
Who do you have on "Ignore"???

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 7:28 AM
Can we do a survey as to who you have on ignore. I'm curiuos to know who's on your ignore list and how many.


  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Thanks AN. I got an amusing thought out of that. Just look where the sun doesn't shine to find the offensive. I never look at the bottom of that page.
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    click on "my page" under "Account Info". Scroll to the bottom under all your reviews and you will see a list of all the names you have on ignore. Click to change.
    18 years ago
    Seems to me that Founder's original post announcing the "ignore" feature explained how to undo it. But I didn't pay much attention because I have no interest in ever doing so.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I actually thought about taking someone off of ignore. Then I realized I don't see a way to do that. If that's true, I guess the ignore feature could be called instead, "permanently trash this user"
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    davids I think Jesus would walk right up to you and kick you in the pills because you are a blight on the planet. (and because you believe in fortune telling, palm reading and NLP)
  • davids
    18 years ago
    You have a good point, JC. As Jesus might have said it: Me posting on TUSCL is like casting pearls before the swine.
  • JC2003
    18 years ago
    What kind of guy does that make you then, davids, to spend so much time here with us?
  • davids
    18 years ago
    Remember fundamentally what this board is: A bunch of pathetic, old men who come here to hang out with a bunch of of patetic, old men and give each other some comfort by telling each other that they aren't really pathetic. It's like the Big Beautiful Women of strip clubs. Of course we can never all be friends since I don't buy into their BS for one second. Fundamentally, this board is not about relentless pursuit of the truth (which is my MO) it is about old pathetic losers giving each other comfort. There will never be friends.
  • giveitayank
    18 years ago
    casual guy, does that mean you and davids are good friends??
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Being friends would probably be like Bush and Sadam being friendly buddies and only exhanging nice words. One person can try to totally ignore a jerk who keeps calling him names all the time but then they might lose it one day. On the other hand, there is a disclaimer on this website that you can't believe a word we say on here is the truth so we might actually be buddies playing a little fight it out scenario. I've met a few people who like to verbally fight for fun. That's not really what I'm interested in most of the time. I'm back to ignoring two posters.
  • giveitayank
    18 years ago
    So, how long has all this been going on here?? I just don't understand why you can't all be friends with each other instead of being like this.
  • davids
    18 years ago
    Yep "logic"="the idiot level". Guess that's why South Carolina is so poor.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Did someone escape from the looney bin? Ok davids, I'm not good at arguing on the idiot level so you got me beat there.
  • davids
    18 years ago
    CG: "Obviously it takes a loser to recognize one" CG: "he has been one of the biggest losers of all." Once again CG calls himself a loser. What is this guy a total masochist or what? What a loser.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    and by calling us all PL's, davids somehow feels superior to us and proves to himself that he is not a PL himself somehow. I don't know if he will ever convince himself though. It's really sad. He got burned by a stripper badly and now puts down other people or customers of strip clubs so that he can stay in denial that he has been one of the biggest losers of all.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    But doing the above won't get you off most people's ignore list.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    davids keep telling yourself that you aren't just another bullshitting jerk-off loser. Maybe by merely repeating this false notion often enough it will, somehow, magically make it true.
  • davids
    18 years ago
    FONDL: "I come to this board because I enjoy exchanging information, observations and opinions about SC experiences with other hobbyists and others familiar with strip clubs. " I disagree with FONDL assesment. In my view, TUSCL is merely a site where a bunch of PL lap dance buying regulars hang out with a bunch of PL lap dance buying regulars and tell each other that they aren't really pathetic losers. I guess they think that by merely repeating this false notion often enough it will, somehow, magically make it true.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I am ignoring two posters when I log onto to the site here. I'm ignoring everyone when I don't log on since I don't even read this site every day.
  • giveitayank
    18 years ago
    Fondl...That's a very compelling arguement as to why you have them on ignore. You're right. The board's content should be limited to SC experiences and the like. What it shouldn't be, is one member putting down another for whatever reason. The only thing I can think of, is that he's one very pissed off, bitter and mean-spirited individual. I'm sure he justifies it that I'm a newbie here so he can ride me. Or he just doesn't like me. Either way, I really don't care. And I kind of feel sorry for the bastard!!
    18 years ago
    I come to this board because I enjoy exchanging information, observations and opinions about SC experiences with other hobbyists and others familiar with strip clubs. I ignore anyone who repeatedly attempts to interefere with that kind of discussion or who clearly has a very different agenda.
  • ShotDisc
    18 years ago
    Davids and Romantic Lover
  • giveitayank
    18 years ago
    Thanks Chandler...I appreciate your honesty.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    giveitayank: I'd say stick around for more than two weeks and see how naive your answer sounds, except that thanks to the ignore feature, the other topic spammer isn't likely to repeat his past shitstorms.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    That's too bad davids. I am not ignoreing you because you are too funny, you piece of shit.
  • giveitayank
    18 years ago
    RL is the only one on my list too. Only because I don't like half the postings on the board from one individual.
  • davids
    18 years ago
    Just parodySUBHUMAN.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Ignore doesn't hide feedback.
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    I have no one on ignore and like to see others feedback on everything which is why.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    We'd tell you, but that would mean not ignoring them. Next question.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Just RL and not because I hate him or anything like that it is just to cut down on the number of topics.
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