Why are you here?

avatar for Tetradon
Regular posters, what makes you keep coming back to this board?

Is it for club and dancer intel?
For the interesting discussions?
The stories?
To get your ego jerked off?
To be an assface fuckstick dickmouth troll? (shout out to multiply-blocked Shitbird, if you're reading this)


last comment
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
For me, it's a shifting combination.

I know my regular clubs well enough without intel, but it's great if I'm traveling, and I will be again soon.
Nowadays, it's more for the interesting discussions.
And to use the occasional troll as a chew toy.
avatar for THE CHAINDOG
4 years ago
It was for reviews of my local clubs.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Although I'm on a clubbing hiatus I still like to keep tabs on it, and TUSCL is most definitely the best internet source for clubbing information from a PL's perspective. In a way I live vicariously through active PLs by reading their current clubbing posts.

I also have developed a bit of a camaraderie with several active posters and am highly entertained exchanging funny posts with them.

Also I've always liked the almost completely unmoderated nature of the boards. It's allowed me to study trolls and trolling in depth. I really like trolling trolls and pointing out the stupid shit they say with their own posts.

And lastly I'm still waiting for a PM from nicespice telling me she's coming to dance in Portland. 🤗🦄
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
I need political advice
I also like JackSlash's lasagna,
avatar for gSteph
4 years ago
>> And lastly I'm still waiting for a PM from nicespice telling me she's coming to dance in Portland. 🤗🦄

After she makes a few doing dances for the lucky denizens of Springfield.
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
I love to monger. Strip clubs, sugar babes, OTC dates, Tijuana, etc. And I am dying to talk about those things with someone. I can't talk to my wife. I can't talk to my brother. I can't talk to my friends or they will tell their wives who will then tell my wife. So TUSCL gives me that platform to talk about something that is of great interest to me. The topic of getting laid.
avatar for JAprufrock
4 years ago
1. TJ club info.
2. Mongering stories/club reviews.
3. Assface fuckstick.

Not necessarily in that order.
avatar for jackslash
4 years ago
When I joined TuSCL 14 years ago, I wanted to learn where I could find the best strip clubs. I found that some of the best clubs in America were around Detroit, right in my back yard. Then I started reading the TUSCL discussions, which taught me invaluable lessons like "never pay in advance." Finally, I began contributing my own ideas and "humor" to the board. I could be doing something better with my life, but I find this place oddly addicting.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
1. Out of state club reviews
2. Local club reviews
3. Other strip club discussion, intel and strategy like burner numbers, etc.
4. As a republican who hated trump the political discussion was amusing for 4 years but no longer holds my interest
9,999,999. Trolls
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
Blended answer ...

I still get useful club and dancer info here, both from the reviews and PMs. The discussions can be interesting. There's an option you left out, though ... time killer. Sometimes I'll come here if I've got some time to kill between tasks.

And I think there have also been times where I've asked myself "Why do I keep coming back to TUSCL?" It's weirdly addictive.
avatar for Huntsman
4 years ago
Initially it was club intel. Now it’s a combination of what Warrior and Ishmael said. Also, somewhat strangely perhaps, but I’ve developed some camaraderie in PMs with a few.
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
Originally I came her to find intel on clubs in different cities as I used to travel a lot. Raviews here were invaluable for when I would arrive in a city with 5 club choices, I was always pointed in the right direction.

For year I didn’t even know there was a discussion forum. Now I’m here just for stripper advice from our two best experts, Rick Dugan and Juice. I’m also here to convince the world that Britney Spears is the hottest woman on the planet over the age of 35.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
I forgot to put in a good word for all of the terrific financial advice, I’ve gleaned from this very valuable resource
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
There’s some great people on here, really it would be fucking blast to drink with some of you guys. I think coming in maybe a lot of people think your just gonna find the masturbating in the tree types, we definitely have those don’t get me wrong but we have other people here too.

And tbh even when I’m clubbing solo I don’t feel lonely at all, I got TUSCL people to hang around on here. Most of my threads/posts are exactly the kind of discussions I would have at an actual strip club. Alot of it is trying make my friends laugh, busting balls, shooting the shit about current events, how to improve my game/clean up mistakes whatever. At the end of the day this shit is funny. I’ve been banned off Reddit so many fucking times. Here they just let shit play and the humor flys.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
For the great discussions I have with people in dms or some threads. Despite being trolled and harassed
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^ icee you've definitely trolled and harassed others since you started posting here. FYI in case you didn't know.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
A combination of insight from the 5-10% of posts on here for that, and also just entertainment. And there is some rapport with a few individuals that keeps it difficult to stay away too long.

@Sirlap, hoping to visit Portland again sometime summer 2022. 😊
@gSteph will probably not visit Eugene/Springfield. Wasn’t too fond of the club area out there. 😞
avatar for gSteph
4 years ago
>> @gSteph will probably not visit Eugene/Springfield. 😒😒
Wasn’t too fond of the club area out there. 😞

Bummer. Methinks another club (SI) would have been more rewarding, but . . .

Portland is not that far, and I get there semi regularly, so
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
Originally, it had been for reviews while travelling. Then the discussions became habit forming. The political discussions were always lively. TJ is on my bucket list, although I may never actually pull the trigger, it is incredible to read about. Then, the regular PMs with fellow posters began. Lastly, but certainly not least, there are a few who hate having me around and I love to remind them that I am here. Reading, reviewing, and loving every minute of it.
avatar for gSteph
4 years ago
Perhaps in the summer of 22.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
When I texted (a manager?) at Sweet Illusions like I was told to do, I didn’t get messaged back. So I took it they were not interested. 🤷🏻‍♀️
avatar for DenimChicken
4 years ago
Reviews are helpful when going to a new city. Over time it's become more amusing to me as well to read reviews on places (and even girls) I know very well. Real easy to call out bullshit and laugh when you know the ins and outs of a club.

Some of the posts are entertaining and have a decent discussion.

But the main reason to read the discussion boards is to enjoy the stupid shit people say and do. It's much more enjoyable now that when you block somebody you don't even see any signs of their post.
avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
I’m her to be an assface. Ask Randumbmember and 2ICEE, they’re the 2 biggest objects of my punching of ridiculous posts.
avatar for motorhead
4 years ago
Hey guys. Been away for awhile. Occasionally lurk around. I guess this is the thread that brought me back. Let me ponder it and I’ll get back.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
^ I’ve seen your name mentioned before. Seems like you were a very well-regarded poster
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
Hey motorhead, thanks for de-cloaking. Hope you're doing great.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Hey Motorhead we need your sense of humor here it's been a while hope you're back to stay with us
avatar for theeastcoast757
4 years ago
The discussions give me something to do in between going out.
avatar for whodey
4 years ago
1) the pics longball and grand post
2) info on clubs for when I am traveling
3) Kill time in the discussion boards when I'm bored
4) To help me realize that even though I am a PL at least I'm not as pathetic as some of the creeps on here, at least not yet.
avatar for VanessaM
4 years ago
The site is better than the dancer site. Y’all are very entertaining.

I like to read the reviews and imagine getting the courage to go to these different states and dance

I’ve had the privilege of meeting some of you and look forward to meeting more of you.

I like giving inside information on some of the extra/high mileage clubs

It’s great here 🤗
avatar for Huntsman
4 years ago
Whodey mentioned the pics Longball and Grand post. That’s another plus.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
@BHarlem, drop me a message when you're headed to Providence.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
@Bharlem ... When you get to Providence, drop me a message before Tetradon.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@nicespice ... When you get to Portland, drop me a message before gSteph (and everyone else).

avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
@BHarlem when you get to South Florida PM me first LOL
@nicespice you too LOL
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago

Great to hear from you - you disappeared all of a sudden and we feared the worst - glad to see you're still around 👍
avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
Motorhead had to go in hiding after San Jose Guy threatened to I kick him off pre-pandemic. He now has learned how impotent that goat fucker is, so is no longer afraid.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
Before joining TUSCL I had seen it come up a handful of times on some web-searches but I didn’t pay much attention to it since one had to pay to read the reviews (at the time I hadn’t bothered to look into it enough to know one could get free VIP via writing a review).

At that time I had little to no interest in reading a website about strip-clubs b/c I assumed it was all scumbag degenerates – I was kinda “forced” to join b/c I was planning a trip to Houston and I didn’t know anything about the H-town SC scene – so I looked at the website (early-2012) and saw a ton of clubs for Houston and had no idea where to begin – thus I was kinda “forced” to go on the discussion-board to ask for help w.r.t. H-town clubs and subsequently browsed thru the discussion threads and found them interesting since around that time I was starting to increase my interest in SCs (I was a semi-regular visitor prior to TUSCL and not as hardcore an SCer) – based on my increased interest in SCs at the time, I took a liking to the discussion-board given how much info it had particularly for a non-hardcore-SCer.

What keeps me coming-back? I guess it’s some kinda “guilty pleasure” for lack of a better word – kinda like people that hang-out at a favorite happy-hour spot on a regular-basis; or people that visit websites based on a hobby they have. I don’t really have other hobbies and never been a big social-person in terms of liking to be around big-crowds; etc – so TUSCL is a way to keep entertained throughout the day.

avatar for TFP
4 years ago
I've gone back and read some old posts and Motorhead was one witty dude. I hope he hasn't lost his sense of humor.

I never saw what it was that drove SJG to threaten Motorhead's life, but I agree with Meat above. SJG is a joke. I'm glad he's found something else to do with his time as to not spend 5 hours bumping 20 of his own threads about shit no one gives a fuck about. Whatever new hobbies he's found he should give his buddy Icee a call and include him on some of that shit.
avatar for whodey
4 years ago
"At that time I had little to no interest in reading a website about strip-clubs b/c I assumed it was all scumbag degenerates"

How long did it take before you realized that you were 95% right but decided to come back anyway?
avatar for ATACdawg
4 years ago
1. I like reading, studying and using reviews of clubs where I can see beautiful female bodies.

2. I like re...............using reviews of clubs where I can have a beautiful, naked woman in my arms.

3. I like the witty repartee on this site.

4. I like being able to peruse one of Papi's reviews for three or four days.

5. The wisdom of the ricks!
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
I joined the site way back in 2002 when I just started traveling for work and to play around in different forms.

I was in Tampa and had some free time and had no idea about strip clubs. Before I got VIP to get access to more details, I found a dive club in Tampa called Ponytails. I got my introduction to a real strip club here that included stripper phone numbers and a free blowjob.

I didn't participate other than to see reviews for a few months. At the time I was seeing escorts and participated in the TER boards. I grew up as a sex worker friend knowing that YMMV is a real thing and reviews just give you an idea about what could happen not what will happen.

I came back after about a 15 year hiatus during the pandemic to get intel about club status. I stayed because of the funny characters here. I don't write about all my adventures but try to share some to share current club status since it's moving a lot these days.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
“… How long did it take before you realized that you were 95% right but decided to come back anyway? …”

LOL – TUSCL has been very educational as an SCer – I grew up in Miami but didn’t become a somewhat regular SCer till I moved to Dallas in 2000 – Dallas is not too-big on extras and private-rooms are either the exception or very expensive (w/ some exceptions) – many clubs the dances are on the floor or sometimes a shared-dance-area – i.e. I don’t recall every being propositioned for extras in my ~10-years in Big-D – thus pre-TUSCL I had it in mind that VIP extras were mostly a myth and just a hustle by dancers to take one’s $$$ - TUSCL def opened my PL-eyes to the possibilities in certain clubs/cities – if it wasn’t for fellow TUSCLers I likely would have never known of the possibilities of places like TJ and the German-FKKs, nor great clubs around the country like Follies, former Inner Room, etc, that I had a chance to really enjoy at the peak of my SCing; etc.

Just like I learned a lot about the SC-game on TUSCL, I also feel I’ve learned a lot about non-SC stuff from many of the TUSCLers that have had different life-experiences from mine and have different knowledge from what I possess – I can say I was pleasantly surprised w.r.t. the diversity of TUSCLers; the diversity of thought; and the diversity of knowledge, on TUSCL.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
4 years ago
Club intel was why I came here initially...and to know why others club. Still that's true but now Its also a game of what trollbot is blowing up the discussion board.
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
I've been posting on here for over 20 years. During that time I have personally met over 60 other members. I get a little fed up with some of the discussions but I stick with it to keep up with the clubs that interest me and to keep tabs on a dozen or so members that I have gotten to know well.
avatar for Araxie
4 years ago
I learned of this site from Reddit. The reviews are extremely helpful and interesting to read.
avatar for blahblahblah23
4 years ago
So I can shitpost no consequences. Occasionally read reviews for intel or pure entertainment
avatar for datinman
4 years ago
Originally, it was to get intel about out of state clubs as I traveled.

Now, I read the discussion board because I can't get enough talk about Western Esotericism, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, Masonry, & Templars. I mean, who wants to talk about dancers on a strip club web site.
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
I came here looking for intel on various clubs and started posting reviews and for a long time that's all I did. Over a period of time I started to read a few discussions and at a later time I started to post.
Because of time constraints my reading and posting are still sporadic but when I have a few minutes I like to check in a few times a week. One thing I like is that you can speak your mind here although that's often a double edged sword.
Just as there are people I like here there are also a few that I would bitch slap and kick in the ass if we were face to face.
avatar for Longball300
4 years ago
Updated intel on clubs I've been to -OR- when heading to a club I've never been to.

The Discussions can be pretty entertaining and contain useful info.

An outlet for my creativity..... thanks for the photo props.
avatar for Longball300
4 years ago
Yeah, I went a little overboard on butt photos today...
avatar for pistola
4 years ago
Talk board and reviews = good shitter reading.
avatar for blahblahblah23
4 years ago
Western Esotericism, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, Masonry, & Templars.

^what the flying fuck does that shit even mean? LoL
avatar for loper
4 years ago
check with SJG, blahblah
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
I started coming here many moons ago for the travel club intel, way back when this site was loaded with ads that made it clunky as hell, especially because Internet speeds were not that good. I then visited sporadically for years after, but less so because my traveling decreased and my clubbing was limited to places I knew well. I know that I had another screen name back in the day but I couldn't remember it.

Then around 2008-2009 my new business started expanding and with it my travel requirements, so I bit the bullet and started contributing to the site so that I could get the road intel. Then I never left, lol, even after I built up years of VIP reserves. I enjoy swapping club adventure stories and I certainly can't do that with anyone in my real life, so I do it here with you other degenerates, along of course with the industry employees pretending to be degenerates and the occasional dancer or two. 😉
avatar for Spirit_of_Alucard
4 years ago
I am here from BEYOND THE GRAVE to expose the Profane, the LIARS, the mocking, the Vicious, the Crazy, the TOTALLY & COMPLETELY illiterate, the Bizarre, the Racists, the INSANELY self-important, the PRIVACY VIOLATORS and the HIGHLY delusional!
avatar for Spirit_of_Alucard
4 years ago
Essentially I am here to expose EVERYBODY. I am the SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE come from the great beyond to HOLD A MIRROR in the faces of all who mistreat the weak and make them see themselves!

And to hear some stories about TITTIES! ( . Y . )
avatar for doctorevil
4 years ago
Papi: "At that time I had little to no interest in reading a website about strip-clubs b/c I assumed it was all scumbag degenerates."

And yet after confirming it was all scumbag degenerates you decided to stay.
avatar for magicrat
4 years ago
^I resemble that remark
avatar for FishHawk
4 years ago
I found TUSCL by googling for SC reviews. I became a member and then a VIP member. I have stayed active because I have met a few members here that I admire and appreciate their sage advice. I am not at present visiting clubs, but I hope to again before too long. I still check in everyday to see what’s happening and to keep those contacts which I cherish.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
I enjoy keeping up with the offerings of my favorite clubs. I also find this site a nice distraction from the stress of work. There are some decent folks who post here - and I enjoy the discussions.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
How much does "assface fuckstick dickmouth" cost? Is that considered an extra?
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
Assface fuckstick dickmouth trolls cost a dime a dozen, which is more than they're worth.
They're considered extra annoying.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
Maybe if they're a troll. But if a hot dancer walked up and put that into a sentence she'd be going to VIP immediately.
avatar for CJKent_band
4 years ago
I am here just for the fun of it.

avatar for lurkingdog
4 years ago
It's the virtual human connection that is made by those of us all here with similar interests. Some connections are good (and a few are great) and others not so good. And when you due diligence with your research, you can really discover good and helpful information that makes this hobby more fun and enjoyable. That's been my experience.
avatar for Cowboy12
4 years ago
I started here for the local club reviews, and mostly ignored the discussion forum.
Now, it's the opposite. I've been to most of the local clubs, so I have my own experiences and opinions of them.
The discussions are sometimes relevant to current events, sometimes funny, and sometimes its just interesting to know what's going on in different parts of the country.
avatar for rickthelion
4 years ago
We ricks are here to give back to the community. You damn dirty apes wouldn’t know your ass from a hole in the ground without our insights. ROAR!!!
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