
Comments by hugevladfan (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Platinum Plus ----WORST SC EVER!
    I should've clarified it more in the post. This was a girl who stripped previously at the PP but in now stripping in Las Vegas at Cheetahs. I was curious to know if any of the PP customers were familiar with this sort of technique being particularly popular there. I apologise if I cam across to vague.
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    18 years ago
    Platinum Plus ----WORST SC EVER!
    completely facetious.
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    18 years ago
    Where is the Trust?
    she didn't paint my house. Bringing a check allows me to avoid using the ATM machine which I had only done for this one stripper. I juss couldn't imagine being asked up front for $$$ unless we're going to a VIP room and the girl needs to pay the doorman. Not only that isn't the girl limiting future dances by making the guy commit to a set amount in the beginning?
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    18 years ago
    Where is the Trust?
    I am not angry at the girls if they ask for $$$ up front but in Vegas I believe the only time I have ever been asked for $$$ up front is upon entering a VIP room. I can figure out why I am being asked for the dough beforehand I juss would rather prefer to wait until after it's all over to settle up. If my goal was to try to beat a stripper out of a few $$$ than I have many more impt things to worry about (like why I'm such an asshole)
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    18 years ago
    Giving money to a dancer OTC
    If you want positive reinforcement than it's that I will offer. Depending on how many people you let yourself get close to there's nothing wrong with helping somebody out OTC espesh if it is as legit as you make it sound. I know there are a coupla people (well one) to whom I would be overly generous with if the sit ever arose. OTOH there was another stripper (first person was in industry but not a stripper) to whom I would have been overly generous to for no other reason than she struck a nerve. Congrats on being a kind person in this instance FONDL.
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    18 years ago
    World events, business, etc.
    Once we get rid of immigrants who would be the be the next targeted group? Secularlists, gays, people under five feet? There will always be boogeymen that people hafta maintain an irrational fear of. Wake up
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Compensating Strippers for "Their Time" and Conversation
    I don't mind compensating strippers for their time espesh if I perceive they're not all in it for the money (which of course they are) but some are more obvious.
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    18 years ago
    annoying waitresses
    First the waitress sounds like she is doing her job by asking after you immediately sit down. You did the right thing declining any beverage. My annoying story was when I was in VIP with a girl and she is in the middle of dancing for me when the drink arrives she squats down and says $9 for the drink AS THE GIRL IS DANCING. I gave her the nastiest look I have ver given anybody, so much so I felt I had to apologise TWICE for giving her such a glare. I was disappointed that the waitress couldn't wait or come back in a few when I was less busy since a bouncer would've vouched for me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Is Seeking Dates/Sex from Strippers Unethical/A Bad Idea
    Is it unethical? I don't think so. Is it a bad idea? I think if you're upfront about it with yourself than no. I think it's unrealistic that you're not going to spend any $$$ at some point and prolly alot of it, if not in the club than outside as you try to show her a decent time (and yourself)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Rejecting Strippers Who Ask Us Out
    Can't a stripper tell instantly if you're interested in her or not? I am usually very direct and don't know why someone would be hesitant to be so. If you're acting well why would you worry about your reputation for declining a date or not calling someone who gives you their number?
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    18 years ago
    Strippers Who Refuse to Accept Money From You
    I'd almost be insulted. I mean unless the guy is totally uninitiated there has to be a way he can get the girl some $$$ to compensate for the time spent with him. I LOVE to talk in a club but eventually I am going to get a dance from the girl (or five). I don't enjoy wasting either my time OR the girl's by babbling without having any interest in taking her clothes off.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What is your "method" of HAGGLING with strippers?
    as far as haggling over other services perhaps I am a naive boob but one could juss go on an escort site and know up front what one has to pay. heck craigslist has a 100 plus listings for GFE's in most cities
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What is your "method" of HAGGLING with strippers?
