
Comments by johnnylingo (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why do some strippers insult your intelligence
    Good post there. You're exactly right - the key point here is you will never hear a woman say "no". Instead you'll get various "maybes" or "laters", which 90% of the time is just them trying to say no in a nice way. Even worse though is where she'll go out with you and not be truly interested. Usually the result there is a broken heart, dinged wallet, and wasted time. Part of the fun in going to a SC, I suppose, is the tables turn. I've learned if you're not interested in a dancer, just say "no thanks" and let her move on to another opportunity. Now, of only women would do that for us, things would be a lot simpler.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    I'm beginning to think...
    > The fact that you can't get lucky with one doesn't make them all bad people. Owned.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    I'm beginning to think...
    Hey davids: Not a Librarian, no. But haven't you ever noticed that most women working in sales are attractive, flirtatious, and not dressed too conservatively? I have a female friend who recently got a job at GNC. She knows absolutely nothing about nutrition, but is 19 years old, tan, blonde, and has a 38DD rack. Doesn't take a genius to see she was hired so guys would spend longer in the store. Isn't that scamming? Sex sells. At least in a strip club, they're mostly up front about it.
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    20 years ago
    Walked in on?
    I think hiding from the GF/wife would be one. With an escort, you have to set things up and either have the house cleared out or find a place to meet where you won't be spotted. At a strip club, you just stop by when it's convenient. Even if the little lady does find out you were there, it can't really be assumed that anything illegal happend.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Walked in on?
    Also, I should point out that "illegal activity" is a wide range of things. Local laws here, for example, forbid any nudity during a dance, but it's extremely common to get northern, southern exposure, and a hand-performed mammogram. In this case it's the dancer that gets in trouble if caught, but still you don't want to be worrying that the fun is going to come to an abrupt end.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Has a stripper ever LAUGHED at you when she didn't realize you could hear her?
    I'm wonder if RL actually reads the few serious replies that he gets to these "questions". At first I assumed he didn't, and just wanted people to read it so that he could feel important. Now, I think he does read the replies, and uses them to feel like he's smarter than the rest of us. I'm sure it gives him a great deal of comfort to feel like he's "figured it all out", and the rest of us haven't.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If there were no laws
    Davids - actually, the crowds at the DV lead you to believe it's doing better business than it actually is. I'm sure they do OK on weekends due to overflow from Rick's, but on weeknights it's been pretty brutal there lately. I'll be going tonight, but have a feeling it will be my last time.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Has a stripper ever LAUGHED at you when she didn't realize you could hear her?
    Years?!? Years??!?! Oh god, this is much worse than I thought.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Who would you rather tip or get a dance from hot young crappy attitude or older?
    I'm not that big on the fantasy part, but at the same time, I don't believe in giving money to a girl just because of her looks. So guess I'll take the old one. Simply because if someone obviously doesn't like their job, they shouldn't be rewarding for doing it.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If there were no laws
    Davids - I've only been able to stop by the club again once in the last month, and she wasn't there that day. I'll probably try again this weekend.
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    20 years ago
    BEWARE of strippers who PRETEND to be DRUNK and/or HIGH
    This is actually good advice. The same goes for ones come across as complete nymphos or airheads. The funny thing is, when it's time to discuss money, they they magically become 100% clear and coherant. Hmmmmm I actually prefer ones that I know are faking. They pretend to be vulnerable, and I pretend to be out of money.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What is up with this girl?
    I must say, I'm entirely with davids on this one. I'm sure she knows who you are, figures are a sure thing, and persues other options. When strippers see an older guy in the club, they'll always make a run at him because they likely have money, is looking for a dance, and is little risk (won't expect extras, ask them out, etc). I like Kyle's approach. Basically, talk to her and see what's up. You might want to try talking to her when you come in, and setting a 'date' 30 minutes later or whatever. If she never shows, then she doesn't value your business and it's time to say sianora.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers who refuse to tell their (real) name - generally not friends!
    I won't give them my real name, so it's only fair. I like introducing myself as "Peter", "Harry", or "Dick" and seeing if they can keep a straight face.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How would you treat a stripper who has STOLEN money out of your pocket?
    You're already throwing your money away. I personally wouldn't get too worked up about it. "Hey...I think I'm missing a $50...did you...well...good job!"
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Are more strippers guilty of STEALING MONEY than escorts or streetwalkers?
    This is actually a good one. Interested to hear what Davids thinks. I'm thinking it all depends on the bouncers/management and whose side they're on. If they are on the side of the stripper, I'd say you're absolutely more likely to get ripped off there, because she's got their protection. An escort or street walker on the other hand is on their own, and stealing from a customer would likely result in a black eye, or worse. However, if the strip club management is more on the customer's side (which I think is actually usually the case), then I'd say you're pretty safe. The management knows that a stripper stealing money from a customer is a great way to cause a scene and drive off business, and shouldn't hesitate to fire her the second time she is accused. Also, they can't blackmail you the way an escort might be able to.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Are more strippers guilty of STEALING MONEY than escorts or streetwalkers?
