Do customers just have no concept of gross?

blahblahblah23>:( 🧚🏼♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
That worldstarhiphop video that was just posted of that stripper getting ate out (or at least almost) has me thinking... Do most of you just not think about stuff like "I wonder where that's been?" or don't care if someone is all sweaty or just not fresh or whatever. I've had a lot of idiots try and shove their face into my butt crack if I'm not trying to injure my neck to look back to keep tabs. I am convinced that men are dogs.
last comment"I am convinced that men are dogs."
No argument here.
Did you really think something different ?
I disagree 100% blah currently typing while taking a huge shit
We have a concept of gross, but as Muddy demonstrates most of your dogs just don't care.LOL
Muddy Ftw. Woof 🐶.
I don't think strippers get an accurate idea of what the average male is like because strip club customers are more pervy than the norm. I've heard police officers have a similar problem. They regularly come into contact with the scum of society and after a while start to think most people are like that.
I will play along and comment on your discussion.
Q: Do customers just have no concept of gross?
A: Every customer has his own, individual unique concept of gross.
Disgust is fundamentally an emotion of avoidance: It signals that something might be harmful to your body, and encourages you to avoid it.
However sometimes other human emotions that are supposed to shield you from harm equally allow you to take a pleasure in the very things from which you need to be protected….
You wrote and I quote:
“I am convinced that men are dogs.”
I am sure you mean some of the men you have had bad experiences with, because you should know that Not all men are dogs, and Not all women are bitches.
I am sure you have had your share of “doggie men”, men who lied, cheated, ghosted, mistreated you, on and on.
Please don't lump all your men customers into the “doggie men” category. I am sure you know there are normal people, good men among your customers.
You just have to weed out the bad customers and develop a good relationship with the good customers and make them your loyal customers.
I haven’t seen the video so don’t know if there was something particularly gross about it, but do you really want to live in a world where guys only go down on pussies after a full investigation of past history? As long as it’s sweet, it’s ready to eat. 👅 🐱
"I don't think strippers get an accurate idea of what the average male is like because strip club customers are more pervy than the norm."
Don't strippers see them everyday outside of the club? I wouldn't say strip club regulars are more pervy than the norm, but we are more liberated. And the hard core dudes are probably a little more creative because they have to fit their appetites in with whatever OTC bankrolls their fun.
"Do most of you just not think about stuff like 'I wonder where that's been?'"
We do. The girls do, too. In the moment the question is "do I want this to happen enough to overlook a thing or two?" And there is smell versus stink. If I like the way a woman smells then I don't care. Now if I think she stinks, then that goes back to how badly I want whatever she's got.
Earlier this year I spent all day waiting for this chick to get to my hotel. When she finally showed up she was clean but had eaten something I wasn't a fan of. We'd never done it before and she was nervous, so it was either go down there anyway or I wasn't gonna get another chance lol. A good time was had by all.
"...or don't care if someone is all sweaty or just not fresh or whatever."
There's a difference between sweaty and dirty. If she just got off stage and I don't mind the way she smells, then it's all good. Or if she's sweaty because she's put in work during sexy time then all the better.
A woman with a high level of hotness and nakedness pretty much negates any sense of gross men may have with less hot, more clothed women.
i'm not exactly sure which worldstar clip the op was referring to but the one down below is gross as fuck:
That website doesn't make money by posting videos of people making good decisions.
I am definitely a "dawg", lol.😂
One of my favs has beautiful large boobs, but she's self-conscious about sweating under her boobs. I asked her once to put her boob sweat in a bottle so I could drink it. Not that I actually wanted to, but it wouldn't gross me out to do it, so I was hoping I put her more at ease by saying that. After her baby was born, she let me try some of her breast milk. But she was too grossed out to try it herself.
What's always gross is not respecting someone's boundaries.
Have you fucking perverts forgotten this little event from about a year ago?
Shit like this is why I generally feel contempt for guys who stand at the stage looking to get whatever contact and/or attention that they can. It's a truly shameless and twisted shit who will that stuff in front of a bar full of people. I drop my tip and walk precisely so the girl doesn't feel like she has to stick her ass or boobs in my face. I never ever want to be THAT guy.
Tonight I ordered buffalo wings from the chicken shack down the street. They tasted good but I kept getting long hairs in my mouth. I just picked them out of my teeth and went on eating. Convinced myself that they must have been from the hot young counter girl and not the old hippie dude working the deep fryer.
