avatar for Ldkmike659


joined Aug 2020last seen Oct 2020

Comments made by Ldkmike659

discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for MrPW
Looking for extras/providers, getting stuck
There’sa thing called a cop check from the old days, where when a John touches a stripper’s genitals. Supposedly this invites charges upon the John and therefore indicates that he can’t possibly be a cop to the steeper, who will then disclose what’s on the menu. In recent years there have been sting operations where undercover Leo will full on fuck ITC before busting in with charges, but this kind of thing is preceded by the club in question being formally investigated by the local pd or sheriff (as in a google search showing no recent Leo activity for your haunting ground is a safe enough place to try and find providers for extras).
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for pistola
Keepin' it 💯
Lap Dance Pants
Don’t buy those pants they suck. Fabric is too coarse to give a good sensation. Softer thinner fabric pants with zippered pockets are ideal.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for NAAAASTY
Dancer's behavior around staff and non-paying customers
If the waitress is flirty and handsy , then I trust her recommendations for a good entertainer when I’m on a time crunch. Otherwise I’ll go out of my way to avoid dramatic entertainers. Those types of persons can’t be trusted to deliver quality service.
review comment
4 years ago
avatar for Joedum5060
Post COVID Strip Club Venture
Hey brother, this experience of dancers hustling holds true for me as well during recent outings. Try your luck on Wednesdays for better dancer density (and thus lesser low quality hustlers). If you go back I highly recommend asking if Estrella (only speaks Spanish), Victoria, or Lyric are available.