
Comments by minnow (page 30)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Why no Dancer Names in Reviews?
    As others have mentioned, not cool to link dancers names to specific acts that can get them in trouble. This isn't an escort review site. There IS a caveat in founders review guidelines on being careful about naming dancers to specific acts that can get them (or club) in trouble. One thing that is encouraged on Tuscl is that ROB's should definitely be outed- preferably by name AND a detailed physical description. Dancers do change their s/n from time to time. You should have named that ROB in your recent Men's Club - Houston review.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    A nice evening at 2001
    OMFG, this actually got approved, desertscrub's brain fart not withstanding.(I think he may have accidentally clicked publish vote.) Get ready for another mikey m rant fest........
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Scarletts is Sexy yet costly
    So I've been here 15 years. Try pulling rank on that, you uppity peasant. As for article, provide a link or it didn't happen. You can't, because founder deleted article and OP's account only when a member showed copied website link AFTER it was published. Once I saw that, I posted that I had my suspicions, but no smoking gun. When an article gets published, the votes aren't shown. At least 2, maybe as many as 4 other members voted for publication. For an article to be published, must have 5 looks (votes) by current VIP members of which 3 out of 5 must be up votes. So no 1 member can take sole credit for having an article published. I'll say again, Idk whether to feel sorrow or contempt for you, mikey m. You keep making a case against you being a sane, rational human being with every post. You've made unfounded allegations about different posters being sock puppets for 2001 management, including members with several reviews under their belts, one who I actually met at club.(roadworrier, see his March 2020, and my April 2020 review of club.) You're really pathetic if resorting to making unfounded gay allegations is the best that you can come up with.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Time to end it!
    Have a good ride into the sunset, clubber. It's been good having you on board through the years.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Laid-back experience in crowded sports bar setting
    Thanks for interesting review. If I'm not mistaken, Anna Nicole Smith (former POM, POTY) danced here early in her career.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Scarletts is Sexy yet costly
    Wow, a few things: 1) During my tuscl membership, I have always posted under my s/n "minnow". Same with 2 other strip club related sites. Unlike you, who obviously lurks on 2001live.com website under another s/n and/or as a guest. Although I can't prove it, I'd be willing to bet the price of a VIP dance that you created 2 aliases, "Flo3rida", and "SoulManEighties" to trash the club and reviews. All 3 "members" have very similar posting styles. I encourage anybody to check out mikey's, Flo's, and Soul Man's posting/review history. (Just look over 2001 club reviews dating back to July 2016, click on member profile). 2) Fertil, and Vush you have solid review in spite of what mikey m says. Accusing Fertil of not setting foot in S-YS: better look in the mirror, mikey. After reading several of your 223 reviews, I doubt that you even set foot in many of them. They have the minimalist "drive by" look to it, calculated to put forth minimal effort to get VIP credit, or to put another gold star on your wall 3) On your post on my July 2016 review, you claim to have never met me. Yet on several subsequent posts (rants), you claim that we've met an clubbed together in 3 different cities. You claim to have met 5 other tuscl members. PM exchanges with all 5, none have any recollection of meeting you. One of those members was Eve, so you can cut out with your gay references obsession already. Your board cred is sinking faster that a leaky submarine. I don't know whether to feel sorry for you, or hold you in contempt. I do know that many other moderated sites would have dropped the ban hammer on you a long time ago. I think Fertil and vush have figured out that having a rational, adult interaction with mikey m is like playing an outdoor chess game with a pigeon. Whereby the pigeon does a lot of flapping around, knocks down the chess pieces, craps all over the chessboard, and declares himself the winner.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Are most nightclubs(non-stripclubs) scammy for men?
    Main theme seems to be that satisfaction is a "numbers game", whether venue is a nightclub, or strip club. As outlined by some posters, the odds don't favor "AJ/"AS"/"AG" (Average Joe/Schmoe/Schmuck/Slob/Guy) in the night club sausage fest. A 1:4 guy to gal ratio isn't favorable to the guy, especially when many of the females aren't "motivated providers." By contrast, the off peak hours that many tuscl members visit strip clubs can sometimes have a dancer: customer ratio of 1 : 1, or better. Worst case, maybe 1 : 2. Even then, several slouches in that group of men. Even on a crowded sausage fest ratio of 1 : 4 (which, IMO would be worst of worst case), still a significant percentage of duds/non-spenders which would still make strip clubs better odds for satisfaction. Plus most, if not all dancers are motivated to provide at least a rudimentary level of satisfaction in return for $$ spent. I'd be curious to hear from Tuscl dancers like Eve, PSD, etal on the percentage of male customers on typical weekend night are serious spenders, vs non spending spectators.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Getting Reviewed A Lot Lately.
    Thanks for starting thread, Eve. In case you hadn't noticed, mikey m is obsessed with trashing club at every turn, dating back to my July 2016 review of club. He probably went as far as to create 2 other aliases, "Flo3rida", and "SoulManEighties" (mostly active 2018) to trash the club. All 3 have remarkably similar writing styles and fixations. I'd recommend 2001live.com website for reviewing dancer shift prior to club visit. Even if you're not a VIP member (unlimited stage and dressing room cam viewing), once you've gone through the "I'm 18 gate", click on "girls in club" to view shift.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    new site layout.