Actuality, older distinguished gentlemen like myself choose wisely whom they chose to orally pleasure
Most strip club customers are weirdos who can't have contact with a woman any other way. They come in get horny and act up....
Oh great, Icee the dick sucking troll is here.
"Most strip club customers are weirdos who can't have contact with a woman any other way."
Too broad. That's like saying a dude who takes his car to a car wash couldn't wash it himself if he wanted to. People pay a premium for convenience all the time.
Nobits pretty descriptive. They really are weirdos
In my 10bplus years of working with stripper hoes I have never met one who likes tricks
Hey Icee, we're planning a meet-up here in New Jersey, and we'd all be absolutely thrilled if you'd fly out here for it. You'll get to prove what a tough guy you are while floating face down in the Passaic River with an ice pick in your neck.
@blah: First day dealing with men? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
And so it was on the 1,678th day of a fictional cosplay pimp trying to shame guys that obviously don't care about the opinion of a made-up internet persona, he came back on day 1,679 to do it all over again.
I met more than one woman who's told me she like swallowing cum if she's turned on by the guy. It's not a gender-specific thing. And chicks seem to be more into raw fish aka sushi.
If "Most strip club customers are weirdos who can't have contact with a woman any other way," then most strip club employees and contractors are unemployable fuckups who cannot earn an income any other way.
Broad generalizations suck, don't they?
Icee's 10+ plus years working with, omg lol what a fucking little weirdo. No one believes a fucking word you say asswipe.
Try being a man in a club with an erection with a beautiful woman dancing in your lap, there probably isn't much you wouldnt do to the girl in front of you.
Icee skibum already exposed you for sucking cock for purp, unfortunately your clients aren’t comparable to the average club client
Okay so how many of you can get young girls without paying them? What other ways besides paying do n you get stripper grade pussy?
You prove my point
Icee there is no stripper grade pussy, stripping isn’t even based on looks. Many strippers are hot, and can make good money, but many times there are also ugly ones, bone skinny ones or big ones I wouldn’t fuck for free.
If you’re asking her out, paying for her stuff youre still paying. You accuse sjg of doing this when you do exactly this. Paying for her bills, food, school, rent etc is still paying and also stupid considering youre also loyal to one person
"Okay so how many of you can get young girls without paying them?"
Dumbshit: you are young and get pussy in your social group. There is nothing special about this. When you get old, the girls in your social group will have moved on and will not give you pussy. If you want young pussy, you will have to pay just like every other old man on the planet. There is nothing special about this either.
The kicker: not having a clue about any of this at your age is also not special. You are basic af icee.
Iceefag you don’t know what types of women I go for, one things for sure, we don’t go for the same types, the women that I’ve been with and married wouldn’t even give you a second glance, as a matter of fact you come across as an illiterate yahoo with all kinds of psychological issues and problems I doubt any normal female stripper or other would be seen in public with you.
"- You're going to have to spend money. It will get her attention and make her notice you ITC. Don't get dances though. Learn shit like making flowers and hearts out of bills and give her a few hundred dollar bills just because."
^^^IceyDodo post June 30, 2018. 🤭🤡😂😂😂
"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."
^^^IceyDodo post June 12, 2018. 🤭🤡😂😂😂
Fact #1: Iceydodo gives a lot money and drugs to junkie stripper whores.
Fact #2: A junkie stripper whore will say and do just about anything for drugs and money, especially if she's a junkie addict.
Conclusion: Iceydodo is no different than an RIL trick bitch.
Given that Icee is more likely a cosplay character created to troll a strip club website, I'd say that any assumption that he's actually a young guy (or anything else he says about himself) are fragile at best.
She's either a female or highly effeminate man. Bank on it.
@drewcareypnw mic drop that post. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Iceydodo has to resort to flexing on men twice her age. 🤭🤡😂😂😂
Also remember, at Iceydodo's age she still has to resort to desperate AF coke junkies to give her the time of day. Her best "relationship" was with one.
And absolutely she's a dumbass. A dodo to be exact.
Yep. I can go pretty dog/werewolf when I’ve had a few drinks, there’s a hot babe in my lap, and my dick’s hard. It’s the foundation of this whole industry we’re all here to discuss.
