
Comments by minnow (page 31)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Accidentally approving reviews
    I haven't done it, but I've noticed some votes where there's a disconnect between the critical comments, and the (accidental?) up vote.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Flight Attendants
    @Baby Doc on safety aspect. One thing I've noticed on some occasions is that some ethnicities/nationalities were very difficult to decipher their announcements. IMO, the ability to speak clear, understandable English should be rigorously applied hiring standards. Correction to above post- the hostesses (actually showgirls) on charter flights weren't topless, but wore transparent bodices.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Flight Attendants
    doc +1- In my several LAX trips, both in terminal and airport hotels, the Asian carriers (Korean Air, JAL, etal) had younger and better looking FA's than US and EU airlines. I could almost swear I was being taken back to pre 1973 when looking at Asian FA's. Thanks for the link, sc. I doubt that any airline could match the 1 time Modern Air charter flight from West Berlin to Paris on Father's Day 1970. As a special addition to the regulatory required cabin crew, some topless showgirls were added to go about the cabin serving drinks. Sorry, no link, but I have pic in a certain airliner history book.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Gale Sayers Dead at age 77
    25: Are you sure about still holding the record part ? Because Travis Williams (Packers) later in the same 1967 season returned a kickoff 104 yards against the Rams. I know because I watched that game on TV. (9 Dec 1967). In 2013, Cordarrelle Peterson (Vikings) set the current record of a 109 yard kickoff return vs Packers. Did you mean to say holds team record vs NFL record ? Not to take away from his (Sayers) stellar career. Carry on....
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    No pun intended
    27) The detective determined that Don Juan's assassin shot him with a golf gun because it made a hole in Juan.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Early Riser or Night Owl?
    As someone who worked graveyard shift for many years, night owl.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    RE: 25's whale joke. Apparently, some people don't recognize a homophone when they see it, or else chose to make trivial ado over 1 letter. (Clues- blue/blew, dear/deer. poor/pore, seamen/semen, etc)
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Going to St. Louis
    PSD- Try dancing under the "Arch" at night. Seriously, I'd place my vote on Diamond Cabaret or Country Rock (formerly PT's).
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Gale Sayers Dead at age 77
    RIP to a class act, on and off the field.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Sweaty stripper feet are my weakness
    The Future of Adult Entertainment After Covid
    Just as I thought, a newb zero - zero comes on here to shill for a website.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Would it have stung less if the whale were "AHB" or skinny ? Anyway, as a minnow (lol) I can kinda empathize with you. Yet that is 1 of the pitfalls that comes with the territory. I learned a long time ago not to be too fixated on 1 ideal dancer and broaden my expectations a bit. Did you not find any other dancers remotely interesting ? Either expand your field, or as rick dugan might say, man up or pony up by getting in earlier and putting forth the $$ to keep dancer from any whale.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Best way to ask for anal?
    Does anyone else see the irony of a thread about anal sex being started by someone with s/n "Muddy" ?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Stop before starting
    I haven't done it for a single dance, but 3 times in last 5 years I've "bailed" before the first song started when dancer asked for upfront payment in a club where that isn't the norm. I already paid $5 fee to go back to lapdance area, a small loss compared to chasing good money after bad for $20 plus lapdance(s).
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Worth it, even on a slow night
    This review had enough to sink my teeth into, but lacking in some areas. First of all, should have specified whether the review was in the spaceship, or champagne room, and for what amount of time. $400 sounds about right for 1/2 hr in champagne room, but a drastic jump if for 1/2 hr in spaceship. I tend to think reviewer is an infrequent neophyte, as he's been a member since 2017, and only has 1 other review of the same club, no DB posts. He could have provided a better description of dancer shift. I don't think it unreasonable to out the cockblocker , if not by name, but physical description. Also, no mention of mask usage, particularly during LD's/VIP's. If you're reticent about masks coming off during LD's out of discretion concerns, PM me on details. (I understand county has mask mandate for indoor places.) Otherwise, have popcorn ready for mikey m's diatribe.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    OT: Sirius/XM Hijacked By BLM ??
    Definitely a lot of smart-asses on tuscl. Thanks, papi, checked that site out after I posted thread. So, there was some sort of outage ~ 3pm, but no explanation given for wtf happened. What is really baffling is why only 1 channel was working, and apparently none of the others. If satellite problem, seems to me it would be all or nothing on the channels. I can't help but wonder if a BLM/antifa minded person at Sirius/XM somehow rigged things that Ch 4 Soul Hits would be the only one broadcast. @rat-d- IDHAFC what the song was.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    Kash is Queen
    Sheesh, this has to be the 3rd or 4th submission still shilling for Kash. Congrats on proving the axiom that if you throw enough shit often enough at a wall, some will eventually stick. Enjoy your 4 weeks VIP.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Huh ?
    Apparently, at least 4 Tuscl members have an IQ above room temperature. Even w/o the TS issue, review flunks on other factors. I wonder if this is the same flake who has been spamming articles with 1 sentence submissions.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    A moment of silence
    Think what you want about rick dugan, but IMO he wrote an excellent narrative (he was at work in NYC on 911) on the pink site, and he may have somewhere here. Worth reading.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    10 Amazing Lap Dance Etiquette Tips for Maximum Fun
    One more "gap"- Claims in article to have conversed with 150 dancers in 15 different states, yet he has only reviewed clubs in 10 different states. His only other article published in 2015 smacks of plagiarism.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    10 Amazing Lap Dance Etiquette Tips for Maximum Fun
    The only clear thing is more evidence that founder wishes to be "hands off" wrt site standards. So, would club reviews still be constrained by "no plagiarism tolerated" ? Yes, not original is grounds for rejecting both articles and reviews. Yet in order to cite that as rejection reason, one would have to be familiar with original article by having read it before (I have no prior experience with site listed in link), or else wade through a google search by typing in title. If Eve or E-man did google search, how many results did you wade through to get copied article ? If nothing else, OP has lost cred with at least 3 Tuscl members.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    10 Amazing Lap Dance Etiquette Tips for Maximum Fun
    I would suggest that Eve and E-man PM founder with your concerns. I did so yesterday. I know founder has at least opened my PM, but not if he's read it or acted on it. Fyi, I can read all the comments, maybe OP muted Eve.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    10 Amazing Lap Dance Etiquette Tips for Maximum Fun
    The first thing I think of when I see "10 Tips" (or similar in title) is CUT & PASTE. Thanks for legwork, Eve. @chatguy- Have you written founder about this plagiarism ?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    South Florida
    Scotty- SoFL clubs won't open unless you promise to break your 7 year dry spell on reviews, and that your next reviewed club will be a SoFL club.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Rap Music and how it empowers females
    Let me rephrase this: I can mainly visualize women feeling "empowered" by rap music under 2 circumstances: 1) Playing rap music to annoy elders makes them feel empowered. 2) Their wish to announce to the world "I am so ratchet, and damn proud of it" makes them feel empowered. Happy Labor Day....
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Rap Music and how it empowers females
    Someone who would CHOSE that as a thread title strikes me as a stripper with daddy issues who wants to feel empowered by playing music that daddy age demographic universally dislikes (the over 45 crowd).