, so if I don't have the cash I cannot spend
The truth hurts sometimes Davyboy...don't be sad
avatar for happylap
17 years ago
120 time 2 hours is 240 hours. Goddamn! That's more hours than I get vacation in a year.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Note I had not set foot in a strip club in the prior 20 years before June of 2007, so this (not 50k estimate a month or 2 back, but yes somewhere between 50k to 60k current best estimate for the entire 12 month beginning of June 2007 to end of June 2008 period) - in terms of 20 years its not really very much.

In terms of one year -ok its not smart.

That's why I am trying to figure out ways not to spend so much

Among them:

1. try to go into a club w/o spending anything- lets say less than 10 bucks on a drink (i've done this probably only 5 or 6 times in total)

2. try to go into a club with an ATF there - and not spend anything, now that's going to be hard to explain. I thought about paying just a tipout (usually 60 to 75 range)

3. don't bring any money in (leave some in the car)

4. have no money (like more than 100) anywhere, in person or in the car. That one I don't think I have the guts to try it, because I would always be afraid to run into a super attractive (in my terms at least) and then not even able to buy a dance. I probably will have to force that somehow at some point

5. I'm actually thinking of using AMP girls or one particular AMP girl (my ATF types know of) as an excuse to these money hungry dancers - of course I would bump up AMP spending a bit in that case - but I've never spent mega bucks in those cases
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
fell off the wagon today -dropped about 800
Back in the day I averaged about three visits for each of the major holidays, and that's not including the neighborhood bars which are more bars than stripclubs. That has gone down since I have been unemployed.
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