I don't see how it is conducive to this discussion to shit on the people answering my question. Anyways most of my best customers can go get laid if they tried. Have I not mentioned a million times that I've had a lot of stupidly hot customers? If I was a typical American slut... lmao
Two flies are sharing a piece of shit. One says to the other, "ew, look, gross, a hair!".
They don't have a concept of gross coz they're socially awkward and lack experience with women. They see something in porn and think they can just do it. They really don't view women as people. Just objects to the point they don't get that some shit is plain gross.
Icee has tried to normalize all sorts of odd behaviors... says $1000 otc is the norm, i think its only the best of the best who can close the deal with that high a price.
Said he tipped $800 on stage just for fun. He got that money a month prior from looting during the floyd protests.
Said clubs scanning your ID with a machine is a non issue, no big deal, but he freaks out over pharmacies just looking at his id when he buys purp...
He has alternated between claiming to be black, non black but still gets called nigga by black people, latino, and sephardic jewish. Tried calling skibum an anti semite while pulling his sephardic Jew card
Cacaplop you have a vivid imagination.
Ok, I don't think the "they really don't view woman are people" to be a thing that applies to strip club customers. I would say that applies to most men, period. That is why I do not see most men as people in return, and they get so shocked when I can act just as fucked up as you guys do :)
===> "Most strip club customers are weirdos who can't have contact with a woman any other way."
If this were actually true, then most strip clubs would not exist. Guys who have serious physical and psychological issues which make it tough for them to find women also tend to struggle to find lucrative employment. Sure there is a contingent of these types at every club, but the clubs could hardly survive on them alone. Many clubs' biggest spenders are often married guys with good jobs.
Now what most guys who club regularly ARE is just a little twisted in the head. Not so much that they cannot mask it in their daily lives, but enough that it rears its head when they hit the titty bar. I am not excluding myself from that category, lol. They yearn for an outlet that is a little less sanitized than anything they can find elsewhere.
But unfortunately for some this goes too far. They are harboring strong impulses that they feel free to let loose in a club, which is why we see some guys doing things like molesting girls on stage.
Icee the ignorant low life nothing asks how many here can get young girls without paying them. Only a fucked up no-life retard would think because we spend a few bucks on entertainment that we want young women as part of our real lives. Strip clubbing is a hobby, like poker, golf, skiing, hiking, smoking weed, etc. My real life is spouse, family and friends and no dancer is ever going to be part of that any more than some random guy at the poker table. As far as viewing women as people? Pompous cocksucker calls them whores. As for me I work in a field dominated by women to the tune of 70% of the judges and 90% of family law lawyers are women around here. We get along fine except for my buddy Danielle exposing me to covid friday.
Rick mate supposedly aldi managers make 100k+ and other store managers can make a lot. There are also people in the tech fields, engineering fields, and even doctors, professors and lawyers who are odd. Those career paths seem to be based around your technical expertise, degree, and other experience. A family physician might be skilled in dealing with people, but someone in the pharma industry or a surgeon i dont think so, i have met too many weird pharmacists and surgeons who are pretty weird.
A lot of these guys can and do actually get women outside the strip club, but what Icee doesn’t want to admit is that like Icee, a lot of these guys are still paying big money to support their girl or wife. So there is still payment involved but it can be referred to as a relationship or marriage instead of p4p since the payment is done indirectly.
So like dick and skibitch says. They just see women as objects to buy. So they feel they can do as they please.
Anyways seeing women as people is the most basic thing
^The type of guy who beats up women.
@blah what if a black person lumped you in with all the white people who were shitty to them?
Strip clubs are not the most hygienic places, I've seen everything from sticky white stains to big ass roaches crawling on top of the bar. And on the stage too, dancers literally putting their faces on the floor where other dancers step on with their dirty heels. Not to mention the main thing being exchanged, dollar bills, are full of germs and whatnot, getting stuffed inside the dancer's thongs and bras. I'm no germaphobe, but strip clubs are pretty disgusting places. So it comes with the territory, guys acting like this.
I don't really give a damn if some nonwhite or non Russian/Ukrainian white doesn't like me on the basis of what I am. That is just life and you move on. I assume they had experiences to where they don't like whoever. As long as they don't act on it, idgaf.
