i havent been clubbing much since COVID but interested to know if anyone took a road trip to relieve the stress. The longest drive Ive had was probably an hour to a club in jersey but I had contemplated taking a road trip (3-4) hours to Massachusetts because a porn star I have followed for 10 years routinely dances there
I took a PL-roadtrip in 2019 from Miami to Midway GA (the Hinesville area) - part of it was boredom and just wanting to get away from the same-old same-old, and seeing some clubs that had been on my curiosity-list for a while - I did pitstops and overnights at Coca Beach and Jacksonville both on the way to, and from, GA - it was about 900-miles roundtrip over 3 days or so - the SCing was so-so but it was nice to get away for a couple of days.
Furthest I've driven strictly for clubbing was Atlanta - which is a 5 hour drive from where I am. And I've fixing to drive up again this Sunday. I can only deal with being stuck in my hometown for so long.
Oh yeah - now that I remember - I also did a Miami to ATL drive for the first and only time in Fall of 2019 that was about a 1300-mile trip over 3 days roundtrip or so.
@Goldmonger.........and the West Virginia clubs suck too. So much that I don't even bother to stop anymore. They do have quite a few clubs clustered in the Eastern panhandle, (Martinsburg)with some good looking dancers,but I never had the good times in WV as in Texas, Florida, NJ, or Detroit. Also I never remember seeing so many civvy ladies in a SC. Some nights the civvy girls seemed to out number the guys.
I never make it strictly for clubbing. There's always other stuff that goes along with it. The last road trip I did, probably I would guess around 5K miles on the car.
Since I'm planning slightly longer trips now, I can actually squeeze in time to do other touristy shit when I'm not out clubbing with someone. Usually, if they're short (like 2 or 3 days tops), I feel like I have to do as much as I can with what little time I have to do them. Feels great when I stay around longer and don't have to rush anything.
Driven from buffalo to Detroit crossing into and out of Canada each time. Did that a few times actually when buffalo, Niagara and Toronto we’re getting a bit stale. That’s about 4 hours.also driven up and down the East cost but those trips the SC are usually just side trips rather than the main event.
Not counting my many, many trips from LA to TJ, which is 160 miles and takes about 3 hours:
Longest distance for me was on a business trip in 2010, from Orlando to Ybor City. Took about 90 minutes. Worth it.
Longest time was from the San Fernando Valley north of LA to King Henry VIII in Hawthorne. 31 miles took me 2.5 hours. Traffic in LA sucks. Also worth it.
I regularly drive over 2 hours to club in Louisville, Lexington, Indianapolis and Columbus. A few times I've made the 4.5+ hour trip to Detroit. I really wish there were decent clubs near home.
I've driven 450 miles for a weekend of fun. This wasn't the original question but have flown from California to Florida to do the same thing many times. It's a kill two birds with one stone thing. I get a ton of miles to keep status on an airline and I get a weekend of fun.
All but one SC in Maryland is within 45 minutes of my home.
Never done a road trip just for or primarily for a SC. If I’m on a road trip, I only allot a maximum of 20 minutes extra driving time for a SC detour. With the aid of TUSCL, I usually find a SC to take a break.
The furthest I've driven was Fort Myers, FL to Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, about 2.5 hours and a straight shot on the interstate. The strip club scene in Fort Myers sucks and Miami is awesome, so it's almost worth it. Tampa also has a very strong SC game, and is about a 2 hour drive, but Miami is worth the extra half hour.
Vegas to TJ should be 4.5 hours, unless you mean round trip. I’ve done that at least 30 times. Then there was the 10 Vegas to Phoenix trips, also 4.5 hours each way. Then a couple round trips Vegas to El Paso with stops in Phoenix and Tucson, and another time drove Phoenix to Yuma/Mexico to check out that scene. Also a dozen or so times I’ve been in Orlando and drove to Tampa or cocoa beach because the local clubs suck so much. I’m sure I missed a 100 or so other trips (anything under 2 hours just seems insignificant).
About an hour. The drive there is fine, but the ride home after one or two cocktails and a possible release can be tough.