    I'm adapting to new format. I hope founder will add the ability to see the number of different clubs member has reviewed plus be able to see number of posts (comments) and associated history.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    My tips went in the bartender’s breasts.
    RE: mikey m quoting me as saying club stayed open during pandemic. You're off base on this mikey, or very misleading. The club shut down on 17 March 2020, 5pm per Gov. DeSantis order. Club remained closed to public during pandemic. In the interim (late Apr to early Jun, club ran online shows only from club premises during limited business hours.) No more than 10 dancers/staff in building.One dancer at a time on stage, or in dressing room. mikey m needs to retake remedial reading comprehension. If you're going to shit on people, make sure you have your shit straight
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Looking at you your checkings/savings
    Muddy, I think you ought to see if you can get through on the phone to Dave Ramsey, and tell him your story. Please let us know how it goes, and provide YT link so we can listen in and be enlightened.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Fun, but waaaaay too much for extras
    There mikey m goes again, sinking his board cred faster than a leaky submarine. I have never knowingly met mikey m, nor has 4 other tusclers who he claims to have met. He has also stated that he hasn't set foot in club since 2015, yet seems to post details that can be gleaned only by going in club. It is also obvious to me that mikey m lurks on 2001 live.com website under another s/n, so he can glean some details there. Kind hearted ? mikey m's comments on club (and it's dancers) dating back to 2016 are anything but kind. But hey, just keep posting and making your case for being a bitter delusional old man.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Fun, but waaaaay too much for extras
    Doc, I think some bouncer tossed his drunk, obnoxious ass out of the club, and he hasn't gotten over that.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Dancer buttplugs
    I first noticed it over 12 years ago at "Baby Dolls" Medway, OH. I think I posted about it in 1 of my earlier reviews. Other members have already asked your question, I gave the same answer. I've seen it in skin mags dating back 15 or more years.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    T-man beat me to upvote by a few seconds. Anyway, I recall pre-Covid cutoff time for free admission being 3pm. So, why weren't you interested in the 2 white chicks ? Too skinny, or too much fats or tats? Anybody want to start a betting pool as to when mikey m will post a snarky comment in this section?
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Them Dance Prices!!???
    Thanks for giving s/n in advance, but you ain't no sinclair by a long shot. I now feel that I know you like I know a $3 bill, if you catch the drift.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Mostly in Florida
    Feel Sorry That He Did Not Get a LT Contract
    Indeed a gruesome injury, but I can't feel too "very very" sorry for someone who makes more in 1 year than many people, including some in the c-suite make over the course of a career. (~ $31M). How about feeling sorry for "Average Joe" getting a bad injury or career ending illness with weak health insurance.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Strip club foul balls
    You just reminded me of Buddy Hackett's duck joke. The shoe is on club property. You can have the shoe, but first it needs to be settled "Country Style" with the bouncer taking the place of the farmer in the duck joke.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Probably in the VIP
    Cock Rings and Fleshlight
    Another DB post masquerading as an article......
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    We had fun!
    For his services...?? Huh, was long blonde weave dancer a cross dresser or pre-op tranny ? Or were you high when you submitted review ? Anyway, welcome back Nina.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Caught up in LCB raid
    This should really be a DB post. The bar is being set very low for article approval.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    In NJ. Goes to Pa for BJ.
    Waste our money one day. Risk it again the next.
    Petit ? OP needs dictionary review. All catalogs I've seen describing women's sizes are spelled "petite" with the e at the end. Petit used more in formal legal arena and pronounced like the famous Nascar racer to mean a smaller or more trivial crime. I get it, you're too lazy to type the e at the end. If that's acceptable grammar to you then you're a real dud.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    I waste too much money
    Like the idea, but not the execution
    Thanks for writeup, stand--b-b-b-y-y-y for mikeym trash job. I would have liked some more details like just how crowded club was. Able to get easy 6' distancing from other customers, or literally elbow to elbow ? How rigorous was mask enforcement/adherence ? Masks on or off in private dance area ? Your price figures are all over the map- inflation in some areas, deflation in others. Pre pandemic figures I recall $220 15 mins. (SS), $300 - 30 mins, (SS), $400 - 30 mins (CR). I remember Chelsea- damn good figure (petite, curvy), got boob job since my first (and last) LD session with her ~ 5 years ago. Has enough ink for a Haight-Asbury psychedelic poster. Dances with her weren't really bad, but not the most inspired either. In my online viewings, club hasn't seemed that crowded, maybe next door Mexican eatery customers hog the parking spots.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What is the last movie you saw in a theater?
    Clint Eastwood, Tom Hanks, Robert Deniro. Three actors of a few on my blind buy list. Meaning that it will be an automatic "go" to any movie they're in. (As actor or director). So, it's fitting that the last movie I saw was "Sully" (director Clint Eastwood, lead actor Tom Hanks) ~ 3 to 4 years ago. Two current ones I'd "like" to see are "The Irishman" (Deniro), and "Greyhound" (Hanks), but am not that eager to go to a theater in present environment.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Teeth Cleaning with a Happy Ending?
    Count on rhb to post something we can sink our teeth into........