^lmao -
Most men don’t have anything at home to REALLY play with other than themselves. lol
"As long as they don't act on it"
"I can act just as fucked up as you guys do :)"
Blonde chick privilege I guess :)
The problem is people do act on it and more often. I've had old white men try to hit me with their cars. Yell racial slurs
How did we get from eating ass to racism? And boo to whoever did it.
You're now black Icee?
See, this is the problem with discussions and forums. I could read the title and tell you how this discussion would go.
Stripper: Men that go to strip clubs are gross and do gross things.
Men: Yeah, but most strippers are drug addicts and are too mentally scarred to isn't this the pot calling the kettle black?
Other Men: No! Strippers are generally awesome and so are SOME men (i.e. Me)'s the REST of the men that are gross.
Stripper: No! I agree with "Other Men"...some guys are good customers who come in, give me $10,000 for nothing but civil conversation and a smile and are perfect gentlemen. And only a few dancers I know are drug addicted psycho skanks...most are well adjusted gals going to med school to be brain surgeons and rocket scientists! work in a place where your job is to get naked so lonely men will throw money at you like throwing food at an animal at a petting zoo. Then, you take them to a booth in a dingy basement...god only knows what that place looks like if you shine a black light anywhere within 200 feet of it...and you make up your name, stories about your life, you rub your naked body on them, and let them grab your intimate areas. You then prostitute yourself. When the guy crosses some random, gray, dotted, marginal, moving, floating, bipolar line...that you conveniently apply to some men (the unattractive ones) mock them as losers, scumbags, gross, weirdos, etc.. And yes, in this society of groupthink and bullying, you're sure to find at least 40% of any forum that will join in to attack.
But is the dancer a victim? Is the customer "gross" for even being at the club? If not, when does he cross that line?
Is it "sad" to sit too close to the stage? Should he pretend he doesn't like naked women and go sit at the bar?
Is he "desperate" if he shows interest? Should he instead treat strippers like garbage...use reverse psychology?
Should he get lap dances? Or is that gross? I mean...God knows how many men have touched her and where her hands have been.
Is it less weird, or more, if he demands that she use hand sanitizer on her entire body prior to any lap dances?
Should men refuse contact? Air dances only? I mean, can't you appreciate women from a distance?
If the man does touch...are there creepy places to touch and non-creepy places to touch?
Is he only "gross" if he has sex with the stripper? Or only if it's bareback? Or only if it's vaginal bareback? Or only if he eats her out? Or if he tries to kiss her?
Or is all that sexual stuff fine and it only ever crosses the line if it gets into GFE territory and he starts wanting to know her real name and wanting a real relationship?
See...there's all kinds of lines. And each dancer is going to have certain lines for certain customers. I've been with young dancers at a club in a college town where you had to sit on your hands and they danced in bikinis 4 feet away from touching ever. And, I've been at a club where, when it came time for "the deed" she slipped it in with no condom and that was that. And yes, I have ate out 2-3 strippers. Were any of those decisions, "good decisions"? No. Not at all. Undisputeably bad decisions. But, thats how almost every night ends for almost every guy as he leaves a strip club. He walks out with far less money than he had when he walked in...and he has made a series of bad decisions that night. Some, worse than others.
Strip clubs are even worse than casinos. At least at a casino you come home with MORE money once in awhile. At a strip club, it's always less money and you always more lonely than you did when you arrived.
"Strip clubs are even worse than casinos. At least at a casino you come home with MORE money once in awhile. At a strip club, it's always less money and you always more lonely than you did when you arrived."
If done right, you're walking out of the strip club with some good memories.
It's not the place. It's the mind set and hang ups you bring with you. You can leave anywhere lonely. It's not the club It's you. And that just means its something to work on so you cam enjoy things more
And with women in general. If she likes you and is attracted to you. Things will be cute and sexy. If she doesn't they're weird and gross
I must strip club in different places than many others here because the dancers I meet are pretty mainstream, with a few exceptions, like real life. About half the guy customers seem normal too. Gross is a matter of perspective. Go down on a dancer? I will admit that I have. Not since November, but I have. All part of a great 45 minutes, unless you include the time we hung out, drank and smoked weed, then closer to 3 hours. Except for the fact we didn't drive anywhere it was pretty similar to what dating was in the 80s. Did it cost me money? Yes. Was it worth it? Hell, yes. My only regret is that it won't happen again.
I have seen both strippers and customers act stupid. Also I have customers that smell like they haven't showered in a month cum in.