Too bad these clubs don’t have sleep pods. You just LDKed or boned a stripper in our VIP? No problem, for only $20 we’ll let you take a 20 power nap in a sleep pod. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@dirtyburt - that WV detour was like 15-20 years ago. Hit Charleston. There was some long gone club maybe 20 minutes NE of the city. It was some old cinder block building with a raised stage and seating all around. There was a snowstorm and very few folks there. I remember sitting in the darkest corner with a solid 5 sitting on my lap with my dick buried deep. A guy 15 feet away was getting the same service.
Sleep Pod..... great idea. Yes, we should specify if this is an overnite or specifically a road trip just to visit a club and return?. For me the farthest was 1.5 hours from a training session in Ohio to The Landing Strip in Romulus and back in the same night. Class did not go so well the next day....
If I look at my last trip I drove 260 miles from somewhere in Nebraska to strip club in Omaha and back in the same night. If I accept that strip clubbing was the reason I was in Nebraska and not to play wild horse then it was 563 miles from DIA to Omaha a week ago today and I did play wildhorse on the way home. I won't wear a mask strip clubbing so Colorado was out.
Herb - I didn't even know Iowa had clubs. I went here because in May when I flew to Colorado to buy weed and drive it home I went there when it was the only club open in the country. I wanted to see what it was like now. I also had a tee time 260 miles west of the club which is on the west side of Omaha so time was tight. Next summer my Wife and I plan on flying to the west coast and golfing for the entire 3,000 mile drive. Will hit a bunch of clubs with and without her on that trip so I will keep it in mind.
The trips I posted previously were multiday SC roadtrips - for a single day trip (coming back to the crib the same day), my longest single-day PL-trip has been Miami/Cocoa-Beach which is 3 hours each way - in past years when I'd hit Cocoa Beach (Inner Room), I'd usually take off on a Fr after lunch, enjoy Inner Room dayshift from about 4 to 7 pm, go get some dinner and hang out for a while, then come back 9 or 10 pm and do the nightshift (in years past I'd often stay till closing time (2am) and drive back home to Miami - later on as IR started being less-good I'd stay till about midnight, and take off backhome to Miami) - the drive back was pretty-easy and a straight-shot - I'd take I95 all the way down from Cocoa Beach to Miami; at that time of night in central-eastern FL there was little traffic, I'd put on the cruise-control and I'd rarely have to touch the breaks for the first 130 miles or so of the 200-mile trip till I got to the outskirts of South FL around West Palm Beach.
I will drive 40 minutes max. I have too many responsibilities to travel long distances just for strip clubs. I took a few trips before I was married to visit some concentrated club areas, but that was a very long time ago.
Nowadays when I club in a new area, it's inevitably on a work-related trip. Sadly a lot of my current work trips bring me to areas that are not great for clubbing, like NYC and L.A.. There was a time when I had opportunities to spend a lot of time in places like Greenville SC and Pasco County FL, but things have shifted over time to bigger locales. I'm not traveling much now due to covid, but this will eventually pass.
6 hours. That's one-way, so 12 hours round trip. Got really bored one weekend a few years back and drove down the east cost hitting a few clubs in various states that I read about.
Vegas to TJ is about 350 miles. To say it can be done in 4 and a half hours would require you to drive an average speed of 77 miles an hour. I've done the trip multiple times and the fastest was 6 and a half hours (1AM to 7:30AM) stopping only in Barstow for gas and Primm for food.
I think 6.. Well whatever it is from Jacksonville, Florida to Tampa. My fraternity brothers and I rented a party bus. Going there, I-4 was a nightmare! Coming home at 3am was fast! Would I do it again? No. J-Ville has the better clubs!
My longest club trip was about 1:30 or 75 miles - from northern NJ to southern CT. Back when I was single - I had a roommate who was a huge porn fan (go figure!) We drove to a club in CT to see Barbara Dare feature dance.
It wasn’t the smartest choice. Two young drunk guys driving on the cross Bronx expressway to CT - then downing more booze before driving back to NJ.
On the positive side - the star we went to see was a definite 80’s beauty.
