
Unattractive Equals Very Friendly and Attractive Equals Difficult . . .

Friday, June 19, 2009 9:01 AM
I hardly go out anymore, but I visited Angels yesterday. Plenty of dancers. Most of the dancers would best be described as curvy. Large breasts and butts and extra meat i.e. thick (no whales on my visit). These curvy women want to make conversation and give dances. Very nice and fun to talk with. I was saying NO, NO, NO. I'd rather have nothing than curvy women. I'm small and I like the small women i.e. spinners. Anyway, I watch a few spinners give very nice dances to the young customers. Today they don't approach unless you're young it seems. I got rejected a couple of times by the most attractive. Number 3 in attractiveness agreed to a dance, but she really didn't want to and was glad to leave after 1 dance. She wasn't attractive enough---only Number 3 on the list----so I didn't bother trying to keep her. One of the many nice curvy dancers comes over and she is chatting me up and says that if possible I really need to change what I find attractive. She has noticed that the attractive---what I find attractive---just aren't interested in selling to me. They'd rather sit and not sell dances when the young customers aren't buying. She says there is a so so looking spinner hiding in the dressing room that would love to dance for me and would I like her to get her. I say fine. At least she isn't curvy and she is eager to work and friendly, but she is just so so as far as attractiveness. Not saying sometimes that the super attractive aren't sweet, but that is the norm. Also, although there is differences in what is considered attractive, NORMALLY the women that I find attractive want to charge more. Bottom line in *my* experience: attractive women generally aren't nearly as sweet as curvy women and they want more $$$. Attractive women will not only avoid unattractive customers, but will even say NO to dances.


  • deogol
    15 years ago
    I guess it really depends on what you think is attractive. Maybe you find rejection attractive (I say that not jokingly.)
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    I've found the opposite. The most attractive ones tend to be the nicest. (When I say most attractive, I'm not talking just a bit above average but about the real knock outs. The 9s and 10s.) I've also found them more likely to do OTC than others.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "Maybe you find rejection attractive (I say that not jokingly.)" EXCELLENT POINT. I even considered that. However, sometimes the hotties are sweet and come right to me just as if they were fatties. Usually, in that case my wallet is empty after buying lots of dances and I'm very happy. :) Yesterday, the hotties wouldn't even come over and they ignored the other old farts as well. It seemed like you had to be a young man and then wow! Looked like fun. :) When hotties do approach then I definitely don't look for dances; too busy having a good time with those who asked for a dance.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    Agree in this context, the 10s seem to act the part. They can sometimes be difficult to work with. One of my theories about the "won't approach" syndrome is that dancers like that may be insecure, lack confidence or simply lack some good smarts. For example, they might only go for younger guys because that's what they "know," what they are more familiar with, in other words a comfort zone--not realizing that age often brings more discretionary spending habits. If they were more secure in their abilities or more smart about their business, they would not pass by opportunities. I always say, if you like it, go get it. But you have to be in the right mood to do that and sometimes that spoils your fantasy, if it's fantasy you want. Interesting choice of the word "sweet." Maybe you come across too much as looking for sweet. Maybe you need to come across more as looking to make a business transaction as opposed to looking for a someone sweet. Just rambling here. I know a few who could be called sweet, they just might not like it. By the way, curvy, spinner, either way for me as long as they have a nice ass and won't crush me when they sit on my lap!
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    jablake, On future visits wear a disguise and see if you are treated any different.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Most of the young hotties that I know prefer older customers. They know that is where the money is. While most of the young guys do not have the bucks and just want to hit on them.
  • uscue13
    15 years ago
    That's what I was thinking shadow. At least the clubs I go to, the hotties will go towards the older customers before trying out the younger customers. Older probably has more money, talk to them a little more respectful and such. Younger try to get more for less and treat them like trash in ways. At least that's the stereotype I keep, and I happen to be younger (although I don't act like that young stereotype that I have, something that helps with dance quality when the dancers realize that)
  • ShotDisc
    15 years ago
    I think your attitude stinks. You automatically dump on an entire group of women, the curvy, for a group that ignored you, the spinners. Open you mind to new experiences brother.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    Hi ShotDisc, It would be much better for me, if I could do that. I've missed out on some very fun ladies. When a hot young spinner treats me like that, it is pure heaven. There have been spinners as good personality wise, but it seems to the exception. It is a pleasant surprise and I think wow, I'm gonna be broke tonight. Basically, it seems to be a real performance issue. Hot young spinner and I'm 16 again and instantly---might be the only part of my body that is healthy. Wonderful curvy women who may even look hot by my standards just equals nothing-----the excitement is the same as I'd feel with a man, iows, nothing.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "On future visits wear a disguise and see if you are treated any different." I wouldn't mind doing that, if I could get away with it. :) There a tiny few who I believe are reacting more to my looks, than age. The reason I think it is age is because I see the same dancers avoiding the other old customers----generally (mainly excluding me) the old customers have the money. These old customers from what I've see are more than willing to spend and sometimes just for talk. So why avoid customers generally eager to spend and easy to please?
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    RE: disguise Not in the SC environment, but it has been done. I've seen studies of women and men in various situations. It DOES matter what one wears.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "Maybe you need to come across more as looking to make a business transaction as opposed to looking for a someone sweet." I didn't think that I was looking for sweet----I'm very liberal when it comes to personality in a dancer. The woman can even be nasty or boring or whatever---even a Bush Republican (she was white) was fine. It is the right look that I need. Skill is somewhat important, but the right look rules. IOWs, she really has to be super bad skill wise for me to be unhappy if she has the look. One dancer sometime back did complain that I didn't show much interest in other dancers as I approached her. She saw that as a warning. We ended up having a fantastic evening. It didn't make any sense to her that I was focused on looks----one of those looks are irrelevant people. Why approach when there are plenty of dancers? is her mindset.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "Not in the SC environment, but it has been done. I've seen studies of women and men in various situations. It DOES matter what one wears." Interesting point. :) For an old guy I dress like a bum---always have and people (mainly friends, do comment). The other old customers generally are looking nice in their clothing even if it casual.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "Most of the young hotties that I know prefer older customers." Unfortunately, I doubt that I'll ever make it to your favorite club. I would be surprised if the dancers met my needs. I seem to judge white dancers much harsher as far as looks. I think it is genetic. Blacks and asians get a lot more leeway as to what gets me hot. Also, generally the tiny few white dancers that I really like it seems like they are just out of my budget----I need to be spending like a drunk sailor. IOWs, it probably is some special occasion or for whatever reason I have more money to spend.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "I happen to be younger" I think you wont appreciate that until it is gone. :( Dancers liked me much better when I was young and broke.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    I went to RolLexx earlier today to try and get my fix. Plenty of dancers. Mainly curvy. I sorta finally found what I was looking for. Before I forget, I was talking about stripclubs in Atlanta and this dancer seemed to know every club. She claimed that if you know where to go there are cheap nasty clubs with white dancers---she named a bunch and said I could find 'em on a certain list; she didn't know about TUSCL (another dancer did, but said it was just good for stripclub reviews). HOWEVER, I mentioned Platinum Plus in South Carolina and her eyes popped out of her head and she got a huge smile. She said that is a CLUB and that I needed to visit it. OK, back on track a little. I found what I was looking for, but she had either warts on her asshole or a hemorrhoid tag. Completely killed all desire---too afraid of the warts. Anyway, this dancer had looks, skill, and personality. The last time when I definitely did see warts the dancer was extremely hot and the warts were extremely ugly. These warts if that is what it was didn't look too bad. Being picky reduces fun substantially. :(
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    Thanks, jablake, I was having trouble deciding what to have for dinner and now my appetite is gone...
  • snowtime
    15 years ago
    Jablake: I think I am in a similar situation, but have different results. I am ONLY interested in spinners. The larger girls, no matter how attractive do not get my interest UP. However I usually always find a spinner in my price range(like you my funds are limited). I would say that most of the time they will find me if I make eye contact or tip them on stage. If not, I will get up from my seat and persue them across the room if necessary. Some guys will not resort to seeking out a particular dancer on the floor but I would rather do that than miss the opportunity to sample a dancer that obviously excites me. In reponse too those who suggest you broaden your "type" of preferred dancer I can tell them, that, is easier said than done. After all our little head usually does the thinking in a strip club and we usually go where it leads us. By the way there are a lot of nice spinner types during most days in Columbia at Platinum Plus if you ever get up that way. You can often get 2 for 20 which is more than you are used to, but very reasonable in most of the clubs I visit.
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