    Oh, and it also depends on if you're paying before or after the services has been performed. It seems that prepaying is a bad idea, unless you've had somebody personally vouch for her. Read the recent reviews on MSC in Frisco to see what I mean.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers: What is Your Ideal Customer Like?
    Good luck...
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What Is Your Ideal Stripper Like?
    Thanks for finally posting your story, davids. After spending more time at Rick's and Honey's lately, I find myself agreeing with more of what you say. Perhaps if others fully understood the Seattle SC situation, they'd be a little more understanding. The Seattle Deja Vu's are probably typical to other clubs in the country - there are handful of hustlers and druggies, but the majority are relatively clean, ordinary girls either making money on the side or find it's a decent career option. The downside is management closely watches things, so there's a limit to what they can make. Which brings us to.... Rick's and its associated clubs, which are a whole different story. Are there any other clubs where dancers are paying $100+ a night to work? Lately I've been spying on the average looking girls who give clean dances. Believe me, they're not going home with much and the pressure to scam, cheat, and steal must be pretty high. I'm actually surprised it's not more common, which is why I can't buy in to numbers that 90% are bad, or whatever. One thing though - I haven't seen any direct evidence tying the Rick's owner to organized crime. They've just been busted a few times for cheating on taxes and looking the other way towards stuff that's happening in the club (which is the standard for SC owners). I haven't been able to find any documented ties to drugs, violence, intimidation, etc. The closest thing we seem to have to "organized crime" up here is some 19 year olds in a gang selling meth.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If REASONABLE prices are charged for dances, there may be less problems with....
    That's a great point. Rick's almost works like a pyramid scheme - the not so hot ones at the bottom have to get nasty to make money, which leads to the club's reputation as "dirty" and brings in customers. Ironically, the ones that benefit the most are the good looking ones that of course don't have to dish out extras to land dances. I mean, if you're in a club looking to get off and a "10" asks you for a dance, are you going to say no? The average looking ones who keep it clean get completely screwed, and I'm not sure why they keep working there.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What Is Your Ideal Stripper Like?
    Davids: Interesting to know. My initial assessment of DV was high scam factor due to prices and services being mostly set. But, I didn't experience much of it myself. My guess is being younger they just assumed I didn't have money and left me alone. Going back last night was really weird, and will certainly be my last for a long, long, time though.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How often do you go clubbing?
    Twice a week, so I got you all beat. Fortunately the club I like is 5 mins away and I can have a good time for well under $100. On many nights I'll just go to chat, and not get dances. Seems silly, but my primary motive for going is just simple boredom. It's a lot more fun than watching TV or reading, so if I can afford it it's hard to say that there's a problem. Average stay is 2 hours, but I have gone 3.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers who are looking for a BOYFRIEND/HUSBAND in the strip club
    Oh Jesus... So after months of telling us that strippers pretending to be looking for a boyfriend in the club is a scam, RL is saying it might not always be the case. The point you're missing here, RL, is that if the stripper is retiring, there goes her source of high income. So why would you want to date her with that gone? Unless she's off drugs and has a hefty savings account, run!!!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers and their promises
    Wow, that's pretty much the lowest of the low. Thanks for sharing that story phoenix. I'm glad you had the guts to report her to the manager, and took it upon yourself to make the customer feel better. If this guy does come back and brings his buddies, it would be nice if the other girls should gave you a cut of the action. It emphasizes the point - if a dancer is truly interested in seeing you outside the club, you should not have to pay her money for attention. While we all rip on RL, he is at least trying (in a weird way) to make this point. It cost me $250 to figure this out on my own, but at least it wasn't $1,000.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If a stripper wants to "get lunch"?
    Had a similar situation about 2 months ago - she said maybe when I stop in next time, we could go out for a beer. Unfortunately she works day shift and I haven't been able to find her since (she's still there, just bad luck). She's 29. But anyway, I came to the same conclusion. Take her word for it and go ahead assuming you're interested in at least a friendship, but be wary that it can be a ruse to get to back to the club and spend more money on her. Hopefully I'll get a chance to check this out soon and will share what my findings were.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why have waitresses at a no alcohol club?
    Don't laugh - I've had times when the waitress was the best looking girl in the club. Seriously though, there's a variety of reasons. I'd say number one is to enforce the drink policy, as mentioned. At the club I got to that has a drink policy, then meet you at the door and help you find a seat, then take your drink order. You're supposed to get one every hour, but I'd be surprised if they're actually doing that. Another is to make money for the club via pestering customers to buy a dancer a drink, or even it some cases to buy the waitress a drink (typically the waitress and the club split the fee 50/50). Think of them as salespeople working on commission. Also, there's plenty of clubs where the waitresses participate in the amateur night contests, and use it as a way to get familar with the club until they become strippers themselves.