
Comments by johnnylingo (page 4)

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    20 years ago
    Have you ever been in a club when it was raided?
    Heh...good point Glen. Don't know if you guys are aware of the big news in Seattle. The local paper ran a story about an officer being suspended recently. The reason - making out with stripper in the Rick's parking lot. Nice. But that's just the tip of the iceburg - apparently several of the cops were verrrry friendly with the dancers, and it was practically a business relationship.
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    20 years ago
    NYC Clubs?
    No problem..that's what I figured, but there wasn't any harm in posting. I was surprised to find all the NYC clubs either closed entirely on Sunday or not opening until 8. Decided to just skip it, and hit Gossip on Long Island Monday night instead. Surprisingly, the dance I got there was more to my liking than what you get in Seattle.
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    20 years ago
    Seattle Strip Clubs
    From a customer point of view, depends on what you're looking for. Honey's seems to be the hottest spot right now - lots of mileage during the day, and great selection at night with mileage still pretty high. It's kind of what Rick's was before the troubles back in February. For a dancer point of view, that's even harder for me to answer (obviously). All the dancers at Sugar's that I've talked to seem pretty happy there, as it's more laid back and has the lowest house fees in town. I'm not sure about what kind of money they'd be making, especially during day shift.
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    19 years ago
    Do you prefer the thrill of the unknown or a guaranteed good time?
    The unknown. I had settled in to a routine of seeing my favorites once a week, which was enjoyable but cost about ~$150. After two months of watching my checking account shrivel, I determined that "sure things" are better assocated with girlfriends, wives, f-buddies, and your own hand. My new strategy is hit a new club once a month or so, trying to keep it around $100. That has been worth the money, in terms of the amout of fun I have. At the last two clubs visited out of state, I had to wait over half an hour before being approached by a dancer I liked. The waiting game ended up being part of the fun, rather than the annoyance of figuring out when my favorite dancer was working and if she'd have time for me (or even remember me!)
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    19 years ago
    The EMOTIONAL needs of WORN OUT, MANIPULATIVE strippers
    I don't think you'll find any that run out of victims. There's a sucker born every minute, as the saying goes.
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    19 years ago
    Let's rate the clubs based on MILAGE
    Here's a basic question - is mileage simply how much occurs on the dance, or how much occurs for the price? For example, I've landed great dances in Seattle for $20-$30. Ironically, this is because Seattle does not permit nude dances, so there is no upselling to the $40-$60 range for a "real" dance down in SF or LA. Is the mileage higher in Seattle then, or equal?
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    19 years ago
    Just curious, what the biggest load of bs you ever told a stripper?
    One night, a dancer "P" sits next to me and says she's doing a shower show soon, and I should check it out. Now, she's not exactly my type in several ways, so I say sure but don't go back to see it. She comes back after the show, saying she didn't see me back there. I point to another dancer, "C", who had just been on stage, and said she was my favorite dancer and I couldn't miss seeing her. "P" says she understands and goes away. A few minutes later, "C", sneaks up behind me and gets very affectionate, saying "heyyyy haven't seen you in a while!". Well of course she hadn't, as I'd never been in the club before. "P" had told "C" I was watching her, and "C" obviously thought I was a former regular she'd forgotten about. "C" wasn't my type either, so I had to get rid of her too. Like they all say, lying usually just makes it worse.
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    19 years ago
    Hmm..you sound like someone from another board. So was the party last night? Tell us how it went!
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    19 years ago
    Survey Time! (Regulars Only Please)
    A) 85% B) 50% Although it should be noted that B has gone up from about 20% recently, due to club selection. I see where this is going. For most customers, the two numbers will be inversely propotional. Therefore, we're all suckers and getting ripped off.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    hey davids
    Jpac - I should have mentioned the age, since that's very relevant - she's 30, and I'm in my late 20s. She reacted the way she did because either she took it to mean I was waiting for someone, but not her. Up to this point I've invested $50 and 2 hours trying to get together with her, over the last 6 months. I don't consider that a waste. Davids - Funny you should mention the clubs. I will say that the dancer who asked, basically, if I wanted to get stoned with her was in her early 20s and worked at the Vu. I've actually encountered more dancers there that seemed to be on something than at Rick's/Honey's.
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    19 years ago
    davids give it up man, these guys aren't going to change their mind
    I think you both have good points. Let's face it - things boil down to they're there to make money and we're there to spend it. Try to put yourself in the dancer's shoes. I consider myself a pretty ethical person, but in order to survive in that situation, I'd have to alter my rules a bit. The real question has always been when does it go from hustling to scamming? Davids has a few pretty clear examples, but when we get in the grey area, acceptable behavior might vary based on your own beliefs and experiences. It would be really interesting to see someone protest at a strip club, not on due to the sex factor but just due to the scam factor. If anybody did that, gotta say, I'd probably laugh at first but in some ways would admire their balls for doing so.
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    19 years ago
    Strip Club Websites
    Here's a pretty nice site - http://www.safarishowclub.com If the website is fairly navigatable and includs hours, directions, fees, number of stages, menu / drink choices, extra services (I mean parties, VIP room, etc) then I'm pretty satisfied. The one thing is some sites are so nice looking, you get your hopes up and it feels like a dump, even if it's fairly decent.
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    19 years ago
    Informal Survey-Breasts, butts or legs?
    I'm in to the butt myself. As long as the breasts are "balanced" for the lower body and look ok, I'm really not too interested. Had a funny sales pitch last night. So thought I'd share: "Do you like big boobs?" "Actually, I'm more in to the butt. But those are very nice" "Oh yeah" (she turns around and flips up her skirt) "That's nice too" "You know, I give a real hot lap dance" "I'll think about it" "Yeah? Well think about these!" (She grabs the back of my head and rubs it in her cleavage) Best pitch I'd heard in a while. She got busy and I never got a chance, but will you can bet I'll be looking for her next time.
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    19 years ago
    Going to Club at Opening time
    The same is true for shift changes, which is usually 7, 8, or 9. The dancers know it isn't gonna be really busy until 9:30 or 10, so if you wanna relax and get to know the girls with no pressure, that works too.
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    19 years ago
    Has this happened to you?
    Sounds like he had some money to blow and wanted to feel like a big-shit. Mission accomplished, I guess...
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Has this happened to you?
    Ooops, I meant "big-shot". But actually, anybody blowing that much money is a shit if you ask me!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Is it getting EASIER to get lap dances for FIVE DOLLARS?
    Except at SUGARS where the cover is FREE and the dances are CHEAP but they DEMAND to be TIPPED