    To me haggling for dances is like buying scalped tickets to a game. Know the market. Generally tho I despise haggling at a club and sometimes the girl herself will offer me a special if I am reluctant (like 6 songs for $100, or 2 dances for $20). In the latter instance if the girl is my type and I have an extra $40 than I'll go for it. Living in Las Vegas one learns quick the meaning of self control
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Would You Buy LDs/Conversation/"Time" From a Stripper Who Thought You Were A PL?
    If I was ever with a stripper that thought I was a pathetic loser I would instantly disabuse myself of any notion of getting a dance from them or even talking to them. I can't imagine any dancer that'd give off a vibe like that. Not if they're any good. If YOU thought you were a pathetic loser than I'd seek professional help to raise that ol self-esteem.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Would You Buy LDs/Conversation/"Time" From a Stripper Who Thought You Were A PL?
    That somewhat surprises me. Usually I favour the same girl or two whenever I go to clubs but I'd think if the guy has a decent job, dresses sharp and doesn't embarrass himself by propositioning the girl or groping than if the girl wants to think me a pathetic loser I ain't gonna lose any sleep over it. Funny this topic came up tho yesterday because I went to a club and there was a point during conversation I felt very much like the pathetic loser.
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    18 years ago
    Telling Strippers You Love Them
    I asked a stripper (which there is NO chance for a relationship), in which there is a significant age difference, whom I've spent alot of $$$ and bought roses for if she thinks I love her. All she said was I know you're fond of me. I didn't follow it up with anything else and have never used the word love in any correspondence with her. I have never told a stripper I love them in any meaningful sense of the word.
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    18 years ago
    Keys to Strip Club Success
    after letting the girl know I was def into her I have tried like heck to distance myself from her (to very lil avail).
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    18 years ago
    Keys to Strip Club Success
    I've been dead honest to this one girl about everything (I haven't feigned a lack of interest tho) and it was a monumental mistake simply because it has messed up by normal flow. I got to experience some of the worst self-inflicted pain the other day while she was working. See the thread I started for more info.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Would You Buy LDs/Conversation/"Time" From a Stripper Who Thought You Were A PL?
    I work in a casino environment and to judge a player based on what they do in their leisure time is patently absurd. It really all depends on the type of player. We have a guy that sticks to the same $1 exacta box, with three combo NONE of which are related. That guy is a pathetic loser (when he bets). To make a judgment about the rest of his life based on one small aspect of it is ridiculous. It shouldn't be to hard to find a dancer that is more upbeat about things and not willing to make the quick score by feigning interest immediately (hands all over you, coming on styrong verbally etc)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    When you can't get a stripper off your mind
    Generally I don't have much of a personal life and the hobbies I enjoy (which amongst them are taking LONG walks) allow me to think about ALOT of things. I am awful at meeting people and am a pretty solitary person, which is why this situation has messed with me so much since I let the guard down and juss unloaded with personal stuff.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Anyone understand female customers not wanting to tip?
    Maybe she juss doesn't understand protocol? I would juss chalk it up as a fluke.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    When you can't get a stripper off your mind
    As far as making oneself more attractive to women I may not have mentioned I live in the hypersexualised city of Las Vegas and for the most part primarily one thing makes one most attractive to the fairer sex. (Note I am not implying all women are motivated by $$$, juss saying this is Vegas....... hafta be realistic)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    When you can't get a stripper off your mind
    Thx guys for the advice. I learned some valuable lessons about what to and what not to say as once I let my emotions go I kind of lose structure. Being a SC veteran I should know better but sometimes you let your heart lead instead of your head.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    If a stripper is NOT YOUR FRIEND then why not HAGGLE with her?
    If I am interested in all of the above and got stone cold refused than I would be more likely to move onto another girl. It's a rare occasion where I have ever asked for any of those things at a club (the name usually). I wouldn't want to spook the girl by quizzing her on her info.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Planning a trip to Vegas
    I would pretty much second the above. Don't forget craigslist in the escort section.