
Comments by hugevladfan (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How many guys actually wear underwear to a strip club?
    I would never EVER go to a strip club without underwear. Heck I'd have a much cheaper experience looking on craigslist for an escort for a few hours than going to my fave club sans underwear. Am I the only one who thinks the answer to this question says as much about someone as juss about anything else they can answer?
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    19 years ago
    Either National Security Agency OR No strings attached
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    19 years ago
    Best Bachelor Party Shows
    I have seen bachelor parties at both Cheetahs and Striptease here in Las Vegas. I would also prefer to be far away from the action with a fave dancer huddled elsewhere.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How many guys actually wear underwear to a strip club?
    yeah yeah yeah sometimes I can be a bit prudish. I apologise for any perceived nastiness in my initial response. I wear boxers as well and I guess my fave is when I go in the summertime and have the strippers rub up my legs when I am wearing a pair of athletic shorts. NEVER fails to get a rise since I am big into touch.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Getting a stripper a birthday gift
    a chance to let her spoil herself in a way she hasn't prolly done yet, another bowling/movie outing, giving business to a place in the same hotel as mine (ha ha).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    get her a stuffed animal of some kind, make sure it's cute. regarding my situation the spa treatment is somewhat expensive, I have spent alot of $$$ on this girl, nothing will ever come of it yet I still wanna do this. Logic dictates I shouldn't do this........
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    davids to be honest I have zero interest in dating this girl (there is a 13 year age difference 35 v 22) and she knows that and as far as having sex with her I think we're both plainly aware it ain't happenin. Upon sending her flowers for Valentine's Day I was hurt when I had to ask her if she even got them. Not sure I wanna go through that again.
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    18 years ago
    yeah but the emotional investment that I made def threw me for a loop as I juss didn't expect it to hit me like the wave that it did.
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    18 years ago
    There is no possibility of a super serious relationship, and neither of us are married.
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    18 years ago
    lemme say I disagree with your decision ummyeah simply because you originally said you were going to be modest with what you spend on her. The level of dollars spent compred to her possible enjoyment and appreciation of the gift should be taken into account. I am worried that if I spend over $200 on a gift that it would warrant barely more than a thank you when I saw her next time. I am a terrible gift giver so it's either the spa treatrment or nothing.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strippers and their promises
    I am SLOWLY starting to grasp this notion. The girl I was very much into (a party animal) is incredibly sweet but smaller gestures mean the most of me and a complete inability to even send me pictures via e-mail and one too many excuses may have finally turned my thick kitchen light on and even tho BOTH of us know there is zero chance of anything developing the fact that I juss don't think I am getting what I hope for out of this (a few times I felt she was working me) which is an occasional how the fuck are ya? That said I still think of her as a great girl, which prolly tells ya all ya need to know about me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strippers and their promises
    honest I am usually NOT that punctually challenged. Does Guiness have a record for longest run-on sentence? The pics aspect I was referring to was her constantly telling me I'll send you some pics and NOT doing so without prompting.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Should a manager of a club recommend girls to customers cold?
    If a manager was trying to be friendly (and I have no doubt he was) I would think he may ask what type of girl are you into? To serve up a blonde, not particularly attractive stripper to someone who may be into brunette, fuller women is juss bad service without ascertaining juss what it is the guy is into. My thought was that maybe the manager was in for sumpin, course when I did point to a girl I wanted to see he did get her to come over.....
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Lap Dance Timing
    $180 for 30 minutes seems like a nice deal. In Vegas the going rate seems to be $200 for same 30 minutes, usually in a pretty private spot (or at least off the main floor). At a place I went to Thurs night the room where this all took place was PACKED.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Should a manager of a club recommend girls to customers cold?
    If one has some sort of relationship with a manager it's one thing but at the least I would expect the guy in charge to simply ask what kind of girl are you into? Otherwise chances are there is some sort of benefit being accrued by the manager for steering business to a certain one. While I am not a small talk kind of person, espesh in this place (which I am none too fond of in the first place) I can appreciate a manager trying to know his clientele but to steer a stranger (me) without further prodding my likes and dislikes juss screams sumpin else.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do strippers really like there jobs?
    I would guess there are a decent sized minority that do. I think te primary way to determine this is the type of club one is stripping in. In Vegas you have your super upscale places like Seamless and Club Paradise which attract a high-end crowd. generally speaking these clubs prolly wouldn't juss hire someone off the street making it more likely that the girl will like her job. Other places like Glitter Gulch and Talk of the Town attract a lower end clientele (NOT that there's anything wrong with that) making the kind of girl they hire perhaps less sophisticated and worldly and ergo less likely to like their position.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do most Stripclubs have employee meetings?
    I believe meetings are infrequent but do happen at most places.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Did first OTC lead to a second one?
    My first OTC was dinner at a Vegas restaurant, Bowling and Brokeback MTN movie (no expectation of romance). The second one involved a dinner date, lite shopping and me tossing/"loaning" her $300. I am waiting for the third one after getting shot down at least half a dozen times. Fortunately I haven't held my breath in the meantime. I have never propositioned this girl nor would I think of doing so.
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    18 years ago
    Message to shadowcat
    yes this is the place for that sorta thing. To each their own.
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    18 years ago
    Message to shadowcat
    I hope no one interpreted this as me shitting on anyone. I backed off my initial sentiments and while I can't retract what I said I certainly harbor no negativity regarding what I read on these boards. Juss one man's opinion that's all.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strippers and their promises
    knowing all of that fondl and attempting to fit my expectations (they were low) around the anticipated outcomes (an infrequent heads-up) I still allowed myself to get sucked in, living in Vegas as long as I have and knowing what could occur I should know better.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Message to shadowcat
    CAT---- I backed off my statement. Carry on with complete disregard for what I typed please.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Bang For $$, Hrly Rates, Clippers, etc.
    I know alot of NON-hip hop songs so if I hear what's expected to be a longer one come on than I'll make a girl dance for me. My least fave is when I KNOW the song and they cut it off. Few things chap me off more.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Where is the Trust?
    I agree I would drop her too. That would be quite a mood killer to be asked for $ up front. If that happened with me I would get the dance and pretty much short circuit any further coversation. I've had one dancer take checks from me for $400 and $100 and not sweat it one bit.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What do you prefer regular Bikini, Thong, or shorts during a LD
    If the butt has enough shape and size to it I prefer a thong. I would characterise myself as an ass-man