
Comments by hugevladfan (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Are some strippers looking to CONTROL customers' EMOTIONS by not doing REASONABL
    I don't believe I would ever disrespect a stripper by trying to negotiate for a $5, $6 or $8 lapdance. That's out and out embarrassing.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    If a stripper REFUSES spend time w/you OUTSIDE THE CLUB because of her BOYFRIEND
    perhaps. There are all sorts of reasons why a stripper wouldn't want to spend time with someone outside of her work environment with a customer. Doesn't wanna deal with any expectations the guy may have, doesn't wanna wreck the image a guy may have of her, doesn't wanna lose him as a customer. Course it isn't that difficult to move onto another girl if you're not getting the OTC time you want.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    For customers who PAY STRIPPERS FOR CONVERSATION - How much do you pay?
    $30 or $40 for an hour of conversation is chickenfeed. I mean if that's significant scratch to ya it's no wonder someone may angle for the 2 dances for $20 special.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    For customers who PAY STRIPPERS FOR CONVERSATION - How much do you pay?
    I think I threw a girl $20 for about 25 minutes of conversation. I never felt obligated and she was quite surprised too since I was gonna spend $$$ on her later.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Does a good lapdance always have to have high mileage?
    A good lapdance from a complete stranger has to have some mileage to be considered good, the more contact from her even in non-intimate parts enhances my overall experiences. For me to go in there and juss grab al over her with very lil contact coming always ruins the dance for me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Who do you have on "Ignore"???
    I have no one on ignore and like to see others feedback on everything which is why.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    R. I. P.
    There was a place called Divas in Las Vegas. A very well-kept secret that almost no one went to. There was a Bulgarian dancer there whom I enjoyed seeing and still think about every so often. I think she was the first girl I ever went to a VIP room with and she was a blast. Seamless stands there now.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strippers Who Emphasize How "Confident" and/or "Good Looking" They Are
    Anyone with an attitude like that is insecure about sumpin. Sometimes you have to go on faith that what you believe is true instead of seeking constant reinforcement.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Question for Guys who "Don't Give a Fuck" If Strippers Like/Respect you or not?
    Tough question to answer from someone who doesn't mind if strippers have respect for them (I def prefer that they do to an extent that's possible). There are so many possible things that play into it and I generally like to spend significant time with a couple of them (on repeat visits) so I guess if they recall my name and some hard to remember facts about me I consider that a sign of respect. I also think the way one conducts himself at a club lends itself to being respected.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do Strippers Simply Ignore Guys who Never Spend Money?
    Who goes to a SC without spending any $$$? It'd be like going to a library and never reading a book or going to a casino and never gambling. I mean sure you can do it but are you really maximising your entertainment?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Going to strip clubs alone
    I usually go alone, never have considered myself a loser for doing so and wouldn't mind going with a friend juss for a different dynamic.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Don't you hate it when...
    never had that problem once. Even someone I consider pretty close it's easy to differentiate between the two names for moi.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Don't you hate it when...
    I guess that's why I juss limit myself to a few dancers here and there.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Going to strip clubs alone
    So buying a stripper a LD or a drink means that the probability that I am a loser skyrockets say from 50.1% to 90%? Buddy that muss mean there are roughly 10-20 million losers in this country and hundreds and hundreds of thousands on any given night. damn it here I thought that people that work for General Dynamics and Raytheon making some of the most lethal weapons known to man might be losers as opposed to someone who enjoys a night out a club every so often Thx for the clarification.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Going to strip clubs alone
    I guess by davids logic that anyone who comes to a casino and bets basketball games and plays some blackjack is a pathetic loser. If they drink and toke the waitresses or dealers than the chances they are a PL skyrockets.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Going to strip clubs alone
    Fucking hell I thought trolls only populated liberal blogs. Thx for the heads-up
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Is getting an obvious erection during a lapdance normal or just me?
    ditto. Few things worse than starting out hot and bothered and than YOU going over a grocery list as a disinterested dancer phones it in.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever Buy A Dance From A Stripper Just Cause She Was Nice?
    If a dancer sits for awhile and doesn't go into a sell mode after 15 minutes I have no problem sending a few bucks her way to get nekkid for me. I've never had a problem if I am into the girl at all getting her a drink, normally it muss follow some conversation unless I know I will be spending bucks on her
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any Hard Limits on How Much You Will Spend on a Single Stripper?
    I have spent a decent amount of $$$ in a few months period of time on one girl and haven't regretted but $200-$300 of it and that was when I was in a crap mood and was lucky not to go to the club with a grand on me that night. As far as hard limits go I believe $500 in a night is the most I could see myself spending as there'd be no sexual act I'd want that'd make me spend more. Hours naked in VIP frolicking around on a bed wouldn't get me past $500
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Q for Guys Looking for A Girlfriend in a Strip Club
    This is a bit of a tangent but I hafta know. davids are you a Republican? I get the feeling you would be because you love to judge others and point out their mistakes and true desires instead of letting others be. I could be wrong.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any Hard Limits on How Much You Will Spend on a Single Stripper?
    I prefer going to clubs with a decent amount in the wallet and having a ballpark figure of what I am going to spend. One time I went to a club with a moderate amount, spent a few dollars in other places and as I got down to my last $100 a girl I wanted to spend some time with started talking. In 11 years of going to clubs this was the first (and last) time I had ever used an ATM in a club. I was glad to do it too but now I plan accordingly, kinda like if a hotel is never sold out.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Q for Guys Looking for A Girlfriend in a Strip Club
    Wait then you're independent right? I am as far on the opposite end of the spectrum from Republican as one can get.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How were you introduced to "extras"
    I've spent hundreds and hundreds on outings at a club too and my self-image is quite high. i enjoy getting physical, usually biting from her on my neck or ear. Not that there's anything wrong with extras. I mean we're all paying for sumpin........
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How were you introduced to "extras"
    I've never had an extra in a strip club, am unsure if I've even had one offered to me and would seriously doubt if I'd ever take a girl up on it. I guess that's juss me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Q for Guys Looking for A Girlfriend in a Strip Club
    That would be a left leaning leftist. Anything but a libertarian or capitalist.