
Comments by AtAboy (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    How often?
    Ah crap, auto current turned tuscl into Tucson.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    How often?
    Heaving, I think we all here at Tucson agree it’s not appropriate for kids. I have a very dry sense of humor, that perhaps is better in person and not over the internet. I was just joking. :D
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    How often?
    Talking * with the girls...oh how I long for an edit option
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    How often?
    Heaving, I’m glad we agree on not taking the kids. Depending on age, they may not be able to see over the tip rail, and I imagine they would take away from their experience. My SO and I go together. I’ve never been alone so I can’t say much to whether I’d go without my SO. If I was asked tomorrow to never go again, that would likely be an issue, as it’s something I really enjoy. But when all is said and done, I’d not go again if asked to never go again. I doubt that will happen as it’s something we both enjoy, for the atmosphere, taking with the girls and the sex portion of the interactions as well. But I know people have different marriages, different relationships, and different circumstances so I don’t judge other people’s choices based on my relationship.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    How often?
    Sorry I trailed off before finishing the point of SC being new to me. Meaning I think after some time I’d be ok going less, but right now 1-2 a week sounds good, and since I’m feeling deprived as of late, maybe more for a little while. Basically the less I can have it the more I want it
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    How often?
    Heaving, I’m asking this honestly, not to be a jackass, but if you had a family you wouldn’t go unless you all go together? Like you’d go with your wife and kids? This is not a day trip I’ve done with the fam but now you have me wondering... Aside from the handful of times I went in my early 20s, I’ve only been back to SCing for about 2 years maybe, so it’s still very fresh to me. I hadn’t factored in being able to travel. (Money and time no object) I’ve definitely visit the bunny ranch in Nevada, and a trip to Amsterdam I suppose.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    Geographically close encounters
    Once ran into a friend of a coworker of SO. Neither really wanted the “friend” to know. So we chatted and it seemed unspoken that what happens in the strip club stays in the SC. Also many many years ago visited a club and discovered a former coworker I was friendly with dancing. It surprisingly wasn’t awkward when we caught up while she was on stage naked spread eagle in my face. I do a scan of the room too. In the SC. In a regular bar. I like to evaluate the people in my surroundings. I’m paranoid like that.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Stripper Karaoke Night
    Agree, would probably be a shit show. And yet I’m bored enough with life to go at least once.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    Delilahs Den new talent finally
    Benny I wonder if that’s the same Valentina from centerfolds?
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I Liked It!
    Yeah something off with this review. benny is right, this info is way old. No free admission, and cover is $20
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Having BJ’s in VIP in Arizona
    PL’s with SO’s how do you keep it on the DL...
    Second what gStepg said. My SO knows about SCing. However not about tuscl. I use the private browser mode on Safari. So I don’t check or post on here when my SO is around.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    Who are you?
    I’m not who people think I am I read this site when I think, “fuck I’m in the mood to go to the club and watch hot naked women, but I can’t right now, so guess I’ll go read posts by dudes that would also rather be at the club watching hot naked women”
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Stripper Karaoke Night
    I know of a club that does that near here but I think the karaoke is for the patrons. I’ve never been, but would check it out for shits and giggles
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I’ve had her on ignore, but now I feel like I’ve missed whatever prompted this post. I also see nothing has changed with her troll persona
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Signs of Addiction
    Excuse any typos I’m going to post and run, thanks
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Signs of Addiction
    Do you have a history of addiction? Not every addict want drugs or alcohol. I have to be careful because I absolutely have an addiction prone brain, only I’ve been lucky that most of my “addictions” fly under the radar as healthy. Work and exercise are two of the ones no one seems to worry about. But I’ve had times where my “addiction” has transferred to food, alcohol (which is another reason I’ve wanted to cut back) sex (that’s a fun one) cigarettes when I was younger, spending money on stuff (fancy way to say shopping but sounds less gay)...I think that’s it. Last year I saw the potential for SC addiction, was going too much spending money I didn’t have. Took a 6 month break to get my head together. The root is the addicted brain has lowered levels of dopamine (which very much generalizing it, is caused from chronic stress) and these additions give us a “hit” of dopamine. It doesn’t have to be cocaine you’re doing to get these feel good chemicals. There’s also a school of thought which I believe is that addictions are at their core, the brains way of substituting for social connections. Humans were designed/ evolved (not having this argument now, pick what makes you happy) to be very social animals and to live in social groups. Our society today is not set up to support this core need. There is so much research to show the detrimental effects of isolation and even decreased social networks among people, and animals. Anyway long story short, if you want to stop your addiction, you might want to consider taking a break and spending more time with friends or family. Being around people and connecting with them. Or if you don’t, just keep going to SC. I mean pussy is awesome. And probably won’t kill you like some addiction would. It’s up to you.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Sex on the Beach: Don’t Bother!
    More than once, I lived blocks from the beach as a teen. The go to spot for us horny teens was under the boardwalk. There are ways to keep the sand to a minimum. However, have had some encounters that had to stop because the sand became too much. Wouldn’t do it as an adult when I can now rent a hotel or own a home to use the bedroom. But it was definitely a great place to sneak off during adolescent years.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    ⚽️ Alright you can bang Alex Morgan or Megan Rapinoe
    I’ll be the odd one out. Raise it to half off for the next 12 months and I’ll take Megan. It’s an investment into being able to afford to enjoy twice as many hot women for the next year at the price of one I don’t find attractive. At least she’s in decent shape. It’s not like muddy asked me to bang Rosie O’Donell
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    This is a question for the ladies here on site and for folks of color
    To answer the initial question, despite not being PC, (my sense of humor can be offensive). I am not ok with using derogatory slangs for people regarding race, religion, or sexual preference. It’s very doable to tell offensive jokes without using offensive worlds. That’s the grey area I like to live in I am not offended by slangs (cracker) or stereo types (drunk Irish) but I also have not experienced true hate, bigotry or oppression because of my race. So I can understand why someone with a different experience attached to hateful words could feel very offended by them.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What’s your biggest weakness as a PL/Dancer?
    Girls that really have me believing they just love dancing/ doing extras WITH ME. They really sell that *I’m different* than the other PL that come in there. I know it’s not true but god when get that vibe from a dancer, she’s got me in the palm of her hand.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    This is a question for the ladies here on site and for folks of color
    I don’t know if you’re referring to the de-nigrate post. I also commented utilizing that word. I’m white for those they don’t know. It wasn’t meant to offend anyone. It was simply meant to concur with reverend. AA women are in my opinion very attractive for a multitude of reasons. I didn’t think the play in the word was distasteful. I’m generally not a very PC person though.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Drinking or sober when you club?
    Thank all. I definitely don’t drive even buzzed. Uber is great. I think I’m suppose to get mad at being told I have no game if I can’t talk to the girls, but the truth is, I don’t. I mean I can still chat with them, but a few drinks really helps me be much more personable and likable. I have been a little too drunk once or twice, during LD, not fun. Couldn’t really enjoy the sensation as Warrior said. But habitually when I go, I have to hang for a while and get a good buzz before I’m ready to approach the stage, get LD, VIP. It is true, I’ve got no game. And a couple of drinks makes it easier for me to forget that and buy into the fantasy that sexy women think I’m fun and good looking. However, for a couple reasons not all listed, I’d like to cut back to a beer or two, barely a buzz for me. I was curious what everyone else does, henceforth this thread.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Bitching about PC culture thread number XXXX
    I think the point of the metoo movement is to stop actual sexual assault or abuse of power against women. It seems from what I’ve observed that women who have actually been victims don’t feel the need to police every thing. They want to make changes that actually prevent the real life victimization of women. It seems young social justice warriors who want to be “part of the movement” and feel part of the metoo crowd but haven’t been victimized look for things to feel offended by so they can feel like they have suffered at the hands of gender inequality *just like* the women that were actually assaulted in exchange for Hollywood rolls. Again this is just my observation. Removing the joke is overkill in my opinion. However this train has left the station and this is the direction our society is going whether we like it or not. As long as they don’t come for our strip clubs, I’ll be fine
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    My take on icey
    Agree. It’s been nice utilizing my ignore button
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    “Denigrating” Women
    Well said Reverend, I also like my women nigrated.