I wanted to ask a dancer what happened to her breat implants. I'm thinking maybe asking her if she has a twin because I remember she had implants about a year ago. I've never noticed a dancer losing her implants before. It's making me wonder which one of us comes from an alternate reality. As I type this my satellite signal disappears for a few moments. Strange.
Ever notice a dancer who had implants go back and get rid of them? I remember I told her one night about where she grew up at and she couldn't remember ever telling me the information. She said she must have been wasted that night. I wonder if she would think it's creepy if I start calling her the dancer from an alternate reality?
She looked a lot better with the implants. I think I might ask her if she has a twin first before asking if she got implants. I don't understand how or why a dancer would suddenly not have implants after having them for at least a few months.
Your right, my weird questions are probably not weird especially when at least one dancer has a partially shaved head and seems to be into a weird look and others have several weird tattoos or piercings.
My current favorite just recently took time off to get replacement implants. I didn't go into the details of "why" other than she said they needed to be replaced.
Clubber - implants do need to be replaced about every 8 years. The reason why you see some older women with crappy looking boob jobs is because they never could afford to get them redone.
That's a pretty valid question. I've been asked much "weirder" ones and I've never freaked out. She probably just had them removed. I know a lot of dancers who've had trouble with them and had to have them repaired, repaced or removed. Even in the best care scenario they should be replaced after 10 years or so.
I have to respectfully disagree with the comments regarding replacement of implants simply based on the length of time a person has had them in.
Several plastic surgeons have told me that they don't need to be taken out if there is nothing wrong with them.
Most women have more breast surgeries because of: 1. Dis-satisfaction with size. 2. Formation of scar tissue causing pain 3. Dis-figuration because of placement, or the wrong implant for her body type.
I've been told that each additional augmentation lowers the chances of the surgery coming out right (for lack of a better words). Dancers tend to not be easily satisfied with the outcome and want more/better.
I'm an older dancer in my forties and have had original implants for over twenty years. I got them before I started stripping. They still look great and I'm still happy I got them.
Anne Wallace, M.D., Director, Breast Care Unit, Moore's UCSD Cancer Center
May 8, 2008 Question: Do all implants eventually need to be replaced?
Answer: All breast implants do not eventually need to be replaced. I think we were careless in the 80s when we told people that they would all last forever. Just like any foreign material nothing probably lasts forever, but as long as you're not having problems with your implant, and you're happy with the cosmetic result, then it doesn't necessarily need to be replaced.
I stand corrected. Apparently the dancer that told me that was misinformed.
I'll ask sometime if the situation presents itself. I don't want to ask necessarily right after she says wanna dance? but I'm thinking about it. I might just go for it. Maybe something like "didn't you use to have implants?"
last commentI got a lot of weird questions I refrain from asking, but I wouldn't refrain from asking that.
"Have you ever asked a dancer weird questions without trying to freak her out?"
I DON'T ask weird questions.
Several plastic surgeons have told me that they don't need to be taken out if there is nothing wrong with them.
Most women have more breast surgeries because of: 1. Dis-satisfaction with size. 2. Formation of scar tissue causing pain 3. Dis-figuration because of placement, or the wrong implant for her body type.
I've been told that each additional augmentation lowers the chances of the surgery coming out right (for lack of a better words). Dancers tend to not be easily satisfied with the outcome and want more/better.
I'm an older dancer in my forties and have had original implants for over twenty years. I got them before I started stripping. They still look great and I'm still happy I got them.
May 8, 2008
Question: Do all implants eventually need to be replaced?
Answer: All breast implants do not eventually need to be replaced. I think we were careless in the 80s when we told people that they would all last forever. Just like any foreign material nothing probably lasts forever, but as long as you're not having problems with your implant, and you're happy with the cosmetic result, then it doesn't necessarily need to be replaced.
I stand corrected. Apparently the dancer that told me that was misinformed.