Why have waitresses at a no alcohol club?

avatar for Jpac73
I was wondering what is the point of having a waitress at a stripclub that doesn't sell alcohol? I mean if you wanted water or a soda why not just let the person at the bar give you something to drink. Some clubs that don't serve alcohol have a policy that you must buy a drink or something of the equivalant amout before you leave the club. I just find it sometimes that the waitress can get a little annoying. I mean it's not like someone is going to order 3 or 4soda's before they leave so why keep bothering them? Have any of you been to any clubs like this before?


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avatar for johnnylingo
20 years ago
Don't laugh - I've had times when the waitress was the best looking girl in the club.

Seriously though, there's a variety of reasons. I'd say number one is to enforce the drink policy, as mentioned. At the club I got to that has a drink policy, then meet you at the door and help you find a seat, then take your drink order. You're supposed to get one every hour, but I'd be surprised if they're actually doing that.

Another is to make money for the club via pestering customers to buy a dancer a drink, or even it some cases to buy the waitress a drink (typically the waitress and the club split the fee 50/50). Think of them as salespeople working on commission.

Also, there's plenty of clubs where the waitresses participate in the amateur night contests, and use it as a way to get familar with the club until they become strippers themselves.

avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
20 years ago
Shakers in Lincoln NE is like that. Basically, they try to keep you drinking something. I have also discovered there that if you go get a private dance, they don't worry too much about whether you are drinking anything. Besides, waitresses are just more eye candy.
avatar for Yoda
20 years ago
In a club that has a drink minimum the waitress is supposed to be in charge of enforcing it with her customers. A bartender can't keep track of every customer that comes and goes. Clubs make a huge profit on watered-down soda, especially at strip club prices. That one or two drink minimum represents a huge amount of money to the club.
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