Before I moved to the Phoenix area, I used to drive here from LA every year for Spring Training. One year, while I was vacationing here, I hopped on a plane to Vegas, had a cab take me directly to Olympic Gardens, where I spent about 8 hours, then took a cab back to the airport and flew back to Phoenix.
LDK - I don’t think that going somewhere for some other purpose counts. I have traveled numerous times for work, then visited a club in the evening. But the point of origin is the hotel in whatever city, not home.
The longest trip for a club I regularly visited was about 75 miles away, and time depending on traffic was anywhere from 84 to 97 minutes.
Longest ever was taking a side trip to Detroit from a wedding in which was about 110 miles and a two hour drive.
I booked a hotel room at about the half way point so I wouldn't have as long of a drive at night from the strip club. Hotel room was also about 1/2 the price of the hotels at the wedding venue.
from my northwestern Arizona casa to my favorite tj club is about 7.5 hours. now... if I’m at the cabin in Southern California 2.25 hours (if there’s no traffic) to tj. The city of industry east of LA is about an 1.25 hour drive from the cabin. (all assuming no traffic problems).
last commentOnce was on an 1100 mile drive and changed about 400 miles of my route to his WV clubs. probably added 3 hours and 150 miles to the total trip.
Also I never remember seeing so many civvy ladies in a SC. Some nights the civvy girls seemed to out number the guys.
I did make one road trip to Ohio to visit a close friend there and hit strips along the way.
When Covid is not longer a problem and if Follies does not come back, I may do a road to Florida.
Longest distance for me was on a business trip in 2010, from Orlando to Ybor City. Took about 90 minutes. Worth it.
Longest time was from the San Fernando Valley north of LA to King Henry VIII in Hawthorne. 31 miles took me 2.5 hours. Traffic in LA sucks. Also worth it.
Never done a road trip just for or primarily for a SC. If I’m on a road trip, I only allot a maximum of 20 minutes extra driving time for a SC detour. With the aid of TUSCL, I usually find a SC to take a break.
I’m sure I missed a 100 or so other trips (anything under 2 hours just seems insignificant).
Too bad these clubs don’t have sleep pods. You just LDKed or boned a stripper in our VIP? No problem, for only $20 we’ll let you take a 20 power nap in a sleep pod. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
What’s in Jersey that’s worth flying too?
The bulk of my clubbing goes along with my work. 1600 miles months pre Covid.
Given the types of clubs I've visited in Omaha, I wonder why you didn't go the extra few miles across the river to the Iowa Playhouse?
Next summer my Wife and I plan on flying to the west coast and golfing for the entire 3,000 mile drive. Will hit a bunch of clubs with and without her on that trip so I will keep it in mind.
Nowadays when I club in a new area, it's inevitably on a work-related trip. Sadly a lot of my current work trips bring me to areas that are not great for clubbing, like NYC and L.A.. There was a time when I had opportunities to spend a lot of time in places like Greenville SC and Pasco County FL, but things have shifted over time to bigger locales. I'm not traveling much now due to covid, but this will eventually pass.
Vegas to TJ is about 350 miles. To say it can be done in 4 and a half hours would require you to drive an average speed of 77 miles an hour. I've done the trip multiple times and the fastest was 6 and a half hours (1AM to 7:30AM) stopping only in Barstow for gas and Primm for food.
Well whatever it is from Jacksonville, Florida to Tampa. My fraternity brothers and I rented a party bus. Going there, I-4 was a nightmare!
Coming home at 3am was fast!
Would I do it again? No.
J-Ville has the better clubs!
It wasn’t the smartest choice. Two young drunk guys driving on the cross Bronx expressway to CT - then downing more booze before driving back to NJ.
On the positive side - the star we went to see was a definite 80’s beauty.
I did hit a total of four clubs on that trip....
Longest ever was taking a side trip to Detroit from a wedding in which was about 110 miles and a two hour drive.
I booked a hotel room at about the half way point so I wouldn't have as long of a drive at night from the strip club. Hotel room was also about 1/2 the price of the hotels at the wedding venue.
now... if I’m at the cabin in Southern California 2.25 hours (if there’s no traffic) to tj.
The city of industry east of LA is about an 1.25 hour drive from the cabin. (all assuming no